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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    3fr?╜ Dexter C. Gardner page f. the maimer In which the funds are disbursed, the amount of overhead expenses Incurred, etc. The Application for Exemption should indicate that it la retroactive to the establishment of the fund, which took place on September 1, 1963* this form should be filed with the local District Director of ?╟≤?√ß''''Internal; S&venue, ?║?║?║?║ !ISimSi 4* Annual .tax returns must be filed ihlch will indicate ' tho income end outgo of the. fund and 'the type Of t%, : operations in which it has?╟╓ engaged ??.;t The fund should be administered by at least three import-* ant members of the Vincennes community# ?√ß Those trustees can select the procedure for entertaining applications of needy .children, disburse the funds, etc.., so long as this is accomplished?√ßon the basis of financial need. Please send us a copy of the organizational documents as soon as they are.drafted and executed, Tour cooperation' is much appreciated. Cordially, ?╜SA:Jf cc Hr-* Hess cc Mr# Ai Freeman MARTIN S. APPEL