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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1996



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    April 1996 Vol. VX No. 7 Cepgregatioi} Ner Tanjid ran -u r?np ______The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas Nissan 12 - lyar 11 / 5756 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi President Gerald Gordon Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Administrator Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Editor Rebecca FIerren Community-Wide Yom HaShoah Services on April 17 r ?TiJryui/Ufe Se?ivice& ~\ Officiated by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman April 5 Singles Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Guest Speaker - Dr. Sandra Ziskrout Oneg sponsored by Jewish Singles Network April 12 Golden Chai Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Golden Chai April 13 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Zack Corzine Kiddush sponsored by The Corzine Family April 17 Yom FlaShoah Service - 7:00 pm Guest Speaker - Franklin H. Littell April 19 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm 4th-5th Grade Dinner- Oneg sponsored by The 4th & 5th Grade Families April 26 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood In honor of Irene Gold CANDLE LIGHTING April 5-5:47 pm April 12 - 6:53 pm April 19 - 6:59 pm Join Rabbi Sanford Akselrad of Congregation Ner Tamid and Rabbi Mel Hecht of Temple Beth Am, Yom HaShoah Co-chairs, as they welcome the Jewish and non-Jewish commun?ities of Las Vegas to this year's Yom HaShoah Community-wide Memorial services at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening, April 17 at Congregation Ner Tamid. Rabbis, Cantors, educators, and lay leaders will join choirs of several synagogues in song and prayer. Guest speaker is Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell. Dr. Littell is often referred to as "the Father of the Holocaust Studies in America." He is president of the Philadelphia Center on Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights. He is Chairman of the Board of the American Conference on Religious Movements. Active as a lecturer and public speaker, Dr. Littell has given lecturers in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Eastern Asia. He is the author of over 275 articles, and has produced 25 books. He is a graduate of Cornell College, Union Theological Seminary, and received his Ph.D. from Yale University. He is an Elder in the United Methodist Church. The community is grateful to the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas for its continuing commitment to under?write this program. For information, call the JFLV office at 732-0556. Sfcsiitty tyata ?TJCeity 4 Congregation Ner Tamid's Spring Gala and Auction, formerly the Goods and Services Auction, will be held in the social hall on Saturday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. Food, entertainment, a silent auction, a professional live auction, and a Lottery Drawing will be provided. Enter the drawing, you may have a chance to win a $2000 grand prize or a $500 attendance drawing. There is an $18 en?trance fee. The Gala Committee is actively recruiting volunteers. There are many vol?unteer opportunities available, most requiring less than five hours total be?tween now and May 4. Your participation is welcomed. If you have an auction item to donate, please call the Hotline number and we will make arrangements to pick it up. Proceeds from the event will help the Temple and the general operating fund. It is only through events such as this, and only through the cooperation and participation of all Temple members, that we're able to maintain such a beautiful shul. Don't just sit there, call the Spring Gala Committee at 896-8197 with your comments or suggestions. Sfieciot T^toce *7*Passover is a holiday epitomized by questions and answers. Indeed, what would a Seder be without the youngest present asking "Wliy is this night different from all other nights?" The question itself implies that the night is special and unique. And the Seder itself is designed to provide an answer to the question. The meal filled with symbols and stories is in fulfillment of the biblical command?ment that we retell to each and every generation the story of what hap?pened to us in Egypt and how we were freed by G-d. The Rabbis of old knew something very simple, yet very wise. It was not enough that the story was retold, the children had to be ready to hear the story. Their cu?riosity had to be peaked. Hence, the songs, games, and frivolity of the Passover Seder. Indeed, in many re?spects the Passover Seder is an annual classroom experience in Jewish his?tory and culture. The simple but pro?found lesson being, remember who you are and where you came from. The questions asked at Passover remind me of how this generation of Jewry has been forced to rephrase the question of ma nishtana? because for too many Jews the night is no longer different. It is the same. Therefore, in despair, the question has become "Will our grandchildren be Jewish?" Many studies have been done to try and determine why Judaism is constantly faced with the problem of assimilation. Our own community is no different. The Federation's new demographic study has shown that there are more than 60,000 Jews in Las Vegas?yet fewer than 8,000 belong to any Synagogue or Jewish organiza?tion! How can we get our people to ASK the question?ma nishtana? The answer certainly is beyond the scope of a simple Rabbi's column, but several suggestions may serve as a start: 1. TALK JEWISH. If you wish your children and grandchildren to be Jewish then talk Jewish. That is, talk about Jewish subjects, about Jewish people and Jewish ideas. Let them know that our religion touches all aspects of life. Let them know that Jewish values are your family's values. 2. DO JEWISH. As simple as it may sound, it is important not only to talk about Jewish things, it is im?portant to DO Jewish things. Too many parents assume that taking children to religious school will "make" their kids Jewish. The real?ity is that religion and faith are learned through a totality of experi?ences. By sending your children to a religious school you are letting them know that religion is important. By doing Jewish things as a family, you are letting them know that what they learn in religious school is relevant to their everyday lives. 3. ASK QUESTIONS. Passover reminds us of the importance of Wonder. We all wonder about G-d, about faith, about life and death, about the purpose of our lives. Passover reminds us of the impor?tance of asking vitally important questions about Jewish ritual and ob-. servance. If we do not care enough tci ask questions we are teaching our children that religion is irrelevant. 4. TELL STORIES ABOUT YOUR FAMILY. Passover's charm and power comes in its ability to retell with vivid imagery and symbolism see 4 Questions, page 9 Irene Gold to RETIRE?!! After nearly 8 years, our beloved Irene has decided to retire. Her friendly outgoing personality combined with a genuine warmth and love of people has made Irene one of our most valued employees. "Irene truly has embodied the spirit and caring native of our Temple," noted Rabbi Akselrad. "We will miss her at the Temple a great deal, but wish her Mazel on a richly earned retirement. The Temple will honor Irene at Shabbat Services on Friday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. We Wish You A Well & Happy Retirement!March 1996-5756 Congregation NerTamid Temple Board Members Jerry Gordon President Bob Unger VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Corporate Secretary David Stahl VP Ritual Philip Goldstein VP Education Jacky Rosen VP Membership Stephen Joseph VP Social Nadine Cracraft Trustee Lois Doctors Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee David Gross Trustee Drew Levy Trustee Janis Rounds Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio SANCTUARY FUND ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT As was immediately apparent to most of you as you pe?rused last month's bulletin, my message was absent. The truth is that on several occasions I sat down to put my thoughts to paper and on each occasion I found I had no thoughts (or at least relevant to the task at hand). So, instead of continuing this futile effort, I decided to take a respite for the month and spend the time in a meaningful and bonding experience with my son, Jeffrey, watching C-Span coverage of the presidential nominating process. We were riveted watching four hours of live coverage of the 27 voters of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, casting their ballots at midnight on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. This example of citizen participation (putting aside whether our presiden?tial selection process should be so directed and influenced by such a small and unrepresentative cross-section of our populace 8 months before the general election), reminded me that elections for the Board of Trustees of the Congregation will take place in June and our nominating process has begun. The Nominating Committee is canvassing various Congregants, our religious leadership and administrative staff to find a diverse group of individuals who are willing to dedicate a small portion of the next several years to Congregation Ner Tamid. The more than 10 years that I have served on the Board of Trustees has af?forded me the opportunity to observe not only our Temple, but others as well. The one indisputable conclusion I have reached is that the true strength of a congregation lies with its lay leadership. Strong lay leadership attracts and re?tains quality religious leaders. The vitality and character of a Congregation em?anates from its lay leadership. Congregation Ner Tamid has always been blessed in this regard and given what we have accomplished in our short his?tory, we must continue to reach into the membership-at-large and bring new members on to the Board. GOAL ? HELP US MEET OUR GOAL! 2.2 million 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 Therefore, if you too are now growing tired of C-Span and especially the Republican primary process (though there is something appallingly humorous about Pat Buchanan during the Arizona Primary garbed in western-wear wav?ing a six-gem and exalting his followers to "mount up and ride to the sound of the guns"), you just may consider another form of our democratic system, the Board of Trustees. Jerry Gordon Dedication Ceremony Video Tapes Available Remember the history of our Temple. Available now on video tape is a memo?rable review of Congregation Ner Tamid's history through to October's sanctu?ary dedication ceremony and festivities.These tapes are now available at the Temple office for the low cost of $18 per tape. Great GiftsCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 Moles from our Cantorial Soloist Even though I?m writing this article early in March, a little pre-mature of my baby shower, I have to extend a great deal of thanks to Joni Akselrad and Jackie Rosen and everyone who "showered" my family with their love and wonderful gifts. Michael and I appreciate all of your generosity and feel so blessed to be a part of such a caring Congregational family. As I look back over all the recent musical happenings at our Temple, I can hardly believe what has been ac?complished! Our third annual Jewish Music Season Concert was a great success! None of us could have en?joyed this program without the con?tinued generosity of Dr. Steve Kollins whom we all owe a great deal of thanks. For three years Dr. Kollins has made it possible for me to bring some of the most talented performers in the current Jewish music field. I am pleased to have these opportunities and to be able to share them with all of you. Another big thank you goes to our wonderful Jr. Choir members who added their voices to the Margie and Ilene concert. They have shared their enthusiasm and talent with us throughout the year and I am so proud of all of them. Last month we had the pleasure of listening to Jay Poster on clarinet during our Scholar-in-Residence ser?vice. This is the second year in a row Jay participated in this service and I'd like to extend a thank you to him. I am pleased to include Jay and his Klezmer group at this year's Passover Seder. This talented ensemble in?cludes Temple member musicians, Lee Schreiber and Joel Klein and will surely add an extra touch to our Pesach observance. Wishing everyone a Chag Sameach, Bella Oust Student Zack Corzine Bar Mitzvah April 13 My name is Zack Corzine. I'm a 7th grade honor roll student at Helen C. Cannon Middle School. I'm a second degree black belt in Karate, and I play the saxaphone in a Jazz band. I also enjoy skateboarding, snowboarding and skiing. Please join my family and I on Saturday, April 13 as I celebrate my Bar Mitzvah. Jewish Singles Network to HOST Shabbat Jewish Singles Network (JSN) will host a special "Singles Sabbath" at Congregation Ner Tamid at 7:30 p.m. April 5. Dr. Sandra Ziskrout, a mar?riage and family specialist in private practice in Las Vegas, will be the fea?tured speaker. The topic will be "Dating in the 90's". Singles will be in?vited to an informal discussion after?ward in the Temple Library. For more information on getting involved in the Jewish Singles Network please contact Mami Robbins at 735-7282. e HolocaustMarch 1996-5756 Congregation NerTamid ? School News # ? ? Least we forget I hope you have a wonderful Passover at home or with your Congregation Ner Tamid family at the Riviera Hotel. Passover is the per?fect example of the importance of Jewish Education. The seder is a meal done in a specific order. This meal in which children participate, and do not just sit and enjoy the food is done in a specific manner. We tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt and answer the questions of the young. Our chil?dren are our hope and our future. There are many problems within the Jewish community and society in general that need to be addressed if we as a people are to survive. We do know that the more religious educa?tion and the more parental involve?ment within the community, the more pride and identity our children feel. We must continue to expose our chil?dren to services, education, Temple and community Jewish activities. At 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 17 there will be a community-wide Yom HaShoah program at Ner Tamid to commemorate the memory of those who died in the Holocaust. Sunday, April 28 is the date of the city-wide Jerusalem 3000 celebration to be held at the Clark County Government Center from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The M.B. Dalitz Religious School will cele?brate Jerusalem 3000 on May 5 during school hours. The integration of Jewish education and programs to our secular lives is not the solution to all society's problems, but it sure is a beginning to treating what ills us. Take two tablets and see me at CNT. Shalom, Jackie Fleekop SPRINGBREAK No Religious School Thursday April 4 Sunday April 7 Return to School Thursday April 11 Sunday April 14 Todah Rabah?Congratulations To All The Purim carnival not only gives us a day of fun but it allows us to upgrade our school facility and supplies. Most of this years profit will be used to replace broken blinds, a classroom floor and provide 'Put-Up Strips' around the classrooms to display students projects and artwork. We extend our thanks and appreciation to the following people and groups with?out whom Purim Carnival '96 would not have been possible. RAFFLE PRIZE HELP AND SUPPORT Sisterhood Mary and Michael Zone Judy Lewis *Dr. and Mrs. Steven Chenin The Mahon Family, Riviera Hotel *The Fleekop Family The Kahn Family The Stolberg Family Janice and Tim Schutz The Lieberman Family *Louis Bradfield David and Judy Lugo Sisterhood Brotherhood Teachers Teachers Aides Temple Staff Parents Volunteers Students Eilleen Kollins Dotty and Eugene Henkin The Kerner Family Religious School Parents Committee *Game Sponsors All who purchased raffle tickets and all who came to enjoy the activities?thank you Mrs. Jacqueline Fleekop, Director of Education Mr. Philip Goldstein, Vice President of EducationCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 /tftul 5, Ruth Bossak r 9* ?TKettuvUu**- Nancy Helene Hughes Jacob Rubin Arnold Greenfield beloved father of Lillian Wasserman Ileen Spoor Mike Barr Barnett Chaiken Alfred Gratz Betty Nitzkin Dr. Carl Kaufman Dina Foosaner beloved aunt of Stuart Berger Lee Pearson Sonia Amsterdam beloved mother of Harold Kochberg Ruth Urban Abraham Siegel Wolf Reichel A. Sam Bloom beloved father of /tfrul 12, 1996 Sandi Fried Dorothy LeBow Helen Nathanson Hermine Markowitz Stem Bernard Woodland V. Phil Light beloved husband of Sylvia Light Frank Greensweig Bertha Lewin Allan Liebert Selma Abrams Ida Gold Howard Kless Leona Saffir David Wanderer Bernard Ohriner Penny Sheer /tfrui t9 Jennie Canes Rabin Aaron Finkelstein Isidore Grant Louis Grower Max Karchem Jacob Adler Kate Silber Karl Wershba Sophie Pisetsky Pauline Rosenblum /tfrul 26, / 996 Marty Cooper Rabbi Stephen Weisberg Irving Cohn Alan Tobman Joseph Unger Dora Levene Nelson Nathanson Dora Nathanson Nathaniel Chaiken Mollie Ackerman r e <z fcwuly ate a, frUetut Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Judy Klein in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. V, J Temple Wish List The Temple is in need of the fol?lowing items: ? IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTER (386 or above, 486 preferred) ? PHOTOCOPIER ? FAX MACHINE If you have any of these items or know someone who has, call Monty Willey at the Temple office, 733-6292.March 1996-5756 Congregation NerTamid SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP Save up to MAXIMUM $100 on Temple Dues The Easiest Way To Support Your Temple At NO EXTRA Cost To You Is To BUY SCRIP! For each $100 purchase of SCRIP, you will receive a $2.50 credit toward your Temple dues (limit of $4000 in SCRIP). You can purchase SCRIP at the Temple office or if you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, enclose your check along with this conve?nient order form and mail to: SCRIP, c/o Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 or call 733-6292. For further information, call Allan Nathanson, 796-8391. Name Address City___ State Zip Code Phone (day) (evening) Date Ordered Signature Date Needed Amount Sent STORE DENOMINATION Albertsons ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Smiths ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Vons Sub-total ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Total Amount Any questions, contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIPCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 2ND SUNDAY The Adult Educa?tion Committee and the Outreach Committee will present a combined program for the 2nd Sunday series in April. The 2nd Sunday Program will be at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 14, and the discussion will be lead by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad who will discuss Ask The Rabbi?All You Wanted To Knoiv About Judaism, But Were Afraid To Ask." For further information on the 2nd Sunday programs, call Katherine Scott, Adult Ed. chair, 564- 0903. Camping Havurah a Camp?ing Havurah is now being formed. Tents, pop-ups, trailers, fifth wheels, motor homes?everyone is welcome! The next trip is being planned for the first weekend in May. If you're inter?ested in joining the Camping Havurah, please call Judy at the Temple office, 733-6292 or Steve Fried, 456-5906. Junior Congregation The next Jr. Congregation services will take place on Friday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fleekop Beit Tefillah. The service is lead by Melissa Glovinsky with musical soloist, Maxine Molinsky. The Jr. Congregation ser?vice is held once a month concur?rently with main services in the Sanctuary, and is geared toward stu?dents in grade 4 and up. Adult Classes Registrations for Introduction to Judaism and Beginning Hebrew are now being taken for these classes which will be?gin in June. Each class will be held on Tuesday evenings for one hour con?secutively and will last 8 weeks. Intro To Judaism will begin at 7:00 p.m. and Beginning Hebrew will follow at 8:00 p.m. For further information, call the Temple office, 733-6292. Tot SHABBAT The next Tot Shabbat Program will be May 3. Call the Temple office for further informa?tion. 1996 Confirmation Class On May 24, a special service will be held in honor of this year's Confirmation Class. Service will be?gin at 7:30 p.m. E-mail List Update Our e-mail list is growing, and growing, and growing. If you have an e-mail address and would like your name on this list, contact Gil Shaw at: UFDY12A@PRODIGY.COM Akselrad, Rabbi Sanford Beller, Sylvia/Neil Cracraft, Joe Cutter, Sara Dockswell, Scott Epstein, Ronni Etcoff, Lou/Marilyn Ewan, Sandy/Roger Fleekop Family Flushman, George Goldstein, Libby Herman, Jay/Terry Herren, Rebecca Joseph, Steve Katz, Jeff Mehr, Susan/Michael Mendelson, David Mendelson, Jennifer Mishalow, Joel Rosen, Jack/Larry cracraft@ccsn.nevada AEDH58A@PRODIGY.COM Libby914@aol .com UQVN66A@PRODIGY.COM 75523.2762@COMPUSERVE.COM NKTQ59A@PRODIGY COM jmendels@gas. Joel Schnitzer, Larry Shaw, Gil Shaw, Natalie Sternberg, Adam Tiep, William Unger, Robert Wikler, David/Jackie Wikler, Judi/Abby Zimmerman, Joan/Gary UFDY12a@PRODIGY.COM UFDY12b@PRODIGY.COM tiep@u .arizona. ed u RXMA12A@PRODIGY.COM J&GZimmerman@mcimail.comMarch 1996-5756 Congregation Ner Tamid 4 Questions PURIM ?96?A SUCCESS E-Mail Chavarah? Board Positions Available Interested in becoming involved with the Temple, and be a member of the Board? The following posi?tions are opened for nominations: Vice President of Administration, and Trustees. For further informa?tion, contact Eileen Kollins, Nomination Committee Chair or the Temple, 733-6292. continued from page 2 our people's history. We are told over and over again to that it is Us who were strangers in Egypt. Your children and grandchildren need to hear their family history. Let them know about their grandparents and great grandpar?ents?people who were instrumental in bringing them to this country because of their courage. Let them know that Jewish history is made every day and they are the ones who are making it. Passover is a holiday in which we celebrate the heart fought battle for religious freedom. Let us not take that freedom for granted. B'shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad "Response Is Overwhelming" Over the past months, a growing number of Congre?gants, including our Rabbi, have joined the Internet. It's fun and simple, and has quickly become an excellent way of staying in touch with fellow Congregants. If you or someone in your family would like to join our infor?mal group, fill out the form and send us your E-mail ad?dress. Mail to: Rabbi Akselrad, c/o Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121; or E-mail to: Name_______ Address_____ City/State/Zip E-mail______ Virus Alert?Users Beware A new Trojan horse virus has emerged on the internet with the name PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impres?sion this file is a new version of the PKZIP/PKUNZIP soft?ware used to ZIP (compress) files. The programs are called: PKZ300B.EXE and PKZ300B.ZIP. If you encounter these programs, you should IGNORE THEM. Do not download this file under any circumstances! If you install or expand this file, the virus WILL ERASE YOUR HARD DRIVE and affect modems at 14.4 and higher. This is an extremely destructive virus and there is not yet a way of cleaning up this one. Repeat: Do not down?load any file with the name PKZIP300 ? regardless of the extension. This information is mainly relevant to PC users. The current information that we have regarding the PK Virus is the following: The PKWare BBS has the following message in their logon banner. Do not trust or use ANY version of PKZIP other than 1.10, 1.93, 2.04c, 2.04e, or 2.04g.r k Congregation Ner Tamid March 1996-5756 BuS of BrgtherhdoD flems Update Yom HaShoah?Remember the Holocaust It's been more than 50 years since Nazi concentration camps were liber?ated, and the Holocaust that claimed 6 million Jewish lives came to an end. Congregation Ner Tamid will join Jews throughout North America by participating in the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program, a program sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17. As the years pass, the memories of those who fell victim to the ulti?mate hate crime must not diminish. We encourage all families to light one yellow candle on the night of April 15, the 27th day of Nisan. When each family lights a Yellow Candle, it will increase awareness of the Holocaust and perpetuate our commitment to our people. Yom HaShoah candles are a highly visible symbol for keeping the flame alive. Their color recalls the badges Jews were forced to wear in Nazi-occupied Europe, but their flame inspires hope that we can yet make our world a tolerant place to live. The Boys of Brotherhood of Congregation new Tamid have been keeping the flame alive by distribut?ing the Yom HaShoah candles to all members of the Temple for the last few years. This year they will again be distributing the YomHaShoah Yellow Candle to the entire congregation to ensure the messages of freedom and tolerance continue to shine. Candles are mailed to each home along with a letter of instruction as well as the ap?propriate blessings. Your candle will arrive at your home the first week of April. Please help us to continue this tradition by making a donation to the Brotherhood. Suggested donation is Chai, $18, however a donation of any amount is certainly appreciated. Help us to keep the flame alive by sending your generous donation promptly. Remember to light the can?dle and display it in your home on the evening of April 15, and join us for a community-wide Yom HaShoah Observance Ceremony on April 17. r.\ i ri:rorr March was a very busy month for our group of fun filled preteens. We started off with a booth at the Purim carnival where we provided Kepah painting which was a great success. On March 10 we discussed our calen?dar for April. We had about 20 won?derful roller skaters showing off at Mountasia in Henderson. Our activi?ties continued with participation in the Youth Congregation service on March 15 along with a special one fol?lowed by dancing and lots of great food. TNT was also very happy to be involved in the baby shower for Bella and we presented her with a special gift. April is looking great with a BBQ and philanthropy event planned for this month. If you are in the 6th to 8th grade, and interested in becoming a member, please call the advisor Sandee Fleekop at 454-5196. Golden Chai News The Board Members of Golden Chai meet regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month. The by-laws have been updated and new rules established for games and paid-up member lunches. The general membership has approved decisions made by the Board. We're planning a game party on Sunday, June 9. There will be a lunch and a variety of games such as pan, poker, bridge, Mah Jongg, etc. We hope you will bring your friends whom you regularly play with, but the committee will also be organizing games. In the planning stage is a New Year's Eve Dinner Dance. Though it seems a long way off, now is the time to begin arranging for food and music?the two in?gredients for a successful party. On June 20 we'll have our first free lunch for paid-up members. If non-mem?bers would like to attend the cost is $5. Due to Passover, we'll resume our regu?lar meeting on April 18. Because of the high cost of postage, the Board has decided that after March only paid members will receive postcards announcing programs. Non-members who have been on our mailing list will be notified of this change. This is a good reason to pay the inexpensive dues of $7 per year per person. We welcome all Jewish seniors to join us and enjoy our excellent programs. Love and Shalom, Helen Zliser, PresidentMarch 1996-5756 Congregation Ner Tamid Women of S LsteirhoocL I can't believe it's already April. Wasn't it New Years Eve last week? It feels like a minute has passed since I was elected Sisterhood President. However, as I am reminded by friends and family, it was about two years ago when this door opened for me. The door that led to amazing chal?lenges and personal growth. And now even though I know it is time to move on, once again I am facing a bittersweet moment in my life. I need to share with you how thrilled I was to be President of Sisterhood. The accomplishments we as-a- whole attained. The highs of success and the frustration of a fish bowl existence. All in all, I am a very lucky person. Whenever I asked a group or an individual to help in either a project or a committee, 99% of the time the deed was af?firmed with a "yes" and done to perfection. How many of us are fortunate to have this type of commitment from peo?ple who are volunteers. I always speak of the hook of com?mitment, I truly lucked out with all the people I've worked with along the way. As I have relayed to you in many of these articles, this "job" and I will call it a 19-hour-a-day job, came into my life at a most opportune moment. Janis Rounds is the kind of person you can count on. She has shared my laughter and comforted me when my temper got the best of me. She is the voice of reason. We have worked on the Sisterhood Board for the past two years, and my loyalty and passion has always been Sisterhood. Knowing Janis' commitment to Sisterhood, passing the baton to her makes this experience less painful. She will be nothing less than brilliant as our new President. I hope to always be a part of our Sisterhood as well as our Temple. But now as this chapter is about ready to close, somewhere out there I believe a new door is waiting for me to enter. Now on to a new beginning and let me take this mo?ment to thank chairperson Melissa Glovinsky, and her nominating committee, Ronae Fink, Maxine Molinsky, and Mary Zone for seeking out these incredibly bright and in?telligent women to be part of the 1996-97 Sisterhood Executive Board. I also want to thank them for saying yes?ladies, you?ve made the right choice. With absolute joy and delight here are the nominations for the 1996-97 Sisterhood Executive Board: Sc&ten/i&od Help your Sisterhood... tributes can be purchased thru Sisterhood starting at $5 each. Call Shirley Gellin at 457-6320 or Maxine Gratz at 898-3592. It's a good way to support Sisterhood.! President VP Administration VP Ways and Means VP Membership VP Programming Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Parlimentarian Janis Rounds Dotty Henkin Gale Husney, Esther Saltzman and Susan Saskin Fran Sanoff and Mary Zone Maxine Molinsky and Bette Stahl Loretta Hollander Rebecca Herren and Lorelei Wojnicz Judy Hopson Rita Malkin Elections will take place Wednesday, May 22. It will be an evening meeting and we would love for you to attend. Watch for the flyer and more information soon. I hope all of you have sent in your check for the 2nd an?nual All Women's Seder. This event will be at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9 in the social hall at Congregation Ner Tamid. Eileen Kollins will officiate and Frances Klamian will provide this special Passover meal. Don't miss out, please call me with any questions at 898-3592 or just send your check in ASAP; c/o CNT Sisterhood, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121. ATTN: Maxine. The cost for Sisterhood members and their mothers, mothers-in- law, daughters, and daughters-in-law is $10, and for non?members it's $15. Our '96 Campership program was a huge success and thanks to the many donations from individuals and Rabbi, Sisterhood, and Brotherhood, we will help 12 children at?tend Jewish Camp this year. Some will be fully funded while others will just need that final push towards the goal. Sisterhood thanks all of you for making this major fund?raiser the success we all wanted it to be. There is still time to send money and help get us started for next year. A spe?cial thank you to Janet Evans and Melissa Glovinsky for never letting this cause rest and working together and making sure these kids have a chance at the