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    ?√ß ?╟≤ ?√ß -,r-e ESTABLISHED 1888 J BArcl|y 7-5371 PRESS Cu||MG BUREAU 165 Church S|||et - New York SAN RAFllEL, CALIF. Independent-Journal i Circ. fgl 3,793 ?║6^4 ??53 _____ BAraflSSbj \i__y PRESS CLIPPINp BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York VISALIA, CALIF. TIMES-DELTA Circ. D'^,503" SEP 26 1953JM "RITA AND DICK GET LICENSE Demurely dressed in-an aqua, blue cotlon dress, Rita?· Hayworth appears with Dick Haymes at the county clerk's ?╟≤ office in Las Vegas to obtain the marriage licenie for today's/ . wedding. Haymes earlier received his divorce from Nora Eddington, just down the hall in the same'building. (AP - Wirephoto.) ?· | Rita, Dick Gamble Again As They Wed In Vegas LAS VEGAS, Nev. (/P) ?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. i The 34-year-old. actress and her crooner, 35, were to recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. jp||| District Judg^WlHRTlffacNamee was scheduled to /officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, g&firal manager of the Sands,- wasljol be*|he only attendant. Photographer! and reporters on hand* would outnumber the In vited' ^gt^t&ree to one. q|$f^6AST CITED The uri|p$ll$i0Us affair seemed quite ?╟≤ a contrast to the screen star's Javjfk French wedding to Prince Aiy Kahn in 1949. Miss Hayworth does not even have a new wedding gown. She said she would wear a blue linen straight dress which she has worn before. Her head will be coyeredighg a toast-colored hat of tulle amptnjf' velvet She has gloves to match the hat. Onjy invited guests were bu$> ness and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand were..the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and tha Princess Yasmine, 3%, like her Moslem lather a direct descendant of the prophet yMohammed. Final barrier to the wedding|was cleared yesterday when Hajpjbes copped a seven-minute^siivorciae- cree from Nora Eddington Fjynn Haymes. Less than a??^hotiM;mter, he brought Rita back jtp4h||||to- j house, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and, Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada,, but said they will soon move near Greenwich, Conn., wl&re they are looking for a house. W w_WJ* "All my work is it)5 the jfyf^j the crooner explained! 'ffi??$gk Miss Hayworth said she. plans! to commute between the . ^ftf Coast amA Hollywood, for pi|&|;f making. ON DEPORTATION 5gH j Should the government wiifc|fes deportation case against the ?╟≤?√ßArgentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live^m? i "I'm not going to be depoi&eJ*" he. answered. "We both intend fo live in the UiSA.". "The crooner said he^s^^mmei intdfj^Dss Hayworth's suite jat tjie Sands right after the weddin?·?·r& reported Aasked him. if he<bsjjf0iypr tasted any of Rita's cooking. "r*'-'f3S[ho marr)es ,sRij??f Hayworth j^molgnkV' ifee'vsinger asked. DICK GETS A FAMILY?╟÷Singer Dick' Haymes g$t& to j Know his new family. He was married Thursdajr*^ftita I Hayworth at the "Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, KevElSffth ( Dick and Rita is Reoecca, ^, daughter of Miss Hayworth \ by former marriage to Orson Welles, and Yasmin, 3, * daughter by her marriage to Prince Aiy Khan. Circ D. >??>' SEP 23B53 ^/f^d ESTABLISHED 188& O BArc,aY 7"5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New; York HUNTINGTON, W. TA. ADVERTISER??g Circ. D. 20,66l'^fe| Crooner, Rif a United (At Simple Ceremony 1 .?╟?,,_.?╟? ?╟?,.= -DoltPnea. S.the off?· By JAMES BACON ?╟≤ iThey are Rebecca, 1^$he offspring 1" *LAS VEGAS, Nev. ??-Whileof Miss Hayworth's marriage to nearby c^hooters tried to make|??rson toes' and the Princess sevens and elevens, Rita.Hayworth sevens auu wiv.*, _. and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony* ^The 34-year-old actress and her | crooner, l&t recited vows each| lOrson belles, and the Princess Yasmine, 3%, like her moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes (copped a seven-minute divorce de- - "EMdiTiortrm Flynn The 34-year-om ??vw.^~ . crWer, 35, recited vows eachl00^ a sel*n~m^ \ has said three times before, in a <Lre from Nora Eddmgton Flynn simple ceremony in the Gold ^0m Haymes. Less than an hour later, of thei Sands Hotel. ne brought Rlta baek *?? the court- , District JUUB i'mik MacNamee hof+?' where both nervously filled jofficiated at t he five-minute\om the marriage license forms, 'ceremony. Jack Entratter, general! Both Haymes and Rita claimed manS'of ie Saqds, was,.m K aSndant. Photographers and K?ers outnumbered the invited I guests three to one -MB?╟÷s&mmi Both Haymes aim >fmm ~?╜ [pfriianent residence in Ne?j4ad but sa^di?╜^<^w^.S6oit/ni^0!~3^li Greenwich, Conn., where they are . looking for -a house. m , .. .. . "All my work is in the East," The- unpretentu??Hs affair was the crooner explained. ; quite a contrast to the screen |v , ?√ß _Z . , star's lavish, French wedding to Mlss Hayworth said -she plans Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. MissK commute between the East Hayworth did not even have a P* and Hollywood for Plcture new wedding gown. She said she making. would wear a blue linen straight Should the government win its dress whicU she has worn before.|deportation case against tlie Argen- ->?Σ≤?Σ≤fl hv a ~ """* ?Σ≤h**- countrj Her I head was covered by foastiolored hat of tulle and velvet. She wore gloves to match' porSf guests invited w^ Iness and- legal associates of IM Couple. The only relatives on hand ?·e the bride's two daughters. tirTe-born crooner, what country 'will he and Rita then live in? ?√ß "I'm not going to be deported he answered. "We both intend to live in 'the*J&A?* The crooW said he will move into Misstt$iyworth's-suite at the VINTON, IOWA CEDAR VALLEY TIMES Circ. D. 4,553 SEP231953 ir ^~^yim**Mavvtofik Romance Expected SS *Ute Wedding Thursday LAS VEGAS, Ney. UR?╟÷Rita Hay- worttT~wHoT<'married Aiy Khan amid scented swimming pools and international society, will wed Dick Haymes in a simple cere^ mony Thursday morning. ?╟≤ The former princess and the crooner will be married by a Nevada judge in a three-minute cere- mony attended only, by then- law yers. her two daughters and the 'press. Miss Hayworth said^M jeventwmtake place in the Gdd I Room of the Sands Hotel^Jhurs ^^^needanytrms^d fancy trimmings 4h!S time she declared. "It's enough _&W ,Dick and he loves me and to be married at iast after allt [difficulties we've had to face. The actress, who has often; I played hide-and-seek with the ( press, added that some 20 report-1 ers will be invited to watch thej wedding. Afterwards she'll sit downj i to lunch and cocktails with re-j porters in the same, room, m "I realize how important a fair and friendly press car be to some body facing difficulties yffvj (had to face," she explained. Haymes expects to get hit Nevada divorce from Nora Haymes today. Cameras will {Record Rita's 1 4th Is^arriage ?%_ks VE^S, Nev.?╟÷Film star' ^il^HS/WOpWTSlfi'S crooner Dick gl|??ymes -today planned a "simple' g;^ading" with television ^nd" |^pf#reel cameras grinding away. I Igj^Ken they'll settle down %?║\\ I'VJaJp they hope will be a sedate I ;]'life-hs suburbanites in Greenwian, j '.a^e ceremony Thursday will be I ;i-fe^M in t're Gold .room of jthe j ! ^j&gls hotel with only nine guests i l^^t^d'; but news and camera men l^ic^^^pld?√ß they could attend.1 Ii3^^red-haired beauty sighed I i bapfpily that she and Haymes "are l | j | finally getting married after so i \ many, difficulties." \ m?m&<'-- I I g^ASipng their recent troubles \ \ have been an attempt by the gov- \ \ ernment to <|epQrt Haymes, a citi-; zen of Argentina, and' death i threats against Miss Hayworth I and her youngest daughter, three- i year-old Yasmin. ^f^^i^R:^^! i "We want'a ^simple w^^'ing," - IM^ Hayworth said firml^^pTnis-! I. prasas too impbttant to mfop^clut- i frills. It's enough. tha.fc--\ve:'love each other;-" H j But the - weddM^^hlife,' ^tlae; final clinch in tbe^l^^'^rilfersj 1 ^^^ see a^ ??^ theliOlpa'dachea 1J solved. '?╟÷^ 1:-?╟÷-ttgLaw^gl. ESTABLISHED J 888 _________ SfeArclay 7-5371 ff_m#m PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - iNew York VINCENNEfL-IND.* SUN-COMmRCIAL Circ. D. I3,448J|S, 13,843 4THH0NEYM00| [Wonderful toljBe|Callem Mrs. Haymes, She Says. I LAS VEGAS, Nev.1 ?╟÷?║Sft *?╟÷ Rita I Hayworth and Dick Haymes are on the fourth honeymoon for each of Ithelm today following a brief flasb- Ibulb-lit wedding'in a^gambling re- Isort hotel., I "I feel wonderfully happy," the I redhaired'bride said after the three- i I minute- ceremony. "I am married I to the man I really love..It sounds ?√ß so wonderful to be called Mrs. I Haymes." I I The movie star and the crooner I 1 fly to New York Saturday and later 1 to Philadelphia, where .the bride- 1 groom starts a ntght ;?½b engage- Iment Monday night. I "Our careers, tea fact nothing,. I will ever separate us," Rita declared, i She said she'll travel with Haymes 1 on his night club tour. I I They havejf'rented a house in h i Greenwich, ConhmMiss Hayworth ;i said shell commute, between.pfcher'e ! and HollywooA-4j|p;ojke_j3icture.._a year. ^";-;*pP I The ceremony was performed by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of the^Sands Hotel Roulette games and sfol nmSJSfflSfr continued whirring in the "ne^oy casino. ' Daughters JVatch Rita's two daugraeps, Rebecca, 8,1 by her marriage, w^ctor Orson Welles, and Prih|iii|Yasmihe, 3%, I by ex-husband ??tjg Khan, looked on from a divaif: ,& Wy^mlZ-' The bridal cot^ said tiieir *T 1 do's" firfnlyj .at ^ears caihe'into Rita's eyes at tife words. Tlie double-ring ceremony was over before she got her ring on DtcMi finger; she put it on feerward. Little Yas- mine shrilled, jMama, 1 Wtpt a ring, too." Miss Hayw|S"th wore W short-! sleeved, bhid|Iinen dr^p; a toast- colored tul^and velvet hat and matching g|?fes. Her bouquet was of orchids a#: lilies of the valley, I! Haymes .w|8fe a blue pin-stripe suit with blue-'^. 1 Before B^'marriage to Welles and Prince AlfPElita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were actress Joanne Dru, I dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex-wife of Err oil Flynn. :Wi wwsfm^h