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    '*« v#g#tal»x* in m p tf US6 loot sovontfa Sir*#*, I*®# xagoXoo, Call ramie, ooaai&oratloa #ao©„G©* bo, #©0 ii*« a*a# 1# borotly, ratified, oppfoood mA. oonflruot. im m%Xm #nlf uad# m& it «m« that I& m notion of t&o ynooldont in *ar#out-t «* 4o#«t» do tod Boptoubor i, X9S@* fro* thi* ooofWHiy is ck&rlo# d* « UXXian 4* imff, omr i n g u>t* 13 and 14, siook it, UltA*t. La# v#g*o fowaoit#, hmm ¥*>&**? govoda; t&«## is*#, *©• gothor oit* fi*#~#0s» bou#* Xosatod tn«r»*n, bootinf b##*i #sXd ttodor Lo*«# oitli f*riirtXogr# of iwobno# ogvooooat, 4a tod Fobra&ry X, 1989, osnoldomtlan f3»iOQ,oo, p*.|w«at of vtolofti n«* boon fully «N8B#pl#i#4* bo, and *li# »**• 1# boroby, mtlflad, ai^rsirod and osaflruod. m »s*i<m duly oooondod, if ooo M M M M & m tt***t tiio notion of Vio# Froaldoitt Imiofctr-boei# r in m m u t l m lott«r~agr**a#Bt, 4a*#4 soptoofeor 14, 1§>34* •life firtf Lynoii c&natrueiisa Company to o#nror ib# fomi#l>ing of labor and oatorlal, tsgot&or oitl* oonotruefian of mat addition is our uarahouso, sttuatad a* 2X30 Saot Till Sir##*, loo 4ag#i*#, C&Xiforula, wndor l#*ao to th# Fumltoro ^anufaetwror# * 4##®ola~ oon#i4#roiion #2*33©.©©, bo, and M U bor»by, ratifiod, apprortd and sonflr»*4. C3o notion duly aaosndod, it urns *&9©yfiS&# tbat tii* oeiloi) of *&# Frooi&ant and aoolot-out Soonoiarf in axoosflng and doiivarlng <jaitol«l« 4##4 fro* ibis osajjimy to ftfelior 3, elf and Oortrud* 8. AX.f, sororing that portion of L©ta 10, XX and. 1£ In Blook X of. T W O % Ms. ii#S a* '