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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 9 20 2 1 22 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 County of Clark, State of ievada,, which is referred to In subparagraph (1 ) o f Section 1 of the $ai« Agreement. (This should t@ emitted i f the Die tr io t dees not desire the tram * fo r of th is perm it*) referred to In subparagraphs (k -i) to (k -5 ) , inclusive,ar*d (k-*?) to (k -lk ) of paragraph (k) of unction 1 o f the Safe Agreement. 5* ^eeiameai in which s a lt Lake Coss^smf isa# it® le s ­see, Uhlon .P acific, m Grantors, grant to the d is tr ic t easement for the construction, maintenance, operation, rep air and replacement- ©f the e le c tr ic power lin e p©~ ferred to in subparagraph (k -l$ ) of paragraph (k) of Sec­tion 1 of the Sale agreement * 6* teed in tdnich S a lt Lake m tra n ter con-tmye to union Pacific the land described In paragraph ( i ) of Sect ion 1 of the Sale Agreement. T* Deed 4m which yalem Pacific a® grantor M m e p i to the Mstrlci the land deaerlked in paragraph (1 ) of Section 1 of the sal® Agroegsefit, S* Bill of Sale la itirieh the Mate** Company as Grant­or assigns, transfer® and conveys unto the District cer­tain pipe lines and wire lines and appurtenances referred