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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I L.D. @49 ill I THIS INDSHTUM VZYXSSSSfftt That Ul tMAS LAW AND iATIR COJtPAsnt, a corporation if the State of Severe, Grantor* In consideration of the sum of fen end no/100 Dollar# (#10. 00}, to It in hand paid, the roeaipt whereof le hereby acknowledged, dote hereby SKAST and C08VEX to ED. v, CLARK, A* 1. CAHLAII and A, 0. CRAgf, of Ms Vegas, IItrade» Grantees, that eartala parcel of land situated in the City of Lae Vegas, County of Clark* State of 8erada,and be­ing that portion of the Southeast Quarter of the South­east Quarter of Seetion twenty-seren (2?), Township Twenty (SO) South, Range Slaty-one (61) East, H.D.8.A H., deeorlbed me follows; Beginning at a oonorete uonunent set at the north­east oomer of the 8I§ of the Sil of eald Section 27; thenee along the east line of eald Section 27 S. 0* 00* 40* I* 666.It feet to a 2-laoh iron pipe set at the northeast earner of the land conveyed to Lae Vegas Grasnar Sehool District So.IS by deed recorded In Book St^page 444,©f Deeds, reoorde of eald County; thence along the northerly line of eald parcel of land eonreyed by eald deed H. 86* 89 ? SO* W. S80.fl feet to a 2-inch Iron pipe set at the northwesterly corner of eald parcel of land; thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel of land eonreyed by said deed i, if* 30* 40* 9. 867.60 feet to a S-ineh Iron pipe set at the most west­erly corner of said parcel of land; thence 8. 82* 29* 20* w, 360.0 feet to a 2-1nch iron pipe set in the southeasterly line of Fifth Street; thence along said southeasterly line 1* 2f* 30* 40* E, 846.98 feet to the point of beginning of a tangent cures concare northwest­erly and haring a radius of 1040.0 feet;thence continuing