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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 1992



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    Congregation Ner Tamid The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121,702/733-6292 December 1992/Kislev-Tevet 5753 Sanford D. Akselrad Bella Feldman Jeanne Schomaker Garianne Farrish Rabbi Cantorial Soloist Principal Bulletin Editor Cal Lewis Robyn Galbraith Julie Gruber President Administrator Preschool Director Schedule of Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist *Fridav, December 4th 7.30 pm ORT Shabbat Adult Choir Participating Baby Naming of Michelle Chenin Oneg sponsored by ORT Friday, December 11th 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by Fran and Harvey Sanoff in honor of the marriage of their son, Gary, to LouAnn Sobotka Saturday. December 12th 10 am Tot Shabbat *Fridav, December 18th 6:00 pm Chanukah Family Dinner 6:50 pm Magician in the Library 7:30 pm Family Services Junior Choir Participating Chanukah Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, December 25th 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood ?Babysitting available iSsssssSSsssi; ?p^??gppl ?ill" 111 ...................................... ggjjg Special Chanukah celebrations are coming into full swing here at the Temple for families and people of all ages! Won't you join us? Family Services: Bring your menorahs and candles to Chanukah Family Services at 7:30 pm, December 18. The program will include a tale by our Temple storyteller, Hester Katzman. Babysitting will be provided during Services. At 6:50 pm in the Temple library, join us for a 1/2 hour magical performance by "EZ" the Clown. Family Dinner: A wonderful catered dinner is planned for this night, December 18, at 6 pm. Chicken and potato latkes are being served. If interested, please fill out and send in the coupon on the second page by December 11. Dinner for members is $6.75, nonmembers, $7.75, and children is $4.00. Tot Shabbat: On Saturday, December 12, 1992, at 10:00 am, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist, Bella Feldman, will conduct a Tot Shabbat Service for children, ages three through six, and their older siblings. The program is open to the entire community at no charge, but reservations are a MUST! Please call Judy at the Temple office, 733-6292. The theme of this Tot Shabbat will be Chanukah. The program will feature a variety of arts and crafts, and a clown! Also, there will be lots of good food for the children, so do not miss this wonderful event! Congregation Ner Tamid nmenti cur ?Winter Auction? Tine Crystal featuring Statuary CbJet fl?Art Saturday, December 5th Dreyiew 7:CC P.m. ? Auction S:CC p.m. Dessert Duffet tD.CC Per person ? S24.CC per couple C.S.V.P. CNT office by Dec. 1st 2761 Emerson ? Las yeoas, Nevada 82121 your check Is your reservation^ 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Chanukah Family Dinner, Friday evening, December 18th, at 6 pm: A catered meal will be provided. Chicken and potato Latkes! Please fill out this coupon and return to the Temple by December 11. President's Message This is Chanukah month! I'll start by wishing everyone a happy Chanukah. The Sisterhood Chanukah Bazaar was very successful, and the ladies assured me that all of your Chanukah needs can still be met in our gift shop. The gift shop will be open on Sunday mornings and by appointment. Other Chanukah activities include the Chanukah Family Service preceded by a family dinner, and an Outreach program and Tot Shabbat for the children. Please check this bulletin or call the office for more information about these events. | Reservations Chanukah Family Dinner December 18, 1992 1 Family Name: 1 | # Adults: # Children members, $6.75 1 nonmembers, $7.75 ' Amount Enclosed: $ $4.00 each 1 Rabbi's Message Jewish "trivia question": Where is the story of Chanukah found? Answer: in the Bible. Wrong! Chanukah, by far one of the most popular of Jewish holidays, is not mentioned at all in the Bible. Why? Quite simply because the story of Chanukah takes place around 165 b.c.e., years after the Bible had been written. In fact the Rabbis of the Talmud even asked, "Mah Chanukah? "--"What is Chanukah?" From this question, the Rabbis answered with the well-known "miracle story" about the cruise of oil that lasted eight days. The actual story itself is found in a body of literature called the Apocrypha, which is preserved in, of all places, the Catholic Bible! The history of that time period is recalled and almost all that is known about the story of Chanukah is found in Maccabees I and II. So why the need for the miracle story? Two main reasons: 1) The Rabbis felt uncomfortable with the glorification of war that is implied in the Chanukah story, and 2) The Rabbis felt that a story which dealt with the rebellion of the Jews against their oppressors would antagonize the government who ruled over the Jews. Fearful of anti-semitic reprisals, the Rabbis gave the Chanukah story a distinctly religious overtone. We who live today owe it to ourselves to research the "historical Chanukah," and to affirm the religious message that the Rabbis sought to instill in every generation of Jewry. For them, as for us, Chanukah represents hope. The miracle of the menorah is truly symbolic of the eternal light of our people in spite of any obstacle. Let us join together, one and all, as a Temple family in celebrating our tradition, our history, and our faith. On Friday night, December 18th the Temple will once again host a catered Chanukah dinner. Following dinner there will be a magician/clown for the childlren in the library. I will hold Chanukah services along with Bella and the Jr. Choir. All in all, it should prove to be a wonderful evening. B'shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad We are having our first Winter Auction fund raiser on December 5, 1992. It will be an art, crystal, statuary, and gift item auction with merchandise priced for every pocket book and every taste. There will be a lovely dessert buffet preceding the auction and we would appreciate your attendance and your feedback. I'd like to mention some of the decisions reached by your Board of Directors. These people put in much time and effort to create policy, solve problems, and generally keep the Temple running on an even keel. Sometimes you will not agree with something and I ask you to please let the office or some board member know Continued on Page 3. Family Services & Shabbat Dinners All Dinners begin at 6:00 pm. All Family Services begin at 7:30 pm Please join Rabbi Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Jr. Choir for a wonderful Shabbat experience. December 18........................................................Chanukah Family Dinner Chanukah Family Service January 22............................................................Fourth Grade Shabbat Dinner Family Service February 19..........................................................Third Grade Shabbat Dinner Family Service March 5................................................................Second Grade Shabbat Dinner Purim Family Service May 14.................................................................Family Service Honoring Religious School Staff May 21.................................................................Confirmation (7:30 pm) Babysitting will be available at all family Services.? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 * President's Message, continued: your feelings. In this way, we can try to please the majority of the members. My watchword is still INVOLVEMENT. Let us hear from you and let us see you at services and at the various functions that are planned for the membership. We welcome suggestions and even complaints. Your input, time, and effort is what makes our family work. Thanks to all who supplied blood for the Blood Drive sponsored by the Social Action Committee and aided by our own 'vampire,' Joe Schwartz. Everyone needs to applaud Brotherhood: a donation of $1500 to complete the networking of the Temple computers! The show is really on the road. I will end as the month does?with a wish to all of you: A very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Cal Some of our new members with Helen Slizer, Congregant of the Year. New Member News New Member Sabbath: Helen Zliser was honored as the Congregation Ner Tamid Congregant of the Year at the New Member Sabbath on Friday, November 13, 1992. Helen was a natural selection for this honor. Helen is one of our untiring volunteers. Her family came from different parts of the country to share in this wonderful simcha. All of the new members to the congregation were also honored at this service. Their picture will be displayed in the hallway for all members to share in the coming year. The New Member Committee would like to invite all of the families that have joined our temple in the last year to participate in the Family Chanukah Sabbath. The celebration and service is always special! It's a great way to meet other new members and celebrate the "Festival of the Lights." Chanukah Chanukah, the Festival of Dedication, Commemorates the re-dedication of the Second Temple on 25 Kislev in 165 B.C.E. (in the Jewish year of 3597), [ following the victory of Judah Maccabee and =his small band of soldiers over the Syrian army. The candles we light during the eight days of this holiday symbolize the survival of the Jewish people. We celebrate Chanukah for eight days by lighting candles in a special ceremony of the Festival. ? The Chanukah candles are lit after nightfall. The Chanukiyah is placed in a window, where it can be seen from the street. ? On Friday night it is lit before the Shabbat candles, on Saturday it is lit after nightfall. ? Place the candles in from the right. Light the Shamash and recite the blessings. With the Shamash, light the candles from the left (the most recent candle) to the right. J The following blessings are said each night: Baruch Ala Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'olam; asher kid'shanu b'mitzvolav v'tzivanu I'hadlik ner shel Chanukah. Baruch Ala Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'olam: she'asa nisim lavotaynu | bayamin hahem bazman ha-zeh. | This blessing is said only on the first night: Baruch Ala Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'olam: she-he-che-yanu, v'ki- ]y'manu, v'hi-gi-anu la'zman ha'zeh Watch the Temple bulletin for upcoming events. If you have any questions, please call our committee members?we're here to help you! Dyane Kohnen 870-2204 Vice President, Membership Marilyn Glovinsky 870-9790 Nadine Cracraft 254-2862 Judy Hopson 873-4099 Lee & Scott Schreiber 255-4214 Lois Doctors 456-0915 Helen Zliser 254-6678* 4 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Outreach Program Hosts Chanukah Party for Interfaith Families The Outreach for Interfaith Families Program, co-sponsored by Jewish Family Service Agency and Congregation Ner Tamid, will host a Chanukah Party on Sunday, December 13 from 6:30-8:00 pm. Chanukah is a celebration of religious freedom, observing the first successful battle for religious freedom by the Jews when they recaptured the Temple in 164 b.c.e. and rededicated it to the worship of G-d. Candles are lit for eight days, commemorating the miracle of light that occurred when the Temple was rededicated. The Chanukah Party will be held the Sunday before Chanukah begins so that the participants have an opportunity to learn the songs and games that make Chanukah so much fun. This will be the fourth Chanukah Party the program has sponsored, and each one has been a great success. Families are invited to bring their own menorahs and candles for a group candle-lighting. Latkes (a potato pancake), dreidles, songs, and fun will be provided. If you are an interfaith couple struggling to understand each other's traditions, or wanting to meet other interfaith couples, plan to join us on Sunday, December 13. Call in your reservations to Shawna at 732-0304. A $1 donation will be accepted at the door for each adult Ner Tamid with similar interests. The current groups are going great guns. One of the things Havurahs (English plural) do is support Temple functions. Our next function is the Auction on December 5th. Also, on December 18th is our Chanukah Family Dinner; why not come as a Havurah group? We'll be happy to seat you together. We are planning some more interesting events targeting our Havurot (Hebrew Plural). Be sure you have filled out an application if you are not in a Havurah, and please make sure we have a list of your Havurah on file. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Jeanne & Phyllis Havurah Happenings Are you in a Havurah yet? Would you like to be? If so, please fill out the enclosed form and mail it to the Temple Office. . TT lott. balance of your dues needs to be I What are Havurahs? They are groups | , , J ?_i of people belonging to Congregation I rfeived b? December 31, 1992. I -- ? ----- ^ nrooAnfc a nrnkl om fnr w Reminder i Congregation Ner Tamid runs on || ^ a calendar year for dues. As we ^ approach the end of the year, we i want to remind you that the I presents a problem for ^ your, please call the | Administrator, Robyn Galbraith, 1 Temple Wish List 1. IBM-compatible computers 2. Floor Scrubber 3. Fire-proof file cabinets 4. Letter-quality printer for Religious School Office 5. Water softener system 6. Executive chair for Bella Feldman 7. Racks for banquet tables * Outreach * X Program/Party f X / 4 A six-week program on & . "Times and Seasons" will . * begin on Sunday, * X December 6. Outreach \ is holding a Chanukah J> ^ party on Sunday, j> a December 13, at 6:30 * j* pm. Come eat potato X latkes again, spin * X dreidels, light the ^ menorah, and learn about f ^ the meaning of Chanukah j, . as you share in this . * family tradition. * Todah Rabah To Max Blumenfeld for contrubuting to the portable keyboard given in loving memory of his beloved wife, Ida. To Lois and Sid Kahn for contributing to the portable keyboard given in memory of Ida Blumenfeld. To Monty Willey for all of his assistance with the set-up for the High Holy Days. To Katherine Scott for producing the mid-monthly newsletter. To Florence Weinstein, Ida Aberman, Maxine Gratz , and Arlene Harbach for their expertise with the Temple Mailings. To Phil Seltzer for assisting in the answering of the phones. To Nikos Goostavos and Tom Stuart for working on Bella's office.? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 ^ Jay Poster & Helen Zliser selling scrip How Can I Help My Temple? Jeffrey Heit Benjamin Hogan Shalom Hogeg Charles Hopson Gale Husney Fred Kallick David Karlin Jerry Keating Michael Kollins Helen Krauss Bernard Lara Cal Lewis Janine Liiar Courtney Ludwig Jason Ludwig Jillian Ludwig Kate Maheras Nancy Maheras Helen Mendelson Sandy Milmeister Edward Mintz Julie Mintz Kyle Moss Judith Motin Jack Mulnick Jeanne Mutnick Linda Myers December Birthdays Howard Adler Allison Berman Joseph Black Michael Blitstein Bruce Borgelt Haley Boruszak Morris Brickman Kaycee Canter Michael Cherry Jan Cobb Aaron Cohen Andrea Corzine Nicole Corzine Shana Davidson Sharon Davidson Robyn Dowling Alexandra Epstein Lawrence Epstein Martin Fessler Gloria Fine Paul Finkelstein Jerry Fox Eric Frankl Lori Frankl Scott Ghertner Steve Glyman Aaron Goldberg Aubrey Goldberg Pamela Goldberg Harold Goldsmith Steven Grau Matthew Gropman Danny Gross Dotty Gross Shaun Naiman Paula Newman Madelyn Nitzkin Deborah Perbnan Howard Perlman Matthew Pete Mitchell Polasky Steven Polasky Jay Rauthause Barbara Rosenberg Steven Rosenberg Sonja Saltman Susan Saskin Mayer Schlesinger Carol Schnoll Laura Schwartz Rose Seltzer Alice Shapiro Michael Shapiro Jeffrey Sloane Jerry Shane Nancy Shane Arthur Spector Mamie Spiezer Kevin Spoor Jason Sladt Jada Sturrnan Marissa Sudberg Laura Sussman Norman Sussman Mara Wanderer David Wasserman Diane Weiss Paul Weiss Herbert While Linda White Heather Zabinofsky Dennis Zachary Shane Zachary Congregation Ner Tamid Monthly Anniversaries Joseph & Irene Chenin Michael & Bella Feldman Harvey & Gail Godorov Bruce & Patti Grobstein Adrian & Marie Havas There are many ways you can help your temple. Your contributions of dues and religious school fees help with our daily operating expenses. Your donations for tributes help with our daily expenses, as well as some of the special projects that take place. Your volunteer efforts cannot be expressed monetarily. A Temple cannot operate without the people of the congregation. Congregation Ner Tamid has some other programs that you might want to consider participating in. The Chai Plaque in the social hall was erected to commemorate the 18th year of the Temple?s beginning. The Chai Plaque has individual plates available to celebrate the simchas in the life of your family. There is the ongoing scrip program, where you purchase gift certificates for Von's, Lucky's, Albertson's, and Smith's, and the Temple makes an average of 5%. Everyone does some grocery shopping and it does not cost you any additional monies than what you would normally spend at the supermarket. If you own your own business, you might consider giving scrip as holiday gifts or bonuses! Another consideration would be putting Congregation Ner Tamid in your will to insure the future of the Temple. If you want further infor?mation regarding wills or trusts, please call Robyn Galbraith at the Temple office at 733-6292. Richard & Frances Klamian Jeffrey & Elen Kottler Jack & Bernice Lazar Neal & Judith Lewis Harvey & Reeva Lieberman Robert & Susan Moss Harold & D'Vore Ober Robert & Doree Ostrovsky Howard & Amy Portnoff Marvin & Roberta Price Mayer & Janet Schlesinger Scott & Lee Schreiber Bruce & Carole Shapiro Scot & Nancy Silber Norman & Carol Sussman Monty & Joy Willey Dennis & Jodi ZacharyI I Holocaust Survivors: Major New Wiesenthal Center Project The Simon Wiesenthal Center has announced a major new research project to document the post World War II achievements of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust. Entitled, "They Chose Life: The Spirit of the Survivors," the project will identify survivors from throughout the world who made a significant and unique contribution to the Jewish people and Humanity. The research project will become a permanent part of the archives of the Wiesenthal Center's Beit Hashoah-Museum of Tolerance, which will open in February, 1993, in Los Angeles. "This is an undertaking that is long overdue," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. "The survivors have played a pivotal role in the establishment and growth of the State of Israel, and in the blossoming of Jewish life in the Diaspora. They achieved all of this against incredible odds, and we want to share their legacy of hope and strength with generations to come," he added. Project Director will be Rabbi Stewart Weiss, a noted author whose latest book is "The Shamash: Stories of the Jewish Experience," who currently resides in Ra'anana, Israel. Previously, Rabbi Weiss served as spiritual leader of congregations in Dallas, Texas, and Chicago, Illinois. He will coordinate the interviewing of survivors in Israel, Europe, Canada, and the U.S., along with Wiesenthal Center staff worldwide. The initial phase of the project is expected to take three years. For more information, contact Rabbi Stewart Weiss at 011- 97/2-263-1273 (Israel). December Yahrzeits Are you receiving your Yahrzeit cards? Please call Judy in the Temple office if you have any loved ones that you would like added to the Temple Yahrzeit ? Program, or if you would like to verify that we have t correct dates. Please remember that if you do not c specify English or Hebrew dates, we will use the < English dates. December 4, 1992 Mollie Selnick Gertrude Klein Frieden Rose Sendrow Celia Raynes Ida Molinsky Sanford Jacobs Phillip Brown Yetta Weiner Charlotte Kishner December 11, 1992 Ida Lutins Plows Rose Herman Beatrice Berkowitz Florence Stemberger Abraham Honig Esther Wallace Isadore Mendelson Abraham Goldberg Rose Kern Jack Soren Bertha Stone Jack Israel December 18, 1992 Jay Jackson Louis Gottlieb Mollie Sachs Roz Katz Barbara Ramoy Florence Stone December 25, 1992 Sol Stemberger Sarah Grant Emma Aaronson Spann Jarvis P. Frieden Jenny Aronoff Lillian Brewster January 1, 1993 Albert Abramson Morris Hyman Ruth Lehmer Joseph Roe Harry Bouttenberg Alan Garboos? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 ^ Sisterhood Tributes Sisterhood Tributes The following tributes have been sent to Shirley Kravitz in memory of her beloved husband, Label: The Gratz Family: Steve, Maxine, & Andy Sisterhood Bernice May Judy & Arthur Liebert The Tiep Family: Nina, Darin, Billy, & Dustin The Mishalow Family: Audrey, Joel, Matt, & Justin Lil & Don Eisner From: Bernice May To: Helen Zliser Congratulations and best wishes on becoming Congregant of the Year. From: Bernice May To: Eileen Kollins Congratulations on being selected Teacher of the Quarter at Cimmaron High School. From: Sisterhood To: Martin Kravitz Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved father. From: The Tiep Family: Nina, Darin, Billy, & Dustin To: Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kravitz Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved father. From: The Mishalow Family: Audrey, Joel, Matt, & Justin To: Martin Kravitz Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your father. From: The Mishalow Family: Audrey, Joel, Matt, & Justin To: Haley Boruszak Mazel Tov and best wishes on your Bat Mitzvah. From: Phyllis Mark To: Sandy Mintz My sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved husband. To: Sandy Ziskrout Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your father. From: Audrey, Joel, Matt, & Justin Mishalow To: Susan Loeb Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved husband, Alan. From: Shirley Kravitz To: Joseph Smith Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. May you have a Refuah Shleymah! From: Shirley Kravitz To: Art & Shirley Gellin Mazel Tov on the celebration cf your 50th Anniversary. From: Lil & Don Eisner To: Helen Zliser Mazel Tov and best wishes on becoming Congregant of the Year. From: Helen & Bill Zliser To: Rita & Herman Malkin Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandson, Evan. From: Noreen & Gary Sternberg To: Max Blumenfeld Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved wife, Ida. From: Helen & Bill Zliser To: Sandy Ziskrout Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved father. From: Marlene & Irvin Sherman To: Sandy Ziskrout Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved father. From: Marlene & Irvin Sherman To: The Greenberg Family Our sincere sympathy on the loss of Jonathan. From: Sisterhood From: Rose Dunn To: Sandy Ziskrout My sincere sympathy on the recent loss cf your beloved father. From: Rita & Herman Malkin | To: Sandy Ziskrout I Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved father. vl/ \l/ xlx \l/ sl/ nU \l r \l/ vty 7|\ 7j\ 7|\ 7|\ 7|\ 7)\ 7(\ 7|\ 7|\ 7|>v ^ You are invited to ^ Participate in Shabbat >,?? yjy Services! vt/ S 'S ^ At most Friday night o, services, congregants can .^ '1^ participate in a special way ?^J^- by accepting honors such as: vlighting the Shabbat candles, '1^ dressing and undressing the Torah, or saying the blessing before and after the Torah . )y, 7|>T rpadinQ Thp Tpmnlp pivp.s "?lS reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to . synagogue members who . enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way- any congregant '1^ wishes to have such honors, 'S please call the Temple office v{y (733-6292) so we can ?lS schedule your honors on a *lS convenient Shabbat for you. \l/ \l/ Nt7 \l/ \l/ \l/ \l/ \(7 \l/ 7|\ 7|\ 7|\ 7|\ 7|\ 7|\ 7(\ 7|\ 7|\^ 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Cantor's Corner Adult Choir The adult choir enjoyed a lovely party hosted by the Rosenbergs. Thank you so much, Sheldon and Barbara, for your gracious hospitality. Choir rehearsals have been changed to Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30. Anyone interested, please feel free to join us at rehearsal. Thank you, Max Blumenfeld and Lois and Sid Kahn, for the new electric keyboard donated in memory of Ida. All of our Choirs will benefit from your gracious gift. The Junior Choir is doing a fantastic job at our family services. We had a pizza party this month to reward everyone's hard work. Parents: Don't forget that there is no rehearsal the Sunday following a performance. In November, our Sunday school students participated in group Israeli dancing. We learned some basic Hebrew dance melodies and everyone had a great time! ************* * Artie and Natalie Berger * * would like to announce the * * marriage of their son, * * Stuart Berger, * * to * * Jodi Weinper, * * which took place * * on Novermber 1st, 1992. * * Jodi is from southern * * California. * * * ************* ?j ...........?"j W ^ My sincere thanks to all of you who so kindly remembered me on my mitzvah of being named Congregant of the year. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Helen Zliser Apologies Our sincere apologies to all for previous misprints, omissions, and other errors in this bulletin. Specifically: The following new members were mistakenly omitted from the last publication: Jeff Resnick Debbie Seideman Joel Karasik The following birthday name was wrongfully submitted in the last publication and should have read: Dory Godorov The following name under the Kol Nidre Appeal in the last publication should have read: Daniel & Robin Greenspun Please forgive. Israeli Dancing: The Sunday School Students? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 ^ i/^WWWWWWWWWWW* \ Sisterhood's Annual Bazaar a HUGE Success! / Brotherhood News At Angel Park on October 18, 1992, the first Annual Golf Putting Classic was a great success. The results are as follows: First Place: Irving Kestenbaum (43) Second Place Marty Kravitz (51) Third Place Barry Abram (54) Closest to the Hole Doug Stadt Lowest Score (Foursome) Kestenbaum, Kravitz, Slowy, & Schnitzer Craziest Dresser Jeff Resnik Worst Score Bert Kollins Remember, you, too, can be a part of this fun next spring! We are now selling the 1993 Entertainment Books. The discount is good until November 30, 1993. The cost is $30 per book. Also available at a cost of $19.95 is the Half-Price Dining Club Package. Discounts good until May 31, 1993. Make checks payable to the CNT Brotherhood. Call to reserve either or both books of the Temple at 733-6292. Our Noodle Kugel Queen for 1992- 93 is Alma Bemay. Second place winner is Phyllis Lewis. Their delicious recipes were selected over hundreds of entries! We must receive their permission to have these recipes reprinted in our next issue. If you didn't get all your Chanukah shopping done, stop in the gift shop; we will be glad to help you with your gift needs. Sheila Kaufman Hyla Worth Denise Bass The Chenin Family Charla Rauthause Cindy Milmeister Noodle Kugal Queen of 1993 Alma Bemay (Chanukah Bazaar) Large stuffed animals AM-FM radio Watches Bicycle Celebrity Deli & Rococos Stuffed animal & gift certificate for Weekender Clothing More on the Sisterhood Chanukah Bazaar Thanks to all who came, but especially all who worked so hard to make it so nice. The raffle prizes were donated or procured by the following people and they deserve special thanks: Next Brotherhood meeting is December 10th, 1992 at 7pm at the Temple. Congratulations to our winners?enjoy! Thanks again to our new Kugel Queen, Alma Bemay-she really did deserve to win! Thank you to all who worked so hard to set up, sell, serve, cook, and clean up. There are too many to mention here, but you know who you are. Frances and I can't thank you enough. I need to mention one very hard?working young lady who spent two days of her life at Temple: Harper Klamian. You are special! Thanks again, we could not have done it without you! Frances & Phyllis Bar/Bat Mitzvah Families % % \ K \ % ** V Sisterhood Gift Shop Your supplier of Yarmulkes (imprinted or other special orders) talit invitations gifts Order Early! it^? 1 0 Congregation Ner Tamid Our school year is progressing nicely. The Eighth and Ninth Grade students have already had two guest speakers. A huge thank you to Eileen Kollins and Mike Cherry for their informative sessions. Our Library Book Campaign was wonderful, and special thanks to all of your who have helped purchase great children's books for our library. We have a new staff member, Lisa Shuver, who is teaching third grade. She is a Clark County School District Teacher who started out by substituting in our classroom, and now she is with us full time. Please help me give her a warm welcome. The Purim Carnival Committee is busy getting things ready for our Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 7th. If you have any super prizes to donate or know anyone who might, please give Gale Husney a call. The Religious School Committee published the first Religious School Newsletter in an effort to keep you, the parent, more aware of what is happening in the school. A special thank you to Gale Husney for coordinating this. In December, our classes will be having Chanukah Parties. If you would like to help with the food preparation, please let your child's teacher know. The days for these parties will be Sunday, December 13th for grades K-5, and Tuesday, December 15th for grades 6-9. Help us to help make your child's Religious School Experience an exciting one. ? & & & ? & & & ? & & & ? ifr & & ? & The Religious School would like to thank these people for their generous donations for library books. Aaron Bossak Emily Bossak Judith Denton-Pratt David Goodheart Grandchildren of Lil & Don Eisner Alan Hirsh Rachel Hommel Lauren Husney Joshua Litt David Rapoport Jennifer Rapoport & ? ? & & & & ? ? & ? ? & & & & ? ? Hebrew Tutors Needed for Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 to 6:30 pm Preschool News Shalom! As our semester comes to a close, I have a few people I would like to thank. I want to thank the entire office staff, Bella, and Cliff for helping to get the Preschool rolling this semester. I want to thank Stacey Yahraus for her donations to the Preschool. I want to welcome the new Preschool Teacher, Leah Kamer. She is a wonderful lady. Come by and say hello. The children made Menorahs for the Festival of Lights at Caesar's Palace. The Menorahs were displayed over the Thanksgiving weekend. We took class pictures in November. Look for one in this bulletin. Julie? Congregation Ner Tamid 1 1 ^ Golden Chai News from the Social Action Committee The Social Action Committee would like to thank all of the congregants who participated in our annual Chanukah Bazaar Blood Drive held in conjunction with the Brotherhood. It is truly a mitzvah of the highest order. A special thank-you to Joe Schwartz for his tireless efforts on behalf of this very worthwhile project. The exciting news from our committee is our entrance into the Weekend Emergency Assistance Program, co?sponsored by the United Methodist Social Ministries and the Lutheran Social Ministry of the Southwest. This is a special project that provides aid to families in the Las Vegas area, including food baskets, clothing, information and referral. Approximately twenty- five volunteers help each week, interviewing clients, preparing the food baskets, stocking shelves, and picking up donations. Our committee is asking the congregation to support this project in the following ways. First, bring in donations of food or health products (soap, shampoo, etc.) each time that you come to temple during the month of December. We are requesting that each child in the religious school bring in one toy in good condition) and a We are approaching the end of another year much too fast! This month we will hold our election of officers who will be installed at our first January meeting. The outgoing board has been so dependable and hardworking that any other organization should envy us! More about them later. In November, we had two excellent programs from Brown Bag Concerts. Alex Bailey, an English singer, entertained us on the 5th with beautiful songs. He had an outstanding voice and received a standing ovation. We hope to have him back. On the 19th, Gina McLemore, also from Brown Bag Concerts, pleased us with her musical book to be included in the Christmas baskets for the families. Several of our committee member will actually be involved in the packing of the baskets, interviewing the clients, and distribution of the baskets. We will be assigned specific Sundays and will also volunteer on December 26th at the Distribution Center on N. Main Street. Keep in mind that during an average weekend, approximately fiv