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1QSec.i,ParlA ; Sun, Nov. 30,1352 %og Attrjelga fcxmwt * Da^^^homas;|^fis Sfar-De^ \ ^Jsgram for Examiner Yule Sho)> Loto-Price Tickets Still Available ' S pb 11 i g h t o n D AN NY THOMAS! ^Recently returned from record-breaking engagement at Chicago's Chez Paree, comedy star-of-stars Danny Thomas is back in town for' the. Examiner's gigantic,Christmas Benefit Show at the Shrine Auditorium, Friday evening, December 12. " He will deliver one of hi?║;~i|| terly hilarious routines a time limit on it promise of a^tfjflP^surprise, bein^faK| "" gag^hjjftha lid the biggest-|g|Bi!PTn his. lifeV^ILbeJ^IP^md premiere of "fflp^^PSinger" December 30, at the FjgBeverly Theater, the Warner jffmthers Technicolor vehicle starHjif| Danny. Between hisVipctivitiesin nightclubs, films add-television, Danny Thomas stlll'*f^ds tjme to work on his fay^&ls, charity, the St. Jude Aos^^^ Foundation, for which he is Campaigning to raise $1,000,000. Every headliner act on the ONE BIG STAGE SHOW OF THE YEAR, will run its full course . . no mer^"walk on andp- bow" routines. And every one of these wonderful artists packs a full house wherever he or she' appears, so you can imagine what an unforgettable night of thrills the Examiner benefit will be. MANY $TARS- This brilliant entertainment | ex^avaganza also includes Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Abbott | and Costelloy Dorothy Shay, George. Murphy, Constance Moore, Mickeyv Rooney, Rose Marie, Ipliele Ma<5Kenzie, -Korla Pandit,' Jl&e Megj^, Kiddies and many great staais^iil ah- f^aounced. The .show will ^directed by John ^Sse'cR: "an?·$V$toduced by David Brandms|tt^|^cial Events Director of the ^^Oai^ier. Manny Harmon and ;h|j$^?╜iestra will provi^f >tfe^^B^J^%ach ground i for tha program. ssfSHfflas FULL by Danny ROUTINES?╟÷^i* entJrc' hilarious act will be given Thomas, comedy star, for the Examiner's Benefit Show. ESTABLISHED 188ft BArclay 7-5371 ?╟≤65 Church Street - New York RAVENNA-KENT, OHIO R*<*>wi & Courier Tribune Circ. D. t f,993 ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. OCT 2^1952 John ituston ran into Can-Can trouble with the French censors. So ?√ß j he'll shoot the/junous Parisian dance in London, with English dancers I I . . . Barry Jones writes from England that money there is seven to five I J for Adlai over Ike, and eight to five for Calvet over Gabor . . . And I I Zsa Zsa was the only femme at Norman Chandler's stag party for editor I I L. D. Hotchkiss, to honor his 30 years with the Los Angeles Times I I ... Because she's dream girl for "My darleeng 'otch" . . . Joan Crawford I I had the same telephone number for 10 years. But she changed it twice 1 I in the past 10 days. What goes Joan? . . . Incidentally, she'll go to I j Brazil to do "Promised Land" with Joe Kaufman,$&?√ß'.'. And there was a | I last-minute switch in Crawford's leading man for TV ?╟÷ Bill Ching I m instead of George Nader . . . Faith Domergue'S non-prowess with a | I bow and arrow is killing the Indians in "Sioux Uprising" . . . The new I crooner for the Dennis Days is expected any octave . . . Joy Lansing's I Mr. Anonymous is Fred O'Tash, member of the L.A. Police Force . . . M Durante gets the singers ?╟÷ Truman, Traubel . . . And next time around | the video, Lily Pons makes sweet music for the nicest guy in show I biz . . . With Sophie Tucker coming up . . . And Jimmy has turned J philosopher. Between rehearsals for last week'soshow -?╟÷ which L.A. Isees ne*t Saturday ?╟÷ we heard him memorizing ?╟÷ "He who has many women has no woman; he who has one woman has all women." There'll be five more Wall Street Journal chapters on the new- RKO ?1 owners, with another installment today . . . But don't look for them s^l on the newsstands ?╟÷ a man in a Cadillac makes the rounds and buys | 'em up, before YOU are up . . . "My Cousin Rachelf- used the score I from "Wuthering Heights" for the sneak in Pasadena^"FridayJ Fitted j I perfectly . . . Olivia very good. Dick Burton very virile . . ?╟≤ ?╜? relief Jin the Metro praisery department when Marlon checked out.iSpe was X full of more taboos than an African witch doctor ?╟÷ wouldn't ;(talk to I the magazines, refused information on himself. 'It'll be sad when no I one asks for it . . . Sinatra goes to North Carolina to -Meet Ava's ! I family before pushing off. They celebrate their first milestone Nov. I 7th ?╟÷ in London or Nairobi . . . All roads lead to Rita. Slfe was j I followed to Spain by a Hakim brother . . . And from one of my travelihg j I pigeOns ?╟÷ "Clark Gable and Joan Harrison have been on a bij| fling { jin Europe for past four weeks. She's the numbe| one gal." ^ I Marl Blanchard due fooa Monroe! build-up at UI . . . Marilyn, by the ?√ß way, in-a Bikini on thr back of tpis month's "Pageant," looks more \ Hlike Siamia Gamal ?╟÷^ra.11 she needs is a diamond . . . But yep ain't seen nuthin' yet^jlAJryou see Marilyn in the transparent black ?·ightil|l in "Gents Preferl*J^T1S4erin Ford's now the champion slapper of womenI in pics, punches Dfana Lyhn aroraid all through "Plunder Of The Sun" I. . . She leaves ngfict week for Yucatan where Johnny Farrow is shooting. I Glenn catches |rp the week after . . . When Frank Loesser tossed ofji ?√ß"ThumJ^lina" jfor a bit of whfmsy in "Hans Christian Andersenj^m l|didn'tjifexpect.Jthe tune to be played outside of the movie. So now it's [number seven on the best-sell^- list . . . Danny Thomas took three years irebi^lding his house, and finally it's all finished* with tl|e furnit|^.^ lfor/Chffetn|as. So he'll be/spending Christmas payingljfor it at the InewSagdg^^^^j^gga^^^^j^Jt's Lawrence and Lee rW-words and Ibopkof'^^^^^e^olr'f'^nra^^rversion of "Barretts of Wimpole Street," | ESTABLISHED 1888 ?·Arclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW ORLEANS, LA. ITEM Circ. D. 96,025 0CT-JSjll952 WiUon%'\ COMPOSER DIMITRI TIOM- KIN visited a close friend in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles and asked the pretty nurse whether he was making any progress. "Nope," she retorted. "He's not my type." i&*P^.^;" ?√ß* * '* ,-sS^" ?√ß ,"* THE MIDNIGHT EARL?╟÷ David K. Niles, President Truman's onetime ass't., w^s-a^can- cer victim (B 'w&yJ^^^T^1^ I've just learnedy^Ttwo more Hollywood sj^^ho licked it?╟÷ by discovering i?· in time . . . Connie^^n^rerman, of Cotton II Club fam# is now mgr. of the Ii CopacabJha with Jack Entrat-vM I j ter mojfing to the new Sands W Hotel m Las Vegas._ "jF' LOCIL GIRLS MAI0^GOOD: Understudy Mariaj^fjurke (oL?║| Pittsbur%|0' wlprfsubbed mag- nificently*^nf*isabel Bigley in Fl "Guys And Dolls" over the pH ?√ßweek end . . . Julie Wilson (of Omaha) who leaves the St. | Regis Oct. 10 to take Mary Mar- J tin's spot in "S. Terrific" in j London . . . Cute Libby Dean j J (of Charlotte) who's being au- J* ditioned by Rodgers & Ham- j merstein for Something Good. I Mickey Jelke would now like j to go into farming?╟÷and Atty. I Martin Benjamin insists it's not . to meet any farmers' daughters. ; Jelke's likely defense, in his | early '53 vice trial: That-he bor- I rowed $17,0^^,.Jiving, expenses I from his f&n|ly ... h?·?·er pock- [ eted a nickel from aigal . . . and! WIBF^tet PaJ; Ward pay some night cluh tabs when he was short, f Js^^MI^L. 'WISH'I'D $AM-mMpSpm- ic Kenny Youngin'a^^^pMf- j pint Jerry Berfgoo^^fenS', \ you're losing heilhtrv-J Taffy T\tttfe-r>ad in i^^^ pers where Mae Wesf\fh/ turned sexty. "?╟≤.'?√ßjt&^t \^^ ESTABLISHED 1888 -BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CAPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York MARTIN'S FERRY, OHIO TIMES LEADER Circ. D. 21,884 Eai|?Wils The Cafe Beat IN ONE EAR AND OUT MY TYPJ ER ... Are dogs psychic? Our Schnauzer ?Θ╝ookie can't be 'she never gets my message when I v/ish she'd stop barking. But actress Vivian Blaine's husband, Manny Frank, thinks^ so. 'Cause when. he. was almost drowned from a tipped canoe recently, his Boxer was yowling terribly and trying to break from a chain ?╟÷ at the same moment ?╟÷<- at a vet's miles away. The vet tells of other dogs barking frantically when masters, died, in distant places. (We will publish.oth scoops like this ?╟÷ unless restrain! Mrj ROCKY MARCIANO says his1 expecting ... .Mayor Impellittei stump NY State for Stevenson, he's trying to avoid surgery now. tion, he'll vacation at Walter Shii] ida spot . . . Rita; Hay worth may cess again. But she asked Atty. Baj to get her an absent voter's ballo^ ny Bunn (of Wilson, N.C.) attra< of attention in "Michael Rose here. .s' Jrall^fl NY GIANT VANS should latch Tirmarj)|5 proposed slogan: .___?╟? year!" ?, -J?|, My Gorgeous MothA| been named Mother-in-Law of th?╜ the Carolina Carousell. She (andl will ride a special float in a Thj parade at Charlotte . . . "This is says Comedian Joey Adams, no-J1 great TV show from Baltimore, f Nixon and ?╟≤?╟≤ Marilyn Mbnroe both! their, physifaf assets." Hoiin idboarl^ tifortalj pring j tchlngra tureq ucticj lus N ited 25. Reg) MILTON- BERLE'S crammed memorize the Ezio Pinza hunk of ?╟÷ rightly. Last time Pin% was orM Miltie suddenly said: ""You mi?╜ cue!" Pinza cra^keiipack: "I wouT if" you'd learned your lines." '.^ Pm . J Berle witr^the'^ew^ -jo^s is gettliueW from many Hollywood T.gintejlect| didn't like his slapsticlc:--r, Anyway, Mrv^i| k^s -givinj people a Billyacher r^SW^^* THE MIDNIGHT- EARL Niles, President Truman's onjftin was a cancer victim (B'way he?ars) just learned of two more ^ollyw^ who licked it-?╟÷ byi discbv^ ... Connie Immerman, is now mgr. of the Copa Entratter moving to the^ne^ in Las Vegas. leautl finisi n