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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    March 6,1916 Drinking Water, Las Yogas Shops. 612. Dr.Hal L.Heweston, Las Yegas Land & Water G o., Las Yogas, llevada. Dear Doctor; I have rear3 w ith in te r e s t your l e t t e r o f Jan.31st to Mr.Davisalon regarding drjWklng water fo r employes in the Las Yogas shops. / For your in fo rra tio n .w e contemplate p u ttin g in a cold water c ir c u la tin g system Jchis sprin g. From your in v e s tig a tio n o f the subject o f drinking water have you re tg k Q & J conclusion as to what i s the proper temperature water should he taken? I understand the “Halted States Government Health Department reoerrands, between 50° and 55°: that 60° is too warm end men w i l l not take enough; that 4P° is too cold with the r e s u lt th at men drink too much, c h illin g the stomach fo llo w ed by. considerable sickness. Also have you any data as to how much water a man should drink per day under condi­tio n s such as e x is t a t Las Yogas during the summerV Yours tru ly , AM-A O hief Engineer