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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 27, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about amendments to the senate bylaws. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000422. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #2 0 SESSION 14 MARCH 27, 19 84 BEH 542 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #19 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee B. Appropriations Board C. Ad Hoc Committee D. Elections Board E. Entertainment & Programming Board F. Other VI. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) 2. Health Sciences (1) B. Donation of $1500.00 to Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics for the Purchase of Word Processing Equipment, to come from either 900 or 906 - Eglet VII* New Business A. Discussion/Action on Organizations Board Transfer - Eckert B. Approval of Increase in Yellin' Rebel Out of State Travel Budget Authority (for Trip to NCAA Final Four in Seattle, Washington) VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment (Must adjourn by 5:00 p.m.) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 SESSION 14 MARCH 27, 1984 BEH 542 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in BEH 542. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Members Absent Bill Haldeman David Ezra - unexcused Tom Hawley James Ohriner - excused Gary Samuelson Patrick Adams - unexcused Karen Cohen Robert Ashley - unexcused Robert Eglet Rian Flourens - late John Fazi Karen Eckert - late Vicky Huse Cara Iddings - late Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Senate President Clay suggested that the meeting be recessed for five minutes until quorum is achieved. Senator Eglet moved to move into discussion regarding the approval of funds for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi event which was not approved at last week's senate meeting. Senate President Clay moved into section III, Approval of Minutes #19 for discussion of this matter. III. Approval of Minutes #19 Senator Eglet yielded the floor to Rick Messura, Hotel Association President, who respectfully requested that the senate reconsider the approval of the funds for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event. Discussion took place. Senators Eckert and Iddings arrived at 4:08 p.m. More discussion took place. Senator Friedman left the meeting at 4:16 p.m. with the permission of the chair. Senator Friedman returned. Senator Flourens arrived at the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Quorum was achieved. Senator Eglet moved to move into the regular order of business. Rick Messura continued discussion. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 III. Approval of Minutes #19 Senator Eglet moved to amend minutes #19 to include the approval of $450 in funding for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Senator Haldeman moved to amend the motion to approve $415.80 instead of $450.00. Senator Eglet seconded the amendment which was accepted as a friendly amendment. The motion to approve an amendment to minutes #19 to include the approval of $415.80 in funding for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event passed with all in favor. President Lee corrected the minutes to list James Ohriner as abstaining from the vote on the motion to appoint the Senate President Pro Tempore on page 4. Senator Eckert corrected the minutes on page 2 under Appropriations Board report to list Hal Friedman as excused absent. There being no objections the minutes from senate meeting #19 stood approved as corrected and amended. IV. Executive Board Announcements President Lee announced that copies of the revised CSUN Constitution will be placed in the senators' boxes. The basic structure of the' Constitution has remained the same. Senate President Clay read a memo from Elections Board Chairman, Bill DiBene-detto, stating that the reason he was unable to attend today's senate meeting was because the Elections Department is having its test run for the ballot counting machine. DiBenedetto also pointed out that the past CSUN Elections Board Chairman received $200.00 and this election will be generating revenue MSU will cash transfer 25% of the total cost, up to $1300. Senate President Clay also announced that the Health Fair went very well. This was the highest student participation in a health fair. Senator Eglet moved to suspend with the rules and move into Old Business and then into New Business. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senate President Clay moved into section VI, Old Business. There were no objections. VI. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement(2) 2. Health Sciences(1) There were no nominations. B. Donation of $1500.00 to Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics for the Purchase of Word Processing Equip-ment, to come from either 900 or 905 - Eglet President Lee moved to approve the donation of $1500.00 to the Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics for the purchase of word processing equipment to come from either 900 or 906. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 Senator Eglet spoke in favor. President Lee spoke in favor. Senator Friedman spoke in favor. There was discussion as to what type of equipment would be purchased. Senator Eglet stated that he would find out what particular equipment xtfould be purchased with the donation and whether all students would be allowed to use the equipment in question. The motion to approve the donation of $1500.00 to the Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Edonomics for the purchase of word processing equipment to come from either 900 or 906 passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining(Eckert, Iddings). VII. New Business A. Discussion/Action on Organizations Board Transfer - Eckert Senator Eckert moved to transfer $3000 from 906. The chair ruled this motion out of order since it had not appeared on the agenda. . Senator Eckert moved to discuss an amount to transfer into the Organizations Board account. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Eckert recommended that the senate transfer $3000 from 906-3000 to 902-3000, decrease 906-9002 by $3000 and increase 902-9002 by $3000. The motion to discuss this transfer passed with 11 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstaining. There was further discussion. Senator Eckert requested that three items appear on the next senate agenda. One item for approval of a transfer of $3000, one item for approval of a transfer of $4000 and one item for approval of a transfer of $5000 into the Organizations Board account.. B. Approval of Increase in Yellin' Rebel Out of State Travel Budget Authority(for trip to NCAA Final Four in Seattle, Washington) There was no action taken on this item. C. Approval of Elections Workers Contract President Lee moved to approve the Elections Workers Contract (attached) and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. D. Change Entertainment and Programming Contract of Friday March 30 from "Audio Glamour" to "Spy Sex" - same price of $100.00 Senator Eglet moved to change the Entertainment and Programming Contract of Friday March 30 from "Audio Glamour" to "Spy Sex" for the same price of $100.00. Senator Friedman seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. E. Van for March 28, 29 and 30 for Mardi Gras Senator Eglet moved to approve a van for March 28, 29 and 30 for Mardi Gras. President Lee seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Cohen requested that the chair move back into Board, Committee and Director Reports. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 V. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee There x^as no report. B. Appropriations Board Senator Eckert reported that there will be a meeting tomorrow at 1:30 in MSU 122. C. Ad Hoc Committee Senator Cohen distributed a memo from the Affirmative Action stating that the incident regarding Mr. Lee and Ms. Shannon is settled and closed. (A copy of the memo is attached.) Senator Eglet moved to approve the report of the ad hoc committee. President Lee seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. D. Elections Board There was no report. E. Entertainment and Programming Board Senator Eckert reported that the meeting was cancelled. F. Other There were no other reports. VIII. Open Discussion Senator Doubrava suggested that the senators write a letter in response to Gorman's article in the newspaper in order,to support academics at this University. President Lee suggested that the letter be discussed at the Executive Board Meeting to be held tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. Senate President Clay, "The only thing I'd like to say is I've never been so embarrassed in my entire CSUN career. Not once has anybody ever pressured any other organization _ the way they pressured (?) . The women in Health Sciences when they were doing the lecture, no one asked what the percentage of the Hotel students, of the women in Health Sciences, what the percentage of non (?) in their college showed up, they never were asked to look at receipts or (?)• The debate team has never been asked for receipts, the (?) team (?)To a point it was handled very unfairly and I am glad to see that the actions of the senate was reversed, but I think some of the questions were out of line (?) were put on the spot and if you want information like that, request it and I'll try to get the information for you. Putting a student on the spot _(?) . Senator Fazi stated that other organizations have been questioned cin much the same way as the Hotel Association had been. Senator Eckert stated that the figures presented at the last senate meeting by the Hotel Association representative did not make sense. Senator Haldeman stated that he had been the one who made the motion to table the funding request by the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi but received no second. He would rather see a motion for approval of funding of which the senate is not sure not acted upon. After further investigation the senate can go back and approve the item rather than having to rescind a previous action. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 Senator Hawley stated that the figure presented to the senators last week regarding the funding request for Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi did not make sense, therefore the funding was not approved. This week an itemized breakdown on the event was submitted, the figures made sense and the funding was approved. President Lee added that the figures presented to the senate last week regarding the funding request for the HA/AKPsi event were not consistent. The matter was cleared up this week and the funding was approved. IX. Adj ournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully prepared by, uaxiieL j_ue uiay CSUN Senate President Ijyim DttSL CSUN Secretary MEMORANDUM CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS TO: ALL SENATORS FROM: CATHERINE CLAY, PRESIDENT, CSUN SENATE DATE: MARCH 2 3, 1984 RE: EMERGENCY AGENDA ITEMS Please add the following items to Senate Agenda #20: VII. New Business (continued) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Approval of Elections Workers Contract D.j Change Entertainment & Programming Contract of Friday March 30 from "Audio Glamour" to "Spy Se:x" - same price of $100.00 El,Van for March 28th, 29th, and 30th for Mardi Gras UNLV HOTEL ASSOCIATION University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 (702) 739-3933 EDUCATIONAL EVENT Evening at the Top March 13, 1984 Attendance Expenses Alpha Kappa Psi Subsidized * $125.00 Hotel Association Subsidized * 125.00 Door Receipts 156.00 Total 306.00 EXPENSES 471.00 Lost/Over-Budget (165.80) Subsidized * TOTAL LOSS 250.00 $415.80 Budget Criteria * These funds were disbursed by the organizations with the idea that the potential existed for subsidation by the Organizations Board for this type of educational event. Banquet Bill $380.53 Publicity 29.00 Pamphlets 26.50 Speakers Bar Bill 15.00 Art Supplies 9.49 Name Tags 6.96 Art Supplies 4.32 TOTAL EXPENSES $471.80 Banquet Rocsn Rental expected $ 75..0 0 Food Expenses expected 70,. 00 TOTAL 145, .00 students 52 Faculty Speakers CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING It20 SESSION 14 MARCH 27, 1984 BEH 542 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in BEH 542. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley Gary Samuelson Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Vicky Huse Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Senate President Clay suggested that the meeting be recessed for five minutes until quorum is achieved. Senator Eglet moved to move into discussion regarding the approval of funds for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi event which was not approved at last week's senate meeting. Senate President Clay moved into section III, Approval of Minutes #19 for discussion of this matter. III. Approval of Minutes #19 Senator Eglet yielded the floor to Rick Messura, Hotel Association President, who respectfully requested that the senate reconsider the approval of the funds for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event. Discussion took place. Senators Eckert and Iddings arrived at 4:08 p.m. More discussion took place. Senator Friedman left the meeting at 4:16 p.m. with the permission of the chair. Senator Friedman returned. Senator Flourens arrived at the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Quorum was achieved. Senator Eglet moved to move into the regular order of business. Rick Messura continued discussion. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Members Absent David Ezra - unexcused James Ohriner - excused Patrick Adams - unexcused Robert Ashley - unexcused Rian Flourens - late Karen Eckert - late Cara Iddings - late MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 III. Approval of Minutes #19 Senator Eglet moved to amend minutes #19 to include the approval of $450 in funding for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Senator Haldeman moved to amend the motion to approve $415.80 instead of $450.00. Senator Eglet seconded the amendment which was accepted as a friendly amendment. The motion to approve an amendment to minutes #19 to include the approval of $415.80 in funding for the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi "Evening at the Top" Event passed with all in favor. President Lee corrected the minutes to list James Ohriner as abstaining from the vote on the motion to appoint the Senate President Pro Tempore on page 4. Senator Eckert corrected the minutes on page 2 under Appropriations Board report to list Hal Friedman as excused absent. There being no objections the minutes from senate meeting #19 stood approved as corrected and amended. IV. Executive Board Announcements President Lee announced that copies of the revised CSUN Constitution will be placed in the senators' boxes. The basic structure of the" Constitution has remained the same. Senate President Clay read a memo from Elections Board Chairman, Bill DiBene-detto, stating that the reason he was unable to attend today's senate meeting was because the Elections Department is having its test run for the ballot counting machine. DiBenedetto also pointed out that the past CSUN Elections Board Chairman received $200.00 and this election will be generating revenue MSU will cash transfer 25% of the total cost, up to $1300. Senate President Clay also announced that the Health Fair went very well. This was the highest student participation in a health fair. Senator Eglet moved to suspend with the rules and move into Old Business and then into New Business. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senate President Clay moved into section VI, Old Business. There were no objections. VI. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement(2) 2. Health Sciences(1) There were no nominations. B. Donation of $1500.00 to Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics for the Purchase of Word Processing Equip-ment, to come from either 900 or 906 - Eglet President Lee moved to approve the donation of $1500.00 to the Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Economics for the purchase of word processing equipment to come from either 900 or 906. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 Senator Eglet spoke in favor. President Lee spoke in favor. Senator Friedman spoke in favor. There was discussion as to what type of equipment would be purchased. Senator Eglet stated that he would find out what particular equipment would be purchased with the donation and whether all students would be allowed to use the equipment in question. The motion to approve the donation of $1500.00 to the Center of Economic Education in the College of Business and Edonomics for the purchase of « word processing equipment to come from either 900 or 906 passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining(Eckert, Iddings). VII. New Business A. Discussion/Action on Organizations Board Transfer - Eckert Senator Eckert moved to transfer $3000 from 906. The chair ruled this motion out of order since it had not appeared on the agenda. Senator Eckert moved to discuss an amount to transfer into the Organizations Board account. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Senator Eckert recommended that the senate transfer $3000 from 906-3000 to 902-3000, decrease 906-9002 by $3000 and increase 902-9002 by $3000. The motion to discuss this transfer passed with 11 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstaining. There was further discussion. Senator Eckert requested that three items appear on the next senate agenda. One item for approval of a transfer of $3000, one item for approval of a transfer of $4000 and one item for approval of a transfer of $5000 into the Organizations Board account. B. Approval of Increase in Yellin' Rebel Out of State Travel Budget Authority(for trip to NCAA Final Four in Seattle, Washington) There was no action taken on this item. C. Approval of Elections Workers Contract President Lee moved to approve the Elections Workers Contract(attached) and Senator Eglet seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. D. Change Entertainment and Programming Contract of Friday March 30 from "Audio Glamour" to "Spy Sex" - same price of $100.00 Senator Eglet moved to change the Entertainment and Programming Contract of Friday March 30 from "Audio Glamour" to "Spy Sex" for the same price of $100.00. Senator Friedman seconded the motion ivhich passed with all in favor. E. Van for March 28, 29 and 30 for Mardi Gras Senator Eglet moved to approve a van for March 28, 29 and 30 for Mardi Gras. President Lee seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. Senator Cohen requested that the chair move back into Board, Committee and Director Reports. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 V. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee There was no report. B. Appropriations Board Senator Eckert reported that there will be a meeting tomorrow at 1:30 in MSU 122. C. Ad Hoc Committee Senator Cohen distributed a memo from the Affirmative Action stating that the incident regarding Mr. Lee and Ms. Shannon is settled and closed. (A copy of the memo is attached.) Senator Eglet moved to approve the report of the ad hoc committee. President Lee seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. D. Elections Board There was no report. E. Entertainment and Programming Board Senator Eckert reported t hat the meeting was cancelled. F. Other There were no other reports. VIII. Open Discussion Senator Doubrava suggested that the senators write a letter in response to Gorman's article in the newspaper in order,to support academics at this University. President Lee suggested that the letter be discussed at the Executive Board Meeting to be held tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. Senate President Clay, "The only thing I'd like to say is I've never been so embarrassed in my entire CSUN career. Not once has anybody ever pressured any other organization the way they pressured (?). The women in Health Sciences when they were doing the lecture, no one asked what the percentage of the Hotel students, of the women in Health Sciences, what the percentage of non __ (?) in their college showed up, they never were asked to look at receipts or (?)• The debate team has never been asked for receipts, the (?) team (?)To a point it was handled very unfairly and I am glad to see that the actions of the senate was reversed, but I think some of the questions were out of line (?) were put on the spot and if you want information like that, request it and I'll try to get the information for you. Putting a student on the spot (?) . Senator Fazi stated that other organizations have been questioned Jin much the same way as the Hotel Association had been. Senator Eckert stated that the figures presented at the last senate meeting by the Hotel Association representative did not make sense. Senator Haldeman stated that he had been the one who made the motion to table the funding request by the Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi but received no second. He would rather see a motion for approval of funding of which the senate is not sure not acted upon. After further investigation the senate can go back and approve the item rather than having to rescind a previous action. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #20 MARCH 27, 1.984 PAGE 5 Senator Hawley stated that the figure presented to the senators last week regarding the funding request for Hotel Association/Alpha Kappa Psi did not make sense, therefore the funding was not approved. This week an itemized breakdown on the event was submitted, the figures made sense and the funding was approved. President Lee added that the figures presented to the senate last week regarding the funding request for the HA/AKPsi event were not consistent. The matter was cleared up this week and the funding was approved. IX. Adj ournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully prepared by, Catherine Clay CSUN Senate President Lynn Best CSUN Secretary