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I agree.June 30, 19^9 W 23-1-20-D Mr. Harold Shidler, Vloe President, Contractors Squlpment & Supply Co., P. 0. Box 203$, Boise, Idaho Scar Halt Acknowledging your Western Union, June 22, shoving costs of pipeline installed in Mayfair Block 4. I was under the impression that you installed a total of l?h6 feet of 6-inoh C. I, pipe and this is confirmed by our own measurements; however, your cost report shove only 1615 feet. 1 assume the additional 131 feet v&s made up of your own pipe that you had on hand in the yard, and inasmuch as it Is included in the Installation I believe ve should also include its cost. Will you kindly advise what the price per foot of the 131 feet was. In this connection I also believe we owe you a refund for the difference between the 1750 feet which you paid for and the 1656 feet you actually received, or $180.95. If this is correct will you kindly send me a bill for this amount so I can submit same voucher. to our auditor for Will be glad to hear from you further ison g Id ecpaanr tcmoemnptl.ete our close-out to the accountYours very truly. General Manager