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\ + . SECTION VIII: REVENUES r e c o r d being used fo r each s e rv ice num ber. S erv ice No. 7 in clu d es a b illia r d hall, b a r, rad io shop, barber shop, resta u ra n t, and la u n d erette fo r a total m onthly b ill of $ 7 0 .8 0 . S erv ice No. 189 includes a m o te l, a p rivate re sid e n ce , and a duplex for a total b ill of $10. 10. S e rv ic e N o. 236 includes 9 private resid e n ce s fo r a total b ill of $24. 30. S e rv ice N o. 4512 includes 3 m otels and 3 apartm ents fo r a total b ill of $ 1 4 .0 5 . S erv ice N o. 4749 includes 125 private re s id e n c e s and a m a n a g e r's o ffice fo r a total b ill of $ 3 3 9 .9 0 . The follow in g tabulation show s the s e rv ic e nu m bers, number of s e rv ic e con n ection s, total b ill, average b ill p er cu stom er, and average b ill per s e rv ic e fo r th ese fiv e s e r v ic e n u m bers. R eproduction s of these five r e c o r d s as u sed b y the L as V egas Land and Water C om pany are shown on page 48. S e rv ic e N o . 7 189 236 4, 512 4, 749 N o. of S ervice C onnections p er S erv ice N o. 64 9 6 126 151 Total M onthly B ill $ 70.80 1 0 . 10 24. 30 14. 05 339.90 $459.15 A verage B ill per C onsum er $11. 80 2. 53 2. 70 2. 34 2 .7 0 $ 3 .0 4 8. 03. M eter ra te s. In ord er to esta b lish a m eter rate s tr u c ture w hich would p rov id e adequate revenu es after the in stallation o m e te r s , com p a rison s have been m ade with three citie s w hose ra tes have been re ce n tly studied in detail by this o ffic e . T h ese citie s are E l C en tro, P om on a and T orra n ce , all in C a liforn ia . The pattern o w ater use in ea ch of these c itie s , and the average of the three are show n in T able XIV . Using the average pattern of water use shown in T able XIV, the m eter rate schedule shown on page 50, an estim ate of 12, 800 co n s u m e rs , and an estim ated consum ption of 200 gallon s p er capi a fo r a population of 41, 000, the in com e fo r 1954 (assum ing a ful y e a r 's operation) would be determ in ed as follo w s: -4 7 -