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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 17, 1981






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 11 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000274. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    UNIVCEORNSSIOTYLI DOAF TNEEDV ASTDUAD, ELNATS SV EGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 SENATE PRESIDENT MARTIN J. BURZINSKI AGENDA Senate Meeting //ll Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 4 p.m. 2-17-81 IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #10 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Committee Reports A. Aporopriations Board B. Election Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board D. Organizations Board E. Publications Board F. Radio Board G. By-Laws Committee H. Student Services Committee I. Ad Hoc Committees VII. Old Business A. Vacant University College Senate Seat (1) vote 1. Daniel Anderson 3. Cathy Powell 2. Catherine Clay 4. Gabriella Ziros B. Vacant College Senate Seat (1) Vote 1. Greg Goussak 3. Andy Levy 2. Lori Ann Kanton C. Vacant Senate Seat Nominations 1. Education College (1) 2. University College (1) D. Resolution, Opposition to tuition increase, (from table) VIII, New Business A. Theatre Production Companv, Regional Comnetition in Los Angeles, Request of funding, <53,100.00 B. Ad Hoc Lecture Series Investigative Committee Proposal, Senator Crandell $25,000 (maximum) MINUTES SENATE MEETING /'ll Moyer Student Union Building 2-17-81 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order Senate President Burzinski called the eleventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate to order at A n.m. II. Poll Call Members in Attendance Tom Foskaris Patrick Malloy Scott Lewandowski Kathi Rulesza Scott Karosa-unexcused absent Roberta Burton Jim McKinney Carlene Clay-excused absent Bill Haldeman Jeff Wild-unexcused late Gary Crandell Derrek Yelton Rick Oshinski Robert Scavetta Steve Nitzschke Ginger Clayton Karen Cohen III. Approval of Minutes #10 There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved for Senate Meeting /'10. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Tutition Increase President Chanos asked the Senators to return the cards that had been signed by students against the tutition increase. President Chanos distributed flyers to Senators to pass out in their classes against the tutition increase alonp. with a toll free numbers to let the legislature's know the students' feelings. B. Intercollegiate Athletic Council President Chanos informed the Senate that it was decided bv the council to use WAC elighibility rules for reqruifitment during the season. C. Stolen Bikes Vice-President Reyes announced that she had been in contact with Sgt. Rivas concerning 39 stolen bikes on the campus. They are trying to come to some solution for the problem. Senate Meeting //ll 2-17-81 Page 2 D. Dean of Student Services Senate President Burzinski announced that on ^eburary 24 & 25 the first candidate will being on the campus to visit. Senate President Burzinski will try to arrange it so that the candidate will be able to be in CSUN from 3:15- 4:15. He urged each Senator to try and meet the candidates. Vice-President Reyes moved to suspend with the rules into New Business, Item C. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. New Business C. Aquarian Exposition, Concept Proposal It was moved to table this item until Senate Meeting #12. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with twelve in favor, two opposed, and one abstention. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board There was no report. B. Election Board There was no report. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Karen Cohen read the minutes of the Entertainment and Programming Board. He announced that the Sadie Hawkins dance was aoine to be Feb 21. Senator Clavton moved to anprove. The motion was seconded. Senator Scavetta moved to amend-the minutes to excuse him from the meeting. The motion was seconded. The motion nassed with thirteen in favor and two abstentions. There being no further additions or the minutes stood approved as amended. D. Organizations Board Senate President Burzinski passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Temnore to read the meetings of the meeting. It was announced that Delta Zeta, and Society of Anthropology were given CSUN recognition. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. E. Publications Board There was no report. F. Radio Board There was no report. G. By-Laws Committee There was no report. H. Student Services Committee There was no report. I. Ad Hoc Lecture Series Committee Senator Crandell reported that the committee has met. A nronosal will be annear^ne under Mew Business item B. Senate Meeting //ll 2-17-81 Page 3 VII. Old Business A. Vacant University College Senate Seat (vote 1) Senator Haldeman moved that each candidate speak for a minute and a half and voting be done by secret ballot. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor, one opposed, and one abstention. Daniel Anderson was not present, Catherine Clay, and Cathy Powell were present and spoke breifly. Voting took place Catherine Clay-9, Cathy Powell-2 and abstentions-A. Senate President Burzinski announced Catherine Clay as the new University College Senator and ask her to take a seat at the Senate table for the remainder of the meeting. B. Vacant College Senate Seat (1) vote It was moved that each candidate speak to the senate for a minute and a half and voting be done by secret ballot. The motion was seconded. The motion nassed with eleven in favor, one opposed and one abstention. Senate President Burzinski announced that Greg Goussak had withdrawn from the election. Andv L e w was oresent and Lori Ann Kanton was not. The vote took place, Andy Levy received 10 votes, Lori Ann Kanton-5 and one abstention. Senate President Burzinski announced Andv Levy as the new Hotel College and ask him to take a seat at the Senate table for the remainder for the meeting. C. Vacnat Senate Seat Nominations 1. Education College (1) 2. University College (1) It was moved to nominate Daniel Anderson,and Cathy Powell. There was a motion to close nominations. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with thirteen in favor and one abstention. D. Resolution, Opposition to tuition increase (from table) Senator Oshinski moved to remove the resolution from the table. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor one opposed and one abstention. Senator Oshinski moved to approve the resolution. (see attached) The motion was seconded. The motion passed with fourteen in favor, one opposed and one abstention. Senator Oshinski moved to rescind his vote. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The Senate was back on discussion of the resolution. Senator Cohen moved to amend the motion to add a second WHEREAS, reasonable alternative to the Governor's plan to exist, and the addition of educational funding to the seventh WHEREAS,. This amendment was accepted as a friendly amendment to the main motion. The motion passed with sixteen in favor and one abstention. VIII. New Business A. Theatre Production Compnav, Regional Competition in Los Angeles, Request for funding, $3,100.00 Senator Crandell moved to approve $3,100.00 to the theatre production comnanv. The motion was seconded. Steve Barker was present to answer questions. Much discussion took place. Burton m o v e ^ t o amend the motion to give the company $860.00 for transportation. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place on the amendment. Senator Lewandowski moved to table the motion indefintelv. The motion was seconded. The motion failed. The senate was back on discussion of the amendment. Senator Levy called for the question on the amendment. The motion passed unanimously. The amendment failed with three in favor and ten opposed. The Senate was back on discussion of the main motion. Senator Foskaris called for the question question passed with twelve in favor and five opposed. The main motion failed with 1 in favor, 13 opposed and 3 abstentions. Senate Meeting //ll 2-17-81 Page 4 B. Ad Hoc Lecture Series Investgative Committee Proposal This item was temporarily withdrawn from the agenda. D. Epiloque Senator Burton moved to have a directive sent to the Epiloque editor to submit a report to the Senate at Senate Meeting //l2, The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. The motion passed with thirteen in favor, one opposed, and two abstentions. President Chanos moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor and five opposed. Senate President Burzinski thanked Robert Scavetta, Steve Nitzschke, Tom Foskaris, Ginger Clayton, and Vice-President Reyes for remaining natient during the Senate Meeting. X. Adjournment The eleventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. by Senate President Burzinski. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Robin M. Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary Martin J.Burzinski CSUN Senate President