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upr000161 114


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    V Angeles, County of L0s Angeles, State of California; considera­tion flO.OO and other good and valuable consideration; EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto grantor: All minerals and mineral rights, including oil and gas rights thereto, without right of entry; and said property is conveyed subject to: 1. General and special taxes for fiscal year 1951+-1955, a lien not yet payable; 2. Conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and encumbrances of record; be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. There being no further business to be transacted, on motion duly seconded, the meeting adjourned. (Signed) Wm. Reinhardt Chairman Attest: (Signed) W« Ho Johnson Secretary I, W. Ho Johnson, Secretary of Las Vegas Land and Water Company, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of minutes of meeting of Board of Directors of said Company, held October 12, 195I+. -5