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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Febuary 26, 1987






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 17 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000546. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-13 THRUSDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1987 4:OOPM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MEETING 17-12, 17-11 IV. ANNOUNCEMENT V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Allan Chastin to Appropiations Board. B. Kurt Hildebrand Appropiations Board. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. ITEM 1 Transfer $6000.00 of budget authority (only), from 906-1101 to 905-1101. (This is to increase the professional Salary line.) B. ITEM 2 Transfer of $65.00 of budget authority (only), from 906-1600 to 905-1600. (This is to increase the staff benefits line.) C. ITEM 3 Transfer $800.00 of budget authority (only), from 906-1501 to 905-1501. (This is to increase the salary line.) D. Approval of Directive to Vice-President Muir to do research for Las Vegas High Resolution-Smith. E. Introduction of Dismissal of Vice-President Pro Tempore Denise Sarnelli-Zayas. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING 2-27-87 PAGE 2 F. Deduction of $50 from March stipends for: 1) Intramurals 2) Bar Manager G. Nominations to vacant Health Sciences Seat. 1) Wendy Hopkins 2) Judy Walleen H. Appointment of Health Sciences Seat. I. Nominations to vacant Academic Advising. (Two Seats) J. Approval of Constitutional-Revisionment. K. Approval of Jeff Chadwell to Judicial Council. L. Approval of Micki Haldeman to Judicial Council. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT pw CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 17-13 THRUSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Senate President Zayas at 4:00PM. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator A. Chastain Senator M. Chastain Senator Cunningham Senator Evenson Senator Harrington Senator Leroy Senator Mentnech Senator Muir Senator Retke Senator Spicer Senator Tiffany Senator Zayas-Dorchak III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 17-11, and 17-12 The minutes from the meeting 17-11 were not approved. The minutes from the meeting 17-12 were approved. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Pro Tempore Evenson - announced that he met with Dean Ackerman, who is working on a committee to revamp Academic Advising and make it more useful to the students. Senate President Por Tempore Evenson - announced that he was still working on the trophy case. ABSENT Senator Fagel (Late) Senator Gentile (Late) Senator Goldstein (Late) Senator Gomez (Late) Senator Smith (Late) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES 17-13 2-26-87 PAGE 2 Senate President Zayas - mentioned the Con-Rev must be completed for the agenda of the Board of Regents this week. There will be no excused absences from this meeting. Senate President Zayas - announced that two seats for Academic Advising, and one seat is open for Health Sciences. Senate President Zayas - during open discussion he will entertain nominations for the By-Law Committee. Senators should take notice to the Constitution and By-Laws, since a lot was taken out. Vice-President Muir - mentioned that the Organizations Board Meeting on this Tuesday at 2:30 in the Oasis Room. Vice-President Muir - announced that library hours will be extended the week before finals, and most of the days it will be open until 1:00AM More details will be posted at a later date. V. EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Executive Board of Nominations; Allen Chastain - to Appropriations Board; Kurt Hilebrand - to Appropriations Board. Motion to approve by Senator Harrington, seconded by Senator Fagel. There was no discussion. Moved into a vote with no objections. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS Publications Board - there will be an announcement at next week's meeting about the budget. Intramurals - Senator Muir - basketball games will be on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Mazzio's Pizza will be sponsoring "Plays of the Week." Free pizza will be served. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Senator Smith moved to out of order of the day to table the Resolution for Las Vegas High School. Motion to move out of the order of the day. Motion carried with no objections. MINUTES 17-13 2-26-87 PAGE 3 VIII. NEW BUSINESS A.) To approve the transfer of $6000.00 of budget authority (only), from 906-1101 to 905-1101. (This is to increase the professional salary line.) Motion to approve by Senator Retke, seconded by Senator Spicer. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Smith to amend item A, B, and C, as a whole or leave it. Seconded by Senator Fagel. There was discussion. Motion to make item A, B, and C, as a whole, with no objections. "There was discussion. Call for a vote with 12 in favor, 2 opposed, (Senator Mentnech, Senator Muir), with 3 abstentions (Senator Zayas-Dorchak, Senator Tiffany, Senator Evenson.) D.) Approval of Directive to Vice-President Muir to do research for Las Vegas High School Resolution, is out of order of the day, since there is no Las Vegas High School. E.) Introduction of Dismissal of Vice-President Pro Tempore Denise Sarnelli. There was no discussion. F.) Deduction of $50 for March stipends for 1) Intramurals 2) Bar Manager Senator President Zayas - both directors have been removed because every director or their proxy must attend the Executive Board Meetings or you will be deducted $50 from stipend. Senator President Pro Tempore Evenson - took over the Senate Meeting. G.) Nominations to vacant Health Sciences Seat. No Nominations w°re made. MINUTES 17-13 2-26-87 PAGE 4 H.) Appointment of Health Sciences Seat. Motion by Senator Harrington for candidates to speak for two minutes and then will be asked three questions at the most. They will then go into an election and the number one vote getter is sworn in. Seconded by Senator Fagel. Motion carried. Senator Smith - moved to table elections until a later date. Seconded by Senator Muir. There was discussion. Call for a vote with seven in favor, six opposed, and four abstentions. Motion carried to table. Senate President Zayas - took over the Senate Meeting. I.) Nominations to vacant Academic Advising. ' . : - . taec1 fo Nomination by Senator Mentnech for Jamal Allen Nomination by Senator Retke for Rick Loxton Nomination by Senator Evenson for Tycon. V; except annul t tee of for the appcinciuent Senator Leroy - motion to move out of the order of the day to items M, N, 0, P. No objections, moved into emergency items. Motion to approve M, N, 0, P, as a whole. Seconded by Senator Evenson. There was discussion. Table until another time, with objections. Moved back into the order of the day. MINUTES 17-13 2-26-87 PAGE 5 o p 1 J.) Motion to except a Committee of the Whole for the appointment of the chair. Motion by Senator Harrington to move into the Committee of the Whole. Seconded by Senator Zayas-Dorchak. With no objections, the Senate moved into the Committee of the Whole with members to include the Senators Eric Emerson, Jeff Chadwell, Bill Haldeman. Senator President Zayas - appointed Senator Harrington as chair of the Committee of the Whole. Approval of Constitutional-Revisionment. There was discussion within the Committee of the Whole. At 5:20 Senator Gomez left the meeting unexcused. At 5:25 Senator Retke left the meeting.(3rd unexcused.) At 5:45 the meeting was recessed for dinner at the call of the chair. At 6:30 the meeting was called back to order. Brian Retke rejoined the meeting as a member of the Committee of the Whole. At 7:30 Senator Fagel left the meeting. (3rd unexcused.) The Committee voted to rise in report to the Senate that they had considered correction in the Constitution up until page 12. Motion by Senator Leroy, seconded by Senator Zayas-Dorchak. There were no objections. The Committee rose in report. IX. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Zayas accepted the report and adjourned the meeting at 9:15PM. Palma Wesely Senate Secretary