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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    s m i 03? HEVADA VSPi&mfflS OF ATTCMT (SSiMAL Carson City, Hevada May l 6 , 1 9 5 0 . Public Service Caamissloa Cars ora City, Mevada Attention: Lee S. Scott, Secretary. Gentlemen: - Bsferexsee ie hereby made to year letter of May % 1950, wherein yea advise and request the opinion of this office as follows: The Las Vegas Water District, created by Chapter I67, Statutes 19^7, aa amended by Chapter 130, Statutes 19^9, i» centesplatiag the purchase of the sella, springs and transmission facilities of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company. The Las Vegas Land and Water Company is a public utility under the lass of this state and holds a Certificate of Public Convenience and Secessity, issued by this Commission, to serve the City of Las Vegas and adjoining area, with water service. Will you kindly render aa opinion on the following point#: 1. Does this Caamtsalon have Jurisdiction over the sals of the wells, springs and transmission facilities of the Las Vegas Land and water Company to the Lee Vegan Valley Water Bistrict? 2. After the operation* are ccsraenced by the Las Vegas Valley Water District, w ill this Cm-mission have Jurisdiction over the rates and services of said district! OPUflOS Chapter 167, Statutes of 19^7, purparts to authorize the creation and establishment of a water district in the Lae Vegas Wiley in Clark County. Very broad powers are granted such district when its organization has been perfected, which we understand has been accomplished. Vint as in