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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - Los Angeles: (cc - Mr. A. E. Stoddard - File 199) Reference is made to Mr. Stoddard's letter of June 25, 19^9, regarding question of the newly organized Las Vegas Water District taking over our water bearing lands and water distribution facilities serving the City of Las Vegas. Arrangements will be made to have Mr. L. A. Barnes of this department attend the informal conference as my representative. I think we should reach a common understanding with respect to the cost and value of the water properties and water rights separately owned by the LA&SLRRCo. and the LVL&W Co. prior to the informal conference with representatives of the Water District. Mr. Barnes will be prepared to discuss these features with you and supply copies of underlying preliminary data. Please give me advance notice of the meeting soon as possible. / Omaha - July 6, 19A9 / 3703-1 as