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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Levadq, Augus t 13, 1926. ¥-2-5 Mr. C.C.Barry, Auditor, Los Angeles, C a lifo r n ia . Dear S ir* The deed eoivreying the unimproved tr a c t o f land south o f Clark*s Las Vegas low n site, so ld under Contract Audit to . 5§5?, to Hawkins Land and Water Company* was received th is morning with Mr. Bloom’ s l e t t e r Bo. 921L-H~L7 dated August 12. Cpen re c e ip t o f the document 1 made the attached Form 6 and a deposit s lip c re d itin g A ssistan t 1‘reasu rer*s account with the :|dO»J&C„60 placed in escrow by Mr. Hawkins on June 24. At the hank % learned that Mr. fru e ls e a had immediately withdrawn the d ep o sit, th is action seems premature inasmuch as the deed was then on ly In course o f preparation and was not ready fo r d e liv e r y u n til today. I t is not c le a r to me how the transaction was recorded on the hooks o f the Los Angeles o ffic e s ; however, I assume that Mr. 'fruelsen does not at th is la t e date r qu ire a du plicate deposit© s lip fo r the amount he withdrew from the F irs t S tate Bank soon a f t e r i t was placed th ere, and that i t is proper to g iv e the Form 6 today’ s date. Please advise whether th is course o f action is s a tis fa c to r y Tours tru ly , ?falter JU Bracken. ee: W.F*f.ruel«en, C. A. Bloom.