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    La* Vega*. Revada Sanaa, 10 i- s Miss Dora Alexander Talley Rsautpiroenmae l PuPrreessitd evnotodaon Olrol* Omaha, ntradu Doar 111** Talleys This will aoknowledge rooelpt of your aiinrgm aiinlf olrmetattieorn s cuogngceesrtneidn bgy cHorn.f ePraentc Reo ogefr st,h e reSquupersetme­forest woodmen Olrol* to b* held her* In La* Vegan some tine during the month of October or November. X ore glad to advise that no are all hoping ctohnafte arrenrcaen gheemreon,t sa nods nX bhea vmae deb efeon rI tnh oeo hntoladoitn wgi otfh this wUhr.i cMho o1r*e, , unGdeonuebrtaeld lMya,n aogne*r ooff tHhot*e lf iLneasstt hFortonetli*e rw,e st' opefr ftehcet ,U lsacnide stihpepyl h aRvivee re.v erTy haeoioro aapodpaotilnotnm ennetesd aerdc for Uar .c oUnovoernet itoon worri ta ec oynofue rae nlcaet.t er,X hqauvotei nrge qruaetset*e d auoh aroso myso,u adosukbelde f rooro Imsn wyiotuhr ltewtitne bre dtso, nse,t cb.o, tah ndfo urn dsoiunbgtle­edly you will have a latter from him following thl* communication. welcome youXr assealufr a* nydo uth *t hacto nwfaer weinlcel hb*or v*e lray Lgal*a dV etgo a* and are hoping that you may oak* arrangements with Hr. Doors to provide aoooaodatlon* for you. It X can bo of any further assistance, X would be glad to serve. very truly