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    SAVANNAH, GA. PRESS Circ. D. 24,647 $?·?·211953 WH4JMAR, MINN. CADILLAC, MICH. NEWS Ore. D. 4,954 111! 19jWJk CHILLICOTHE, OHIO GAZETTE Circ. D. 13,482 fDick Haymes' jWife Agrees Wx> Piyoree treaty between the United States I Sand Haymes' native Argentina en- j title him to such a court. llWith Nora's waiver Signed, the 1 rains how call for Haymes to get JajKNevada divorce on Wednesday; marry Rita the next day. . I i-?╟?f'The wedding will take place in] -^?╟÷?╟÷-^- l-o2 y.itheGold Room at the Sands withl j HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 21 (INS)vjphly a few friends present?╟÷a far, '< {?╟≤?╟÷Recalcitrant Nora Eddington :t'ar cry from the Arabian Nights Flynn Haymes said today she plansjtype of alTair-when Rita. married | :?√ß;, .mi . ... ?√ß g,, 2. lAly' "Khan \'at' the- Moslem- prince s;; to sign a waiver removing the last jfabulous Chateau:de^horizon in I obstacle to the marriage Thursday jthe south rc-W?╜J^~JS&:.' of singer Dick Haymes and flame-]. .jack Entratter, eo-owner?╟≤ of the haired Rita Hay worth. . (Sands Hote.i. will ;be best man. | Nora Haymes advised- her. ex-i Shortly after the ceremony; the! Ihusbandgwhom' she divorcedY^ newly weds wifJrfly eas^f^thel (Friday iii Los -mgeles, thatvshe opening of Haymes' engagement at twill not stand in his way danylthe Latin Quarter in.Philadelphia llomgery She said she will notarize fen Sept. 28. His deportation* hear- jiher formal "go ahead" ,to the ftar-.jing iS slated to start on the same ;Jriage" today. "^^^^i {day but a court postponement is i In Las Vegas, Haymes said: 5' g "la knew, that Nora would sign this papep^^pPv* j Miss Hayworth said: i ""It .was .sweet of Norawtp sign, butt we were su*"e she would. We [are so happy." 5?^.%*' 1 The document that Nora will [notarize totlay is a waiver of any Icontest to Haymes' Nevada divorce, [which frees him immediately and. permits him to marry anyone, any- j tifne after the, decree is granted. I 'Nora had threatened to hold up signing of the Waiver because shel | wajs angry! that "Hayme s and' Rita j announced their marriage plans be- j ifore she could get her divorcegShel j later decided: -ssgr ; .. ^ .-,,,' ig "i wouldn't do" anything toghart Dick. He's in enough' troublfe.''- gd By "enough trouble" shegre- ferred mainly to the government's |move to deport him.- -,Arg.ui$8iatS j art; to take place in Federal <sa&rt iniLos Angeles today on the *e- ! quest of Hayrnes' attorneys'for the impaneling of a special constitu- Stioiial court to hear the deportation proceedings. g The attorneys claim that a ANAHEIM, CAL. % BULLETIN -Circ. D. 4,447 SEP 14 1S53 Rita, DangliteF?║ lives Threatened LAS. IfEGAS (UP) ?╟÷ Rite Hayworth and her daughter, /three-year old Princess Yasmin, were under 24-hour guard afterphe -film star received threats of violence unless ^the ^h||y|j,is returned immediately to X|^>$Ieiii Princejp$|y K&agm^p* The-^stress' attoiley,, Bartley Crum, reached in Hollywood, said the threats came*- in^ letters addressed to Miss Hayworth at the Sands Hotel hW^WS^^tW^^iey haH'TSetrttafflRSf' ove|p<?f the FBI for investigation!^ '%tk The letter^ythreati^w^...Yasmin's life and bodl^: harm to Rita, he said. Crum said^fliey could be crank letters," but-added:" "I read both letters and it is my personal conclusion that there was something in them?╟≤'. to indicate that they did come from a religious fanatic." jjf^J|~ * The attorney-said he had wired! the prince'sofather, the Aga Khan,: asking him to "caution his followers" as far as his former daught-,, ter-in-law and grandchild are con- j cerned. Crum said he did not believe the j threats could have originated, with I Aiy or his father. &f ?√ß?·?√ß ww- The actress, here waiting to marry crooner Dick Haymes, declared she was concerned only for her child. She said she did not i know who might have made the [ threats. . being sought by his attorneys. ESTABLISHED IM* ^ BArclay 7-S37I PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York ubl rp'I DickHaymes- Divorced Today, r Weds Tomorrow I As the harrassments that ,1 have plagued their love af- I fair dwindle awayj so do tha le 1 hours before Rita Hayworth .rM_\ and Dick Haymes seal their r I love by marriage tomorrow/ j^l I 11 A. M'/ in a simple cere- ' ?√ß I v ony in the Gold room at the Sands hotel. famslHT^oon, fit 2 PM, Haymes ; was to enter the chamber of Dis- j trict Judge Frank McNamee-to ob?? I tain his divorce from this third ex- wife, Mrs. Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Shortly after this plaguing difficulty is surmounted, Haymes and Miss Hayworth will walk a few steps down the hall to the county clerk's office where they will obtain the/r marriage licenses, th* fourth time for both But the climax of their happi-g ness will come shortly before noon .'tomorrow when they take their I marriage vows before Judge McNamee in a bower in one corner of the Gold room, with Jack Entratter, Sands general manager, acting as best man for Haymes. ] A hotel .spokesman has stated < that Miss Jlay worth will not be attended by a bridesrraid. After reading ot the rites, the j couple will slip the gold baadf_cjt I -a Rouble ring cei;pmaw^?^i their I jiggers. Miss ^^wbrth's will be a I antique band, i'&i|e Haymes will be a plain thin hard. 'j?????╜%*iv Invited guests include Mr. and Mrs. David Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Crum, Miss Hayworth's two children, Yasmin and Rebec- (Continued on Pa^e 3) l!a, Dick Gamble I 4ttiTimeWiifi; Marriage Vows By JAMES BA60N^j^i] LAS VEGAS, N|v. (/&) ?╟÷ While, nearby crapshooters trimv to make sevens and elevens, RitS^Hay worth ! and Dick Haymes* tod?║f gambled once more with matrimony;\nlp|.|| The 34-year-old actress^.and her crooner, $5,"' will recite vows each s; has said three times beware, in a ?√ß simple ceremony in the;5^^p Room [: of thejiWygds'- Hotel. ..' -Dil^^^pSiudge Frank MacNamee I will officiate at theg K^i&mimite I ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photo grapher&e ahd -reporters will outnumber tfiesmvit- ed guests three to orte---iJ^pH| The unpretentious affair w|p be q.uitea contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to' Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand,will be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, and offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, 3%, ?·d^e her moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. --'.-^i?╜,Hial barrier to the wedding was -g.;?╜i?╜ared Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Should the government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he' and Rita then live in? "I'm not going to be deported," he answered. 'We both intend to live in the U.S.A." Jap "A. reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. [:v.M|"Who marries Rita Hayworth for cooking?" the singer asked. Separate Property Pre-Nuptial Pact By Dick and Rita LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Crooh- er Dick Haymes announced today he has signed a pact With actress Rita Hayworth that protects all of her earnings and holdings "for life" from any debts he may incur after their marriage. ! Haymes, who plans to marry the red-haired actress after his Nevada divorce, said, "1 intend to stand on my own two feet and take care iof all my own troubled aHHa?╜Cfe#. they be money, legal or pe^^al difficulties." He said he-had "orderea\y'rtne reciprocal pre-nuptial pact c^wn up "to protect Rita from any claim whatsoever against me." Meanwhile Mrs. Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes received her own California drVorce decree from the handsome singer Friday. Haymes said the agreement was drawn up by Miss Hayworth's attorney, Bartley Crum, and signed by himself "and Rita late Friday night at the Sands Hotel here. Crum said L1HJ llflB'l1' !!Mi that Miss Hayworth's earnings and properties would be protected for the sole use of herself, her children and her own heirs. Miss Hayworth signed an identical document ^relinquishing any right to Haymes' assets, he said. if^*-l' Haymes is awaiting a deportation hearing in Los Angeles on government charges the Argentine- born singerrillegally re-entered this country aftoatfj^-Visiiihg Miss Hay- Wi9J1f*_ in HfoSfraii earlier this year. M ST. JOSIgH, MO. news-?·ress * Circ. D. 48,45^.5.5. 50,248 5EPlfi953J fSiP*^' ^^"' tt g. ' k%lll ^RITA'S DAUGHTERS S^MPffiI WEDDING CAKE . . . Rita Hayworth's dall^$?is', Rebeccaand Y.asmine (foreground), reach out to sample their:mother's Wedding cake without waiting for such formaUtaesyaig. the plates and foKks, after the screen actress became tftPbride of Crooner Di^Hiaymes in Las Vegas, Nev. Yasmine wasn't convinced it was a wedding cake?╟÷she J:houghj;\lt was a birthday cake. (^P) ; JtltA AND DICK-^^psSGENSE?╟÷Demurely dressed in' an aqua blue cotton dress, Rita Hayworth appears with Dick Haymes at the cpunty clerk's office in Las Vegas, Nev., Wednesday, and obtained a marriage license for their wedding scheduled Thursday. Haymes earlier received his divorce from Nora Eddington,gjugt^down the^iialL. i&i3^^SlBS-.b^il^n^jl^ (AP WiriSwto)^ * ?√ß ^^^Sb^^^S * ?√ß?╟≤?√ß* ?√ß i^Si^ :A Rita, Dick Join Nevada's J-**; Gamblers, but in Matrimony LAS VEGAS. Nev. t??-Wfiile nearby crapshooters tri^tp make sevens and elevens, Ritajmayworth and Dick Haymes todpliambled once more 'wit^$c^b|^my. * The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will rerite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sam^s, tfots1- ' Districftttpidge Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited .guests three to one. ej^^mi^etentious affair will be guifapFt^cantrast to the screen stag's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy* Khan in. 1949. Miss Hayw^^f^^ill hot even have ?╟≤ new ?╟≤vte^ding gown. She said she would ?^ linen straight dre&.j^idLshe h?╜is worn before. Her me^^^ll be covered by a toast-cbJorecF Wit,!':Ci tulle and velvet. She will wear gloves to match the hat. ftl Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will, be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8; ..the: offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, 3^, like her moslem father a di rect descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the Wepding was cleared yesterday when Haymes copped a. seven minute, divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than att^oMjaJater, he brought Rita back to the*eourt- house, where both neryously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and Rita -claimed permanent residence4 ginv$!fevada, but said they will soon move near Greenwich, Conn., where they are| looking for a house. __m FREMONT, jNig. guide ^M^Klsy^ aCirc.BSBBv:\ SEPlpB3 PRESS CLIPPING BUftGW 165 Church Striit - Ne^ffbHc KEYSER, W. VA. d Mineral News-Tribune Circ. D, 3,899 , Sands Hotel Offers Free Floor Show By Rita, Company LAIS VEGAS, Nev.?╟÷ <(U.R> ?╟÷The tourists who mill around the luxu- rious..^Sands Hotel for dice and swimanling ge?Σ≤ a'*lft.WBl*,***loor show" that isn't on the menu. The cast includes glamorous Rita Hayworth; daughter Rebecca, 8, by ex-hu^band Orson Welles; daughter Yasmin, 3, by ex-husband Aiy K^^utta^M^t^a^^d -by, the. "^^, received letters'' threatening Yasmin's death; a uniformed hotel guard! as extra protection', and a nurse. They often are --19fe^3$3?·: crooner ' Dick Haymes,. Rt&f*g35 fourth hus- I band-to-ibe, who's in "dutach with the 1 immigration-: authorities g. and, ex-1 wife Joane Dru,ka"'n^; an FBI agent Who talked to Rita Tuesday about j the letters. Dick and Rita are vacationing |j here while he awaits h!is six-weeks', divorce from wife Nora so they can get -married. Occasionally someg.i^^er;-- connected with one of these various problems wanders into the scene. The whole entourage is on view I by the .pool and in the hotel dining rooms every day. "I'm expecting suspension from my studio any hour," said Rita. "But we're going ahead with plans to stay here andi marry. We feel the wedding willjbe' worth all this." Rita Takes Daughters, Dick Takes Boxer Dog to New Y|fe|: on Honeymoon ^XS VEGAS, Nev. UR ?╟÷ Honey-i Hboners Rita Hayworth and Dick i Haymes leit By* plffflTfor New J Ydrk ,$$?·& todaSiJalong withttlfttfj two^^t^hters and his boxer dog, j The youngsters, Rebecca, 8,, andi Yasmihe, 3^, were somewhat dis-| apg^ited, at the airport because! tim^jflidn't permit t^m to seel Htiiyk&e^?·dQg, wipl^fidliad beeni pla^sd .jf?║?║ the afrn&esr'j; baggage conipartinente at Los *hfeele&. m The actress, and crdpier, mar- ! ried at the Sands Hotel here -in .a' j three-rhinut^ ' B8P6ffl!5ny - Thursday, i appeared to be excitedjas they left I this gambling resort. They took 161 i pieces of luggage with them. 1 Haymes is due in Philadelphia Monday for 5a, fcihgihg engagement: That same day in Los v.Angeles. his attorney will ask -Sfif|S-- continuance fe^ a deportabpji hearing against ^m. ."'^J^b