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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    HOLY GHOST RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 4413 Olcott Avenue East Chicago, Indiana 46312 Telephone: "398-0163 The SAMPS Lous Vegas, Nevada Rev. John E. Stefanik Pastor October. 2, 1969 Gentlemen: Our. ckurck ts a JsmaJUL but active, one and we axe planning a Las Vegas night type party to kctp defray tke co&t o& a now rectory and parJjsk kome we recently built {or our. priest and young family. We would appK.ccA.atz it very muck ll you would kelp ms make tkJUs a aucccsjs by contributing ask tray&, matckes, plnocklc cards on. wkatever you may o{{er. IklJS aj> tkc {Irjst time we kave attempted anything like tkls and would Like very muck to make It a aucccsa. We kave 4 old 300 tickets thus {or. Our pa/ity Is Jsckeduted {ok. tke afternoon o{ November 9 th. Tkank you. Please Jsend any o{ tkese Items to: Marl L, Barney 1002 West 145th Street Eajst Chicago, Indiana 46312 'o/L/t, J \kahl L., PROGRAM CHAIRMAN LAS VEGAS MIGHT '69