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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    office of February 13, 1956. Howard Stricklins DIRECTOR OF STUDIO PUBLICITY Mr. A1 Freeman Sands Hotel Las Veg as, Nevada Dear Al: This is to confirm our understanding concerning the handling of press and MBM personalities for the MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS premiere scheduled for February 21 in conjunction with the MILTON BERLE-NBC television show on that date. The Sands Hotel is to invite and provide transportation and expenses during their stay in Las Vegas the following of the press; CHICAGO ........ Irv Kupcinet Sam Lesner Ann Marsters Eleanor Kaen Anna Nangle John Rosenfield Virgil Miers HOUSTON Paul Hochuli Mildred Stockard Hubert Roussel MINNEAPOLIS Will Jones Bill Diehl Cedric Mams SAN FRANCISCO... Hortense Merton Herb Caen William Hogan Fred Johnson Emelia Hodel NEW YORK Earl Wilson NO AGREEMENT OR ORDER WILL BE BINDING ON THIS CORPORATION UNLESS IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY AN OFFICER