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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    COPY LAS VEGAS HOSPITAL AND CLINIC 201 North Eights Street Las Vegas, Nevada May 6, 1948 George Allard, Chairman Publio Service Commission Carson City, Nevada Dear Mr. Allard: A drastic Increase In rates for water service to this institution has motivated us to request some informa­tion from the Commission. Rates have been increased from $15.00 per month, as shown in the following breakdown of facilities: 10 Rooms 38 Rooms 9 15^ ea 4 Water Closets, private 6 Water Closets, Public 2 Baths, private 2 Baths, public I 4 Drinking Fountains Tl free? 3 9 1 Laundry (oper $at3e*s5 0 6 ead)ay 1 Cafe Total monthly rate We feel that there exists some pronounced incon­sistencies in this schedule, with partlfular reference to the laundry and cafe items. It is our understanding that rates for water service in this area are fixed by the Commission. If this is correct, is it intended that the rate for hospital water consumption include such adjunctive facilities as kltohen and laundry} or are they to be assessed as a distinctly separate commercial or custom operatlont Our laundry is an adjunctive operation inoident to hospital operation. Xt is small, being operated by two employees; and the excessive cost of water service is greatly disproportionate to the amount of water used as well as to the rest of the water service. In view of it's limited else and the fact that production is restricted to the hospital, it appears that the charge is un­reasonable. The same reasoning applies to the kitchen. Will you please advise if these rates are proper inter­pretation of Commission Regulations. Very truly yours, LAS VEGAS HOSPITAL & CLINIC By L. W. Edwards, Superintendent