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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 1997



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    Congregation Ner Tanjid ran *d n5np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong May 1997 -Vol. XVI No. 8 Iyar 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Monty E. Willey Executive Director Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Bob Unger President Melissa Roth Program Director Talk To Your Children and Grandchildren About The Holocaust The Yom Hashoa candle is symbolic of a deep Jewish need to remember and to teach, reliving the past to make our present and future more perfect and full of G-d. As parents and grandparents, our first instincts are usually to protect our children from harm, both physical and psychological; thus we shelter our young from contact with ugliness and death, chaos and un?certainty. But if we are to help mold competent, ^ring, Jewish citizens of the world, we must help Rr children confront and cope with the parts of life that cause us pain, doubt and discomfort. As the generation of Holocaust survivors diminishes in living numbers, it becomes increasingly incumbent upon all committed Jews to perpetuate the memory and lessons of the Shoah by imparting, in age appro?priate ways, the terrible tragedy and unfathomable evil which consumed six million Jews and countless other righteous children of G-d. What follows is one good way to remember those slain many years ago. Personal knowledge and stories are an important part of a child?s experience growing up. Children re?spond best to stories - those told personally and those written by others. If you have personal experience of the Holocaust, try and share what you feel is appro?priate with a child. Original stories, told to us by those we love, make life-long impressions; they are a truly unique and special gift. Visit your local Jewish bookstore or Jewish library and look for age appro?priate books and stories to share with your children. Each year more and more excellent children?s litera?ture is available. If you need more information about Yom Hashoa, please contact Jeff Markewich (Brotherhood President) 796-2054. And, don?t forget to light your candles May 3. Rabbi?s Message & Worship Services President?s Message............................ Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist..... B?naiMitzvah......................................... Scrip........................................................ Director?s Spotlight............................. A Call To Action.................................... Auxiliaries & Committees................... Birthdays & Anniversaries.................. In Memorium........................................ Tributes.................................................. Yahrzeits................................................ c?2 Special opiate ?7o (Belong.cWbrsfitp gervices Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman May 2 Tot Shabbat (BErr Tefillah) 6:1 5pm Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood May 9 Junior Congregation 7:30pm (Beit Tefillah) Sisterhood Sabbath 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood May 10 Jason Chenin Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by Suzie Chenin May 16 Confirmation Service 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Families of the Confirmants May 17 Eric Schyman Bar Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored the Schyman Family May 23 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood May 24 Lindsay Moseman Bat Mftzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Moseman Family May 30 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood May 31 Ryan Seeger Bar Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Seeger Family Are We One? Listening to my daughter's questions about trie Hasidim while watching the movie, "A Stranger Among Us'It occurred to me that in many ways mu observance of Judaism is very different from that of the Ultra Orthodox Jews. Dressed in their black suits, with dark beards and peues, the Hasidim appear very different than myself, clean shaven, dressing either in casual clothes or business suit. No, we can not deny it?there are many, many differences between traditional Jews and liberal or Conservative Jews. But up until today, no one has ever said the unthinkable: that we are MOT Jews. Sure, we have had to put up with the denigration of our more traditional religionists who think that Reform Judaism is wrong. Or with the guilt of our own members who feel that "I am not that religious, I am only reformed." But all such issues aside, no one said that we were J outsiders, that we and our children were not Jews. Until now. I am sure that by now many of you have read accounts which have found their way even into our local newspapers which discuss the recent jjronouncement of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada. While not the majority of Orthodox Rabbis?nor even the main organization representing Orthodox rabbis, their decision is still an ominous one. We can not, must not, allow any one to deny our authenticity or our Jewishness. This is beyond insulting, it goes to the heart of our identity and pride as Jews. But there is another issue that we must be aware of as well. One of the main reasons why this ronouncement has come up has een to bolster the position of the Israeli orthodox in their desire to disenfranchise the reform and conservative movements even fur?ther. As we speak there are bills going through the Knesset to amend the Law of Return and to change how liberal conversions are viewed in Israel. A This is not the first time that challenges to the Law of Return or the Reform Movement have happened, but it is the first time that such challenges have found such sympa?thetic ears with a Prime Minister of Israel. In view of the importance of these issues, I am reprinting a letter sent to me and other Jewish leac^k regarding action our movemeni^^ taking in concert with leaders of the Conservative Movement (see page 6). I hope that you will read it carefully as I have and join me in expressing outrage over these recent events. IRgSBiSmfordStfsefrad Jr. Congregation The next Jr. Congregation service will be FribAvj, Mav| 9 At 7:30 vrn in the Beit TefillAh. Services will be JcaS bvj MelissA Roth aviS Meocine Molinsluj. There will be a speciAl Oneg After services for a11 children who AttenS. Congregation Ner Tamid May 1997 Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Sol Tolpen Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President IEugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor ^Deceased Annuaf Meeting in June {The annuaf meeting & election oj ojjicers and trusteesjor tfie Congregation Xer {Tamid, Sisterfiood and Brotfierfiood wiff 6e (iefd Sunday, June 8, 5:00pm, at tfie 9? empfe. VOe wiff Rave a mem6ersfiip Bar-B-Que. ML ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT I hope all of you had a Happy and Healthy Passover. My family cer?tainly did. For me, Passover has always been a time of reflection and evaluation of how good or bad life has been lately for my family and I. I suppose we all reflect on our cur?rent condition when we recall the sto?ry of Jews in bondage in Egypt. This ear I feel particularly grateful for ow lucky I am. I have my family in ood health, I have been lucky in usiness, and I have had wonderful support from the Congregation dur??ing this past year as President. I truly hope you all have similar good feelings at this time of year. This is one of the busiest times of the year for the Board of Trustees - we are finalizing our budget for fiscal year 1997-1998. With the tre?mendous growth we have experi?enced, the Board is facing several important decisions regarding the new budget. The workload associated with this growth and the ever increasing needs of our membership now re?quire several new staff positions. For those of you who are longstanding members, you will be astonished to know that the overall operating bud?get for CNT has now reached over $700,000 per year. Many of us still remember budgets of $200,000...not so long ago! Another important task currently underway is that of the nominating committee. That commit?tee will be recommending a slate of officers to the general membership for our elections to be held on June 8th. There are several officer and trustee positions open. The nomi?nating committee's final recommen?dations will be presented to the Board of Trustees at our May 6th meeting. I can not complete this month's column without addressing the re?cent vote of the Knesset. I know the Rabbi's column addresses the issue and that we have reprinted the joint letter of the conservative &? reform movements. I personally believe this may be one of the most serious threats Israel has ever faced. Unfortunately, it has come from within Israel itself. We must all take an active role in letting the Knesset know exactly how serious this matter is. Try to imagine an Israel that does not have the sup?port of a majority of American Jews. We must each use every channel of communication available to make our voices heard. I intend to ask the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas to hold a meeting to provide a fo?rum to discuss the issue and rec?ommend action. Too many members of our Jewish community have already expressed a desire to stop supporting Israel financially. This is tne wrong way to react to the problem. I would hope that our Federation takes action in the man?ner prescribed by the joint letter. I am confident our collective voic?es will be heard in Israel and rea?son will replace fanaticism. We just can't sit around as bystand?ers. ?Bob : :::::::: 1: t-t-l-I III! 11 t (Don't forget to Buy Scrip l I jgggllijljfiEjjj;;;:; = SSShS = = e = = = = = - = -:- = -:- May 1997 cA Special ^plm-e ^ CZWtwi# I hope everyone had a wonderful Pesach filled wifh good food, family and friends. Get ready for a very busy month at Congregation Ner Tamid. First, on Sunday May 4 we will be hosting the community-wide observance of Yom Hashoa. This year, I have put together an inter- congregational choir to add to the beauty of the service. This choir consists of members from every other congregational choir in Las Vegas and they will be singing some new pieces of music, never heard at any of the Yom Hashoa Services in the past. The next big service is the Sisterhood Sabbath on May 9 where Frances Klamian and Maxine Molin- sky will be joining me on the pulpit to help lead tne congregation in song. Jay Poster will also enhance the service with his lovely clarinet playing. Finally, on May 16 we will nave our Confirmation Services led and written by the confirmation class. The Adult Choir will be singing at this service for their last Berformance of the year until High olidays. Thank you to all of our dedicated choir members for all of their hard work throughout the year. I would like to let uou know about a special program that will be taking Elace on Sunday, May 25 at the orne Auditorium at the Cheyenne Community College Campus. The National Conference will be putting on a Multi-cultural concert at 3:00 p.m. Tickets will be available through our Temple office. There will be participants from many different faitns including some of our very own adult choir members. This is the first concert of it's kind to be held in Las Vegas and I hope our Congregation will be supportive. B?shalom, (BeQd M&zel Toy to our k fay Mftzvafi Students Jason Robert Chenin May 10 Hi, my name is Jason Robert Chenin or J.C. as my friends and family call me. I am a native Las Vegan, bom on April 28, 1984. I?m in the seventh grade at Helen C. Cannon Middle School. Some of my favorite hobbies are rock climbing, horseback riding, baseball, football and training my two dogs named Tov Abear and Dusty. I am excited and looking forward to sharing my special day when I become a Bar Mitzvah with my family, friends and Temple family. Hi, my name is Lindsay Moseman. I was born in White Plains, NY, and I have lived in Nevada for five years. I?m in 7th grade at Greenspun Junior High School. 1 play the saxophone, clarinet, and piano. My favorite subject is English. Besides studying Shakespeare, 1 like to write short stories. I also like to act, go to the mall with my friends, swim, and play tennis. I am looking forward to becoming a B?nai Mitzvah and visiting with all my New York relatives. I would like to thank my family & friends for the love and support they have shown me. Lindsey Moseman May 24 Eric Schyman May 17 I?m Eric Schyman, a seventh grader at Greenspun Junior High School. I?m looking forward to having my family and friends near and far celebrate this special occasion with me. My name is Ryan Seeger. I live in Beatty, Nevada and attend the Beatty Middle School. I look forward to sharing my celebration with family and friends as 1 become a Bar Mitzvah on May 31. Ryan Seeger May 31 A a'a Congregation Ner Tamid May 1997 ^Lke (2onfl*vnation (2* Lass of 1997 cotdlaLlif Invites you to this peat's (2 onfltmatlon Services to 6e held, zfaldaif nlfkt, /Haif 16 at 7:30pm. 'ZSlana Smpta$e Scott Swan "TSanLel oldsteln tyetemif poster Steven Sckiftnan Skawn Scott jAlice Skapito YOe kope to see ifou tkete! Religious School fo Offer West Side Location The M.B. Dalitz Religious School will be offering a Satellite School on the West side of town starting in the fall of 1997. Students will meet at Bendorf Elementary School which is located on Spring Mountain between Fort Apache and Durango on Wednesday evenings from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm. The program will be offered for grades 4, 5, and 6. Seventh graders will still need to attend our Temple location on Tuesdays in order to receive training for their B'nai Mitzvah. The program will be directed to Hebrew proficiency only and students will be required to attend Sunday religious school sessions at the Temple. This will allow us to offer a cohesive learning environment which integrates both Hebrew and religious studies along with social interaction among all students. In registering your child, you will have the option of attending either Tuesday or Wednesday in addition to Sunday sessions. The tuition costs for either location will be the same. We hope that this additional site will allow members living on the West side easier access to Jewish education. If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Fleelcop at 733-6292. WIMM.................. ?1 iiiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iiitiitiiJii iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i iit itt i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I ? u^l i I l I I i i i III l I I i i i i i I 1111111 * *1 7.7, ' 1 * iii .. .I. 11 WiV ? 'I "hm I I 1:1/1 11 wX i ijViVi ? i >? i i iii * * ? ! 7.7, ' If! 1 HI I I II. 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I till I I I I I I I I I I I I I I till I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I till i i i i I iiii Mill llll I I III ? i 1V1V 1 1 111 i I iW iiii i iiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i.... SCRIP Scrip is money to be used at your local supermarket or with other merchants as Scrip becomes avail?able. Yourpurchase of ScripfromtheTemple (dollar for dollar) earns the Temple $5.00 for every $100.00 worth pur?chased. There is no extra money out of your pocket and it is a great fundraiser for the Congregation. What can be easier and more satisfying? As an additional in?centive to purchase Scrip, your Temple dues will be reduced by $2.50 for every $100.00 of scrip pur?chased up to a maxi?mum of $100.00 in dues reduction. No extra cost to you, a fundraiser for the Temple, and a money saver indues. V "" mi iii W,M 1 C|!I I I I ?V. n ii 1 %11,1 mi i i i i iii i i i mi 1? 11 .i mi ? ? in 111 ?7 ? ? ......... M7!.:;,i i i iVimi i i g| i i iViVi.'i i i ii i i i lM7 < mil i i iiiiii min? ii 1111 iiii\i i i ii i i i i ?i0f( i i rgmKiij i xl iiii ip i 1 1 mfci i i SiSii : iii i i i pi n VAl I I I mi) i i i iViVi i i i pi I I I t/m i i i 11:1 I I 1Y1W i i i ii)))! I 1 i/i; i i i i miVi I i HI i i rmlfl1 i T iii i MM i 7.7.7 Make gift giving and 11,11, rewards easy by pur- ,7,7,', chasing Scrip (Gift ........ Certificates)rorfam- 7.7.7 ily, friends, or employ- 11 iViVi: j ees. I 1: iVlVlV WSfiy i iViVlVi: i i mrp i i7i(f : f i i :;iViViVi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II i i i i <iVi7i i i iW V i i i iiiiii 111 II If you have questions, 7,7,7 call me at 796-5391. pM 1 1 iVivy i ii pi 11 iii 111 Ill l.i.l i.i ,7,1,1,1, AflmV^gtfumsoti, 'I'm ftfP, ?Woys&ZMeons i.i.i.i III 1Will 1 ||i i ii iii 1 1 1 1 il(l 1 1 1 iVii.i.ijLi isiiititiiiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i till 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 M IIIIIIIIIIIII I I 1 1 1 I I 11 ii 1111111 mm * i oKi iii, 11 A i i.i ii 11 ii 111 mi W i i m rr i i i i i i i i i i i i Ti i i i i i i i i i i V r 7i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iiimmi. M W:'"11111 * r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i:i:liMil 1 1 1 li n i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iftiiii i i i i i i i i i i iiiii i i i i i ,, V 11 * 11 * i iiiiiiiiiiiii i i May 1997 ( /l SfiecioL r()laov (Jo (Belong. Executive Directors Six lliolil AT NO CHARGE TO YOU III! II Imagine when the time comes that the congregation is not subjected to continuous solicita?tion for funds. When, with the exception of major events like Kol Nidre, fundraising is a memory. We have introduced a new program into the temple fundraising mix. We now offer gift certificates for the four major food stores in Las Vegas. Soon, we will have other stores, including general merchandise and clothing stores included in our program. Here is how it works. When we purchase gift certificates from the stores, they give us a 5% discount. For example, Vons gives the Temple $2,100 worth of certificates for $2,000. That's $100 earned by the Temple at no cost to our members. The only thing we have to do is buy groceries and to purchase those gift certificates from Vons, Smiths, Lucky and/or Albertsons. Just imagine, if half of our congregation purchased $400 per month of certificates from the temple, that is $109,000 a month or $5,450 raised without asking you for a dime. So, please help us create the biggest fundraising event of Congregation Ner Tamid's history. Buy your groceries with gift certificates from us. We can mail these to you or, if you have a large order of $500 or more, we will deliver it to you. This is a rather painless way to help your synagogue. Won't you please consider using SCRIP? Monty ?Wifley <J)o vou have a member or a friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visitin, Temple members an. friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. A 6 Jk Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid Mommg-n-Me Croup Meets the 1 st and 3rd Mondays of the month February thru May 10:00am in the Temple Library Programs provided by Jackie Fleekop CNT Education Director Cost: $30.00 Members $40.00 Non-members Call the Temple to register: 733-6292. May 1997 April 2, 1997 II Adar 24 5757 A Call to Action from Conservative and Reform Jewish Leaders As leaders of Reform and Conservative Judaism, we are both dismayed and outraged by the decision of Israel?s Knesset to try to deter the development of religious pluralism in Israel. At a time when the unity of tne Jewish people should be the driving purpose of every responsible Jewish body, the Knesset has decided to fracture that unity by approving the first reading of a bill which denies recognition of non-Orthodox conversions performed in Israel. We find the vote on the conversion bill difficult to understand and impossible to accept. The Knesset should have welcomed the recent decision of Israel?s Supreme Court which created the possibility that the State might finally recognize conversions authenticat?ed by each one of our people?s religious streams; instead, the Knesset has chosen to revert to the offensive and exdusivist practice of earlier years. The effort to continue an Orthodox monopoly on conversion and to seek to delegitimize Conservative and Reform Judaism is an insult to our movements and our members; we vigorously protest it. Accordingly, we have agreed to take the following steps: 1. We urge our 1800 congregations in North America to refrain from welcoming as honored guests those members of Knesset who support the conversion bill in its final reading. We ask our synagogues to refrain from extending invitations to them to appear as speakers or lecturers, or as guests of honor in our institutions. Furthermore, we ask our congregational leaders to refrain from supporting any communal activity to which such Knesset members have been invited. We adopt this policy with great regret. However, we cannot in good conscience include among our honored guests those who choose to exclude us from the religious community of our people. It is our intention to review this policy every six months. 2. We repudiate any compromise that will affirm the Orthodox stranglehold over conversions in Israel. 3. We call on ail those who believe, with us, that there must be greater appreciation of and access to all religious streams in Israel, to contribute even more generously to Reform and Conservative programs and institutions in Israel. It is essential that our members and friends take on themselves the responsibility that the Israeli government has betrayed: the responsibili?ty to encourage all serious forms of Jewish religious expression. 4. As we always have, we strongly encourage our members to contribute generously to their local Federation campaigns. We deeply believe that those campaigns are essential components of our communal commitments. At the same time, we call on our members, and especially those who are active in their local federations, to encourage their federations to provide increased support to Conservative and Reform programs in Israel. And, we continue to press for a reassessment of funding allocation from the Jewish Agency to provide greater resources for our movements, programs and institutions in Israel. While we work unceasingly for a change in Israeli policy and to build our movements in Israel, we are prepared to enter all discussions which will enable all religious streams to work together with respect and caring, to strengthen our people?s faith and to insure prosperity and well-being for Zion and our people. Please see list of signatories, attached: Conservative Movement Jewish Theological Seminaiy Dr. Ismar Schorsch, Chancello 212-678-8000 or MERCAZ, USA Mr. Roy Clements, President Rabbi Robert Golub, Executive Director 212-533-7800 Rabbinical Assembly Rabbi David L. Lieber, President Rabbi Joel H. Meyers, Executive Vice-President 212-678-8060 United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Mr. Aian Ades, President Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein, Exec. Vice-President 212-533-7800 Women?s League for Conservative Judaism Evelyn Seelig, President Bernice Balter, Executive Director 212-628-1600 Reform Movement Union of American Hebrew Congregations Jerome H. Somers, Chairman Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, President 212-650-4150 Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Burton Lehman, Chairman, Board of Governors Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman, President 513-221-0321 Central Conference of American Rabbis Rabbi SimeonJ. Maslin, President Rabbi Paul J. Menitoff, Executive Vice-President 212-684-4990 ARZA: The Association of Reform Zionists of America Philip Meltzer, President Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, Director 212-650-4280 Women of Reform Judaism Ellen Rosenberg, Executive Director Judith Rosenkranz, President 212-650-4050 May 1997 d SfuechiL r()lu i?V ^To belong. AUXILIARIES & Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, If you didn't make it to our March meeting with Eileen Kollins, speak?ing about her experiences in inter?viewing Holocaust survivors, you really missed a both insightful and toucning talk. Thank uou Eileen for the great job you always do for Sisterhood. Speaking of Eileen Kollins, she and Kathryn Scott have been busy pre?paring a lovely service for the Sis?terhood Shabbat. Please join us for this lovely evening honoring the hardworking women of Sisterhood on May 9th. With Sisterhood elections just around the corner, I would like to thank Mary Zone and the nominat?ing committee for the wonderful job that they did. I know that it is a difficult job choosing the leader?ship of any organization. The nominating committee hereby submits the following slate of offic?ers for the 1997/1998 Executive Board of Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood (see box below). Our Election will be held on Wednes?day night, May 21, 1997 at a pot- luck dinner in our Social Hall at G:30PM. If you are not yet a Sisterhood member, you can come and join by paying your $25.00 dues which will pay you through June, 1998...and you get to vote too! We will also be taking sign ups for committees that evening. It you are interested in taking a Committee Chair this year, give me a call at 896-0013. I still have a couple of spots open and I am look?ing for "a tew good women" to fill them! Until May 9th......Shalom.... "Thanks for your support!"...... Jams and Officer Candidates for the 1997/1998 Executive Board Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood PRESidENT: JANis RouNds VP' Ad M i N iSTRATiON: AydiE UiNqER VP'MEMbERship: Dorry HenMn, Bette StaItI VP'WAys & Means: Fran SanoU, MARy Zone RECORdiNq Secretaries: Loretta HollANdER, Eve Marco CoRREspoNdiNq Secretaries: LoreIeI WojNicz, Eve Marco Treasurer: Judy HopsoN PAARliAMENTARiAN: MAxiNE Gratz VP'PRoqRAMMiNq: DEbbiE HaIIerman, Janet SchlEsiNqER %mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf Sisterhood Dates To Remember: May 7 / 7:50PM SisTERhood BoarcJ Meeti'nq MAy 9 / 7:50 PM SisTERhood StiAbbAT Serv'ice May 21 / 6:50 PM SisTERhood E/ecti'ons And Pot Luck June 5 Donor Dinner Yom Hashoa is an important tim?/ for us to remember the tragic events that we now call The Holocaust. Every year your Brotherhood pro?vides you with candles and instruc?tions on how to commemorate this part of our history. It is a service that we arrange and fund through our treasury. It is traditional for congregants to help defer our costs as well as help support all of the other things Brofhemood does for Congregation Ner Tamid (see arti?cle about NTTY/ADL/Brotherhood Event on May 18th - page 10). Your donation, in increments of 18 (chai), will really help us continue to do all of those things that make CNT a special place to Delong. Special thanks is due to Allan Nathanson for doing a fantastic job for the Yom Hashoa campaign. Thank you for your support, Jeffreys. fMarfguricftQ 8 ^ Congregation Ner Tamid May 1997 May 1 (Gary and Joan Zimmerman May 11 Christopher and Melissa Roth May 2 Michael and Bonnie Lally May 5 Paul and Jill Jasienski May 8 Richard and Jane Seda May 9 Morton and Elinore Livenston May 13 Lee and Debra Zechter May 14 Jeffrey and Jane Gale May 17 Steven and Sandi Fried May 18 Don and Leslie Komstein ttirtfufays May 19 Michael and Gillian Wells May 20 Philip and Adele Engel Lewis and Marilyn Etcoff May 24 Dennis and Kathy Gillman Jerry and Ellen Keating May 25 Gary and Pamela Goldberg May 22 Frederick and Carol Treat May 28 Monty and Donna Willey May 23 Luis and Rose Dominguez Phil and Rose May 30 Vic and Loretta Hollander May 1 Sylvia Beller Joseph Goldstein Anita Posin David Rounds Harry Sax Geraldine Shiftman Jack Zimler May 2 Stewart Blumenfeld Stephanie Lehmer Yetta Wolf May 3 Jeff Skolnik May 4 Michael Gorelick May 5 Lori Harbach Carol Naiman Howard Zlotnick Ivan Zweig May 6 Harold Ober Lindsey Ober May 7 Suzanne Bertman Harvey Eisner Alan Kerner May 8 May 14 Lindsay Sickle Sidney Boruszak Seth Bard Jessica Wershba Todd Jasienski Paul Cohen Mara Lieberman Rebecca Herren May 20 Arlyse Douglas Kern Roberta Boyers Scheinbaum Jo Weingarten Paul Jasienski Aaron Spector Richard Wurzei Lauren Ober Susan Plotkin May 9 Robert Goldstein May 15 Irene Bernstein May 21 Susan Moss Lynn Schuchmann Ryan Crighton Kevin Walton Joni Akselrad Dana Benedict Robert Worth Brian Berman May 10 Richard Cummins Nicole Ruvo Lawrence Sasso May 16 Linda Schnitzer May 22 Nina Tiep Joanne Goldberg May 17 Lillian Kaufman May 11 Sylvia Frank Randall Tarr Cara Buchanan Sharon Gordon Janet Buchanan Joshua Kern May 23 Casey Cornett Jeffrey Fine Jeremy Kohnen Arlene Kagan Michael Novick Charlotte Poll its Janet Kantor David Schwimmer Frederic Siegel May 24 Justin Shiroff May 18 Ida Aberman Lauren Boyers Wendy Green May 12 Madeline Adler Thomas Bigham Eric Glyman May 25 Alan Miller Alexandra Gust Rachael Emmer- Shawn Silber Rowland May 13 Joseph Chenin May 19 Brian Frankl Susan Joseph JeffSkoll Amy Gold Jessie Cohen Kimberly Cohen Joseph Lizar May 26 Denise Bass Barry Cole Susan Dickerman Jodi Goodheart Deborah Palladino Richard Swiler Danny Unger May 27 Steven Bass Mitchell Cohen Ryan Goldhammer Jack Nitzkin Jerome Ziarko Rebecca Zweig May 28 Sarah Buchanan Leo Diamond May 29 Joseph Cohn Carole Slack Carol Treat May 30 Scott Fischman Betty Hojer May 31 Joel Fischman Shayna Katz Abe Levine Alan Markowitz A 9 A May 1997 r / Special ^plttt-e xJty (Belong. ft ...... ---------?" ...... CONFRONTING ANTtSEMITISM CNT will be the host for a night of educa?tion and fun for Las Vegas^ Jewish High School Students. The Las Vegas office of the Anti-Defamation League will partner with CNT's youth group, NTTY (Ner Tamid Tem?ple Youth), 8nd CNT's Men's Brotherhood to co-sponsor "Confronting Anti-8emitism,'' an awareness workshop for Jewish teens. All Jewish High School Students in the Val?ley will be invited to attend. They need not be affiliated with a congregation or youth e. The purpose is To reach out to all who wish to learn and have fun. Hopefully we will be able to meet unaffiliat- ed Jews who might be new to the commu?nity. There is no oharge, however reservations are required. "Confronting Anti-8emitism" is an ADL pro?gram designed to empower Jewish teens to respond to anti-semetio incidents and to challenge the persistent stereotypes at the root of these incidents. Also, to explore reasonable options in response to a variety of case studies, and to develop strategies to confront personal, school or communal incidents. Tnere will be an opportunity for them to share their experiences and learn about the ADL. "The fear of being singled out as different and the risk of being viewed as an outsider are two reasons many Jewish youth remain silent in the face of Anti-Semitism. Many do not know how or feel powerless to ef?fect change," says Shelly Katz. ADL com?munity director. "The more opportunities we give to our kids to learn about our. culture, the better they will be able to adjust when they even?tually get out on their own," Jeff Markewich feels. The program will be on 8unday, May 18* from 4:00 to 8:00 PM at CNT. The Broth?erhood will provide pizza and a DJ so the kids will have a chance to socialize. For further information, call Jeff Markewich (Brotherhood President) at 796-2054. A*?A Congregation Ner Tamid School News Dear Parents, Well, we are all tired. Passover is done and school is almost over except for year- round students. May means our wonderful Yom Hashoah service that serves to remind us of our past and responsibility to the future of the Jewish people. Mother?s day holds a reminder of the love and commitment of all mothers. As Mother?s Day falls one week after Yom Hashoah, we must also remember the mothers lost and hurt by hate and the emptiness when a mother is no longer there to support and protect. Both of these holidays plus Shavout and Confirmation give us the sense of the awesome responsibility we have to our people. Sending your child to a good religious school is a major part of serving your obligatin