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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    wm tmmmmitm bSL South second Street Lac Vegas* U*vada April 20* 1951 W 2>X-«X Xft* Peter Olos 3 1 3 W e st C h a r le s t o n H ied * Las Vegas* Nevada Pear lire , 01 eel Referring to ©or recent discussion concerning the sons tru e tlo n of water lie # to serve a p o rtio n of poor property a t Meet Charleston S iva , A Pesert Lane* Las Vegas, Pipe fo r th is jo b is now on M i and we are tra cin g fo r d e ll very of the special f it t in g fo r connection to the 2b* main In Charleston K lvd, A n ticip a tin g early reoelpt o f th is f it t in g which w ill penult oonstraction o f the lin e * X have had prepared and enclose duplicate o rig in a ls of proposed agreement which* X believe* covers oar under-* etending, Xf the agreement is satisfactory* w ill yon please arrange fo r execution by Mr, Clos am yo u rs e lf, and a fte r having your signatures witnessed* please return both copies of the doomsent to ne In order that X nay arrange fo r exeoutlen upon behalf of the Water Company* a fte r which one of the signatory counterparts w il l be returned to you, w ith return of the document* w ill you please forward to as your check fo r the hal&no* of #5o0 due under the terns o f the agreement. Very tru ly yours* Secretary