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I agree.ment for the part of Hall-B a k e r Company, Including casing r e q u i s i tioned through our Purcha s i n g Department, of #18,024.16 and $5,731.1*5 charged to Operating Expense is in l i n e with $18,000 and #5750 respectively as inoluded in revised estimate for this w o r k in accordance with F o r m 30, copy of which was forwarded you June 4-, 194-0. F o r close-out purposes, I give you b e l o w '‘AC" data in connection w i t h the above n u m b e r e d wells. In view of the fact that pipe lines were installed by your Department, p r e sume the “AC" prints showing measured lengths of pipe lines are available in your office. Will appreciate it if you will furnish me with copy of such prints. Depth Well No. 2 802' Well No. 3 800' Well N o . 4 806« Started 5-4-40 2-26-40 4-25-40 Completed 5^27-40 3-8-40 5-4-4o Well No. 2 Casing - 357* 8-5/3" 43 lb. pe r f o r a t e d liner - Baash-Ross Adaptor Well No. 3 Casing - 82* 16" 52.5 lbs. - 524.8' 10-3/4" 4o.5 lbs. - 311.24' *5-5/3" 43 lb. p e r f orated l l n o r 5 ' liner-hanger 1 . 0 5 9 Bullpiue 1 x Mastree ** Well No. 4 C a s i n g - 4 o ' l6 '» 52.5 lbs. - 5II' 10-3/4" 4o.5 lbs. - 315* 7" perforated liner - Baash-Ross Adaptor. Frank Strong 3*