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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 01, 1993






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 24 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000755. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government O f f i c e of t h e S e n a t e P r e s i d e n t MNSOUDSEDIIUDENTS 1 V 5M C-VtR«HENT OFCS U.<IVfcf<S(Tt or NEVADA ' L'O VtCAS Sep 7 If 03 M 'S3 MINUTES SENATE MEETING 23-26 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 MSU BALLROOM, 5:00 P.M. I . SENATE PRESIDENT BUD BENNEMAN CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 5:05 P.M. I I . ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT BIRDSELL FISHER (Excused) BOIXO FARROW JACKSON KANDER MANGUAL MARTIN PIDA POBST ROMERO ROSENTHAL SICILIANO VODRAZKA YAN YOHE I I I . APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 23-24 WAS OUT OF ORDER. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT JOEL KOSTMAN welcomed everyone back for the semester and hoped that everyone had a good summer. He stated that a lot has been going on and that for some things the issues are upcoming and cannot be discussed at this time, but certainly will be in the future. He stated that the Faculty Senate Committees are very important to be on in that we as students can voice our concerns for our fellow students. By not being on these committees students miss out on a vote and a voice. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT JAY JAY HELD had not comments. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ROMERO reminded the Senate of the vacant seat in the Senate appointed Student Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. Filing dates for Senate seats are now going on, and that we need Senators to hang out around the office. He also supported President Kostman's remarks on the Faculty Senate Committees. 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 • ( 7 0 2 ) 7 3 9 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 5 9 7 - 4 6 0 6 PAGE THREE Senate Meeting 23-26 & 7 II03 M'$3 SENATE PRESIDENT BUD BENNEMAN circulated a phone list and asked the Senators to update the information. He also asked the Senators to write out what committees they were currently serving on. Advertising for the vacant seats. Senate Elections, Homecoming Elections, and Rebel Yell Advisory Board Elections will occur Thursday in the form of fliers and the student paper. We are taking applications for Senate Secretary. Also the A. G. ATTORNEY GENERAL will enforce changes in the Nevada Open Meeting Law starting October 1 of this year. This revised law makes changes to the posting requirements of agendas. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Romero, By-Laws, reported that there was going to be a meeting on Monday, September 13, at 4:00 and we will be discussing the Ways and Means By-Law. Also Senator Pobst will take over former Senator Turner's bills. Senator Rosenthal, Rules, stated that there has been no action on the committee due to the lack of infractions. Everyone has been following the rules. Senator Martin of the Ad Hoc Ways and Means wanted to touch base with the committee before it went to the By-Laws Committee and Senate for final passage. No other Senate Committee reports were given at this time. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Jami Nalder from Entertainment and Programming: The Reggae Jam is tonight and she appreciated everyone wearing the shirts for tonight's event. She also announced that we have tickets for the Stars game tomorrow. The concert tonight has been well advertised. Senator Martin expressed concerns that Senators needed to assist with crowd control and checking ID's for drinking. Ed Marshall, Organizations Board Director, welcomed everyone back and announced that we will have an "Organization of the Year" Award. All organizations will receive an events card which will be stamped. Also, organizations will be broken into groups of ten according to interest. Out of this group, the organizations will select a rep. These reps will form an Organizations Council. The mail boxes will be split to make room for more organizations. A Senator is needed for the board committee. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS PAGE THREE Senate Meeting 23-26 BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Continued CSUN Business Manager Lori Snyder announced that the office has been very busy. She has been t r a i n i n g the new Rebel Yell Business Manager. She thanked the Senate for approving the semester schedule for the Entertainment and Programming Board as this has allowed the paperwork process to work smoothly with ample planning. KUNV Radio Station Manager Rob Rosenthal said that we had a swell summer and that one of the station's rock announcers was nominated and selected by the Review-Journal as the number one radio D.J. The rap show was nominated by "Five" Magazine as one of the top rap shows. The billboard has been moved to Sahara and Maryland. The radio station was plagued by a caller who constantly called the station and griped about it. He also made numerous remarks about the station and threatened to come to the station and raise hell. Campus Police were notified and the caller was identified. The calls have stopped. V I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NOMINATION OF VACANT SENATE SEATS ' Senator Smith nominated David Turner to the Student Development Seat. Senator Romero nominated Darren Gravalese to the Student Development Seat. Senator Yan nominated Jamie Fox to the Education Seat. NOMINATIONS WERE LEFT OPEN ON ALL SEATS B. Motion by Senator Jackson to approve items B, C, D, E, F, and G of unfinished business as a whole. Seconded by Senator Mangual. Discussion on placing the items as a whole was discussed. The concerns seemed to be based on the principal that if you did not support one of the items then you would have to vote no on them a l l . Questions were directed at Pat Smith by Senator Farrow, and comments concerning the ability of Pat Smith to do a good job were pointed out by President Kostman. The Parliamentary Senate President Pro-tempore Romero ruled that two votes were needed: one on voting for the items as a whole, and the second vote for the approval of the items. Motion passed 11-4-1; Senators Kander, Farrow, Pobst, Boixo voting No and Senator Smith abstaining. Approval of Unfinished Business items B through G as a whole: Sep 1 II os M '93 HECtJVt D CCNSOtiL'ATrD STiinrurc JWVEft? l T > Cr NEVADA LAc VEGAS PAGE FOUR Senate Meeting 23-26 ( S E P 7 i i oa Ml *33 Senator Pobst asked Senater Smith what committees he has served on. President Kostman answered that Smith will stay on I . A . C . Senator Martin asked if the list of committees that Senator Smith sits on could be read. The extensive list was read in the senate meeting by Senator Vodrazka. Senator Farrow made a motion to amend the motion granting pay retroactive of August 1, 1 993. Senator Yohe points out that the motion is in direct conflict with the CSUN Constitution in that no CSUN Senator can be paid as a Director while serving as a CSUN Senator. Senate President Benneman and Senate President Pro-Tempore Romero agree and rule that the amendment to the main motion is out of order. Motion Passed 12-1-3 with Senator Yohe opposed, and Senators Boixo, Kander and SMith abstaining. Senator Smith resigns as the Student Development Senator. MOTION TO MOVE OUT OF ORDER OF THE DAY Senator Siciliano motioned to move out of the order of the day back to Unfinished Business Item A. Seconded by Senator Pobst. Discussions was so we could close nominations for the Student Development Seat. Motion Fails 4-8-3 with Senators Boixo, Birdsell, Kander, and Siciliano voting in favor. Senators Farrow, Martin, and Rosenthal abstaining. V I I . NEW BUSINESS Items B and C out of order at this time. Item A is therefore moved at this time. V I I I . OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR FARROW was glad to see the Directors in and glad that we got the thing done. SENATOR ROSENTHAL welcomed all the Senators back and hoped that we have a good year. Let's everyone go to the Raggae Jam. SENATOR SICILIANO wanted to move back into Unfinished Business to close nominations. She felt that former Senator Turner resigned for the summer to help make quorum while other Senators took a summer vacation. And that we should put him back on the Senate for the remainder of the term. SENATOR KANDER stated that he is learning a lot and that he needs to get on some boards. He is interested in the Parking and T r a f f ic Committee. SENATOR POBST congratulated the new Directors and welcomed everyone back. ( COXSOtlC1/'TEO 5TU01NTS sSTUDEnfOCVERNMEMT OFCS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA US VEGAS Senate Meeting 23-26 PAGE FIVE ( & 1 H 03 M 'S3 OPEN DISCUSSION Continued SENATOR VODRAZKA welcomed everyone back and stated that the Elections Director's name was Michael and not Michelle. SENATOR MANGUAL welcomed everyone back and congratulated the Directors. He wanted to meet Jami Fox, the nominee for the vacant Education College Senate Seat. SENATOR PIDA reinforced what President Kostman said in announcements about students being on these Faculty Committees. He said that the Faculty tried to nuke the students vote and that Joel, Pat and himself fought to keep the student vote. SENATOR MARTIN congratulated the new Directors and appreciated t h e i r work done on a v o l u n t a r y basis. He also wanted to meet all the people on the Ways and Means after this meeting. SENATOR BO IXO said that she wanted to hear the Director candidates speak so that she could ask them questions. She congratulated the new Directors. SENATOR YOHE wanted to start the semester off with a "Slick Willy" report. He said that Clinton is f l i p - f l o p p i n g on issues. He was a draft dodger during the Viet Nam War, which is not bad because these wars sent people to be killed in a war that is not t h e i r s . On the other hand, Clinton will send or order people to f i g h t in a similar situation that Clinton himself avoided by going to England and smoking dope. This goes against the moral message he was sending to people when he avoided going to Viet Nam. Hillary Clinton would have been a greater threat to the opposition in this war than "Slick Willy" himself. None of the Clinton blood will be spilled over in Bosinia. As far as Student Government is concerned, no one wants to come up with the ten thousand dollars to build a Student Government Monument, but we seem to have a good start with the offices downstairs. He could not believe the change in the office and thought it looked good. SENATOR YAN welcomed back and congratulated the new Directors. She also that that we should look at the vacant seats very carefully and get as many applicants as possible even though there is only a couple of months left in the term. SENATOR BIRDSELL congratulated the new Directors and thought that the offices looked good. SENATOR JACKSON congratulated the new Directors and thanked them for their help even though they were not approved earlier. He stated that they should have been approved four weeks ago and that he was one of the Senators in favor of that. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT KOSTMAN: Everyone knows that Senator Yohe and I like to go at it and that this time I am not going to take the elevator down to the basement to address his remarks. ( PAGE THREE Senate Meeting 23-26 S£? 1 n 03 ffl 'S3 OPEN DISCUSSION Continued It is easy to criticize when you don't do anything and that Yohe should do something as a Senator. As far as the Office, we remodeled it ourselves for less money than it would have cost O&M to paint the office. The work was done on a voluntary basis and we did not put money into the Executive Board Offices. The work in the office was done for the Directors and the Senators. We wanted to provide a good work place so that people would want to come to the office. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT HELD: She thinks the office looks good and thought that this was a good meeting. The retreat with the Directors went well and that she will plan a Senate retreat. She will have weekly meetings and workshops with the Directors. A f t e r the Directors Retreat they went to Carlos Murphys where Senator Pat Smith won a contest of s t u f f i n g marshmallows. She has T - S h i r t s for the Senators who were not here during the summer. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE WILLIE ROMERO recognized Senate Nominee Candidates that were in the gallery. He congratulated the new Directors and thought they were good choices. He also said that we are going to get a lot done for the students t h is year. He hoped to see a lot of Senators at the Reggae Jam t o n i g h t . SENATE PRESIDENT BUD BENNEMAN: I will order name plates for the new Senators, the phone list will be out this week, and the available committees will also be out this week. The mail boxes are done and will be back in the office tonight. The office renovation was done through donated time, and to a good part, so were the materials. Overall we did it for a reasonable price, less than the University could have done just the painting on the walls. The Senate Secretary position is open and advertised. V I I I . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 P.M. Motion by Senator Pobst, seconded by Senator Kander. Motion carried. Bud Benneman, Senate President