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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    xxxxxsxxxyjuco ouaaooc hoi South 2nd Street Lee Vogue* Herein February 28* 1951 W 2>2 Hr* Boy Snith 500 Horth 7th street Lee Vogue* Hsveda Peer Sin In aooordanoe with telephone oonver- satien* X wish to adviae that the estimated ^oet for tapping hospital line and laying 4© feet of 6* eeet iron nine for eonneetlssi to fir# hydrant ie Xt le iiettJiol^y understood that the above estimate of |52?«0Q ioea not inoluie fire hydrant whioh you rill hare to seoure fro® City at your own expense* Xt will take approximately 30 ieye to prooeee the above work should you aeolde to go ahead with it* Break down of estimate will be shown you if you ©are to oall at offioe* Very truly yours, Assistant tso General Manner