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Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Annual Report, 1998-1999, and Israel, Peace, Hope, Future Calendar, 1999-2000



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    If Ml7 THE 0AT?; Las Vegas Mission to IsraoJ MI S R A E L 2 O O 0 II APRIL 1 ? I , 2 0 0 0 * Jeep Rides in the Desert* *Archeological Dig* *Tour Ancient Jerusalem* *Massada and Dead Sea Spa* *Visit to Yad Vashem* *Visit with new immigrants Children's Programs (7 & up]* from Russia & Ethiopia* ^Different Tracks for *Go back to Roman Times; Dine First-timers & Repeatersl* at the Cardo Culinoria* *Kabbalat Shabbat at Western *Western Wall Underground Wall* Tunnel* FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ( ALL: (702) 732-0550 PRESIDENT'S REPORT When I became President of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas two years ago, I had many hopes and dreams for this community. I saw this position as a journey that would ultimately lead us to the development of a cohesive Jewish community. It was a journey that took me across the ocean to the Former Soviet Union to see firsthand the needs of our people in that country and across our valley to see the needs of our own community. Sometimes it was a difficult journey but it has ulti-mately reaped many rewards. We have dramatically improved our service delivery to our community. With two excellent Jewish Day Schools, a growing Jewish Community Center program, a Hillel on our campus at UNLV, a responsive Jew-ish Family Service Agency, and the creation of the Jewish Home for the Aging, we are making incredible progress. Now that we have acquired the land on both sides of town we are prepared to go out and raise the necessary funds to build the facilities that will house all of our quality programs. Our Community Strategic Planning process is helping us understand our community and shape our plans to its needs. Our Allocations com-mittee is refining its process to assure that the funds we raise are being utilized to the fullest and we are supporting necessary programs and services. I have worked with so many wonderful volunteers over the past two years that they are too numerous to name. Our Board and committees have spent endless hours work-ing on enhancing our programs, making us more efficient and allowing us to move forward with the knowledge to make appropriate decisions for the community. I have met people from all areas of Las Vegas who care as we do about what is happening to our community. They want a place where the Jewish community can come together and celebrate Jewish life... they want to provide a safe haven for their elderly parents... they want to feed the hungry and care for the infirm... they want all those things that we know are necessary for a quality Jewish life. Very shortly we will be launching a Capital Cam-paign to build the "infrastructure" of this community. We need everyone in the communi-ty to help to make these things a reality. I can look back and feel proud of the fact that we now have a Community Relations Committee program that is proactive and working hard to strengthen the bonds be-tween the Jewish and general community. I am pleased that we have an Editorial Board for the Jewish Reporter that is making it the premier Jewish publication in Las Vegas. I feel good that we have built bridges to many of the Jewish organizations in town... and there are still more to build. I believe that the community is on the right course due to the hard work of the executive committee, board and committees of the Federation and the staff. It has been a privilege to have served as your President. I want to thank everyone who made the "Jewish community" a priority these past few years. I sincerely hope you will continue this good work and become actively involved in the process. DAVID DAHAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Ethics of our Fathers states: "Do not separate yourself from the community." Our history shows us that this statement is very important to the survival of our people. The Jewish Federation is synonymous with "community." It is the one place where all Jews can come together, regardless of their affiliation, to cre-ate, to comfort, and to care for those who are most vulnerable. Amidst the explosive growth, we as a community have begun to chart a course for the future that will bring tremendous re-wards and opportunities for all of us. This year was filled with many opportunities. In November I had the privilege of traveling to Israel with forty-five members of our community, on what was a "trip of a lifetime" for all those who participated. We traveled the length and breadth of Israel and came home with a renewed commitment to work together to create a cohesive Jewish community. The Task Force on the Elderly completed its work and the Jewish Federation Board voted to establish the Jewish Home for the Aging of Southern Nevada as a separate not-for-profit organization. Architects have been hired to do the preliminary site plan, by-laws have been approved and a Board of Directors is being created. The donation of the land by the Greenspun family and a generous gift by Alice and Harry Goldberg have helped make this dream possible. The Jewish Federation Board also approved the establishment of another new agency. Hillel at UNLV will begin operating as an agency this July. The increasing demand for expanded Jewish programming at the University and the Community College made this decision necessary for the successful growth and development of that organization. We have greatly expanded our service delivery systems to the community, and at the same time have acquired additional land on the west side of town in the Arbors of Summerlin for the development of a full-service Jewish Community Center, offices for the Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Service Agency, a Holocaust Center, and Nate Mack B'nai B'rith. I want to commend Hal Ober and his planning committee for their hard work. We are now in the process of doing a "Community Strategic Plan" with all of our agencies, to assure that the decisions we make regarding the development of both cam-puses are appropriate and fiscally responsible. This year's Campaign co-chairs Dr. Gary Kantor and Ron Worth worked along with the Women's Division, under the leadership of their President Susan Smith and Cam-paign co-chairs Nancy Rosten and Dee Ober to bring in new donors. We were able to expand many of our Campaign programs. In addition, although we have not formally launched our Capital Campaign, we raised over $360,000 for our Jewish Community Campus Founders Club. All these are positive signs that we are moving in the right direction. I want to thank our president David Dahan for his efforts on behalf of the Jewish Federation and our board and executive committee for their hard work and ded-ication to make a difference in the lives of our Jewish people. As always the staff did an outstanding job and I want them to know how much they are appreciated for the work they do. To all of our donors I want to say thank you for your continued support and encourage you to stay involved and help us better serve the Jewish community. RONNI EPSTEIN DR. GARY KANTOR RON WORTH CAMPAIGN REPORT The Campaign year marked a turning point in the building of our Jewish community. As we approach a new era in the development of the future Jewish Community Campus, the entire Jewish community faces an exciting challenge. This year's Campaign Cabinet spearheaded this challenge of helping to build a strong and vital Jewish community. Campaign cabinet members worked diligently in solicita-tions and acquiring new donors. All of the Campaign events were great successes due to the hard work of all of the division chairmen. Highlights of the 1999 Campaign events started with an exciting Campaign Kick-off evening program at the home of Hyla and Ron Worth, featuring speaker Anita Jacobs. The Ma-jor Gifts Dinner set the stage for the rest of the campaign at the home of Dr. Tony and Renee Marlon. Author and attorney John Loftus recounted his dealings with the U.S. Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit. This event, which was co-chaired by Rachel and Sam Ventura, Elaine and Neil Galatz, and Deanne and Harold Stralser, enabled us to close gifts and raise signif-icant campaign dollars. The Pacesetter Dinner Dance at Cae-sars Palace co-chaired by Ellen and Paul Bodner, Fran Fine, and Sandy and Marv Snyder featured actor/activist Ed Asner as keynote speaker. Thanks to the continued generosity of Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, we were able to hold our annual Super Sunday phon-a-thon at the Sands Expo & Convention Center. For the first time, Super Sunday was televised live to thou-sands of viewers in the greater Las Vegas valley. David Heller and Louis Levin did an outstanding job as co-chairmen. As part of our plan to educate our Jewish community as to the importance of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and reach out to new donors, we held our first ever Couples Social Mixer. This event, chaired by Ellen and Paul Bodner, was held in the home of Deanne and Harold Stralser and cultivated record numbers of first time givers from this area. The Business & Professional Division, chaired by Debra Cohen, held a campaign luncheon featuring guest speaker Sheldon Adelson, Chairman of the Board of The Venetian Resort. Mr. Adelson was presented with the first annual B&P "Man of the Year" award. A first-time joint Maimonides, Brandeisand Real Estate event was held at the Golden Nugget Hotel with guest speaker Albert Ratner. This program was co-chaired by Dr. Marv Perer, Dr. Saul Schreiber, Max Spilka, Gerald Gordon, Bob Unger, David Ober and Ira Epstein. Federation's new public relations campaign entitled WHO KNEW? kicked off in January of this year. Billboards and bus shelter ads served to educate our community. We again wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the great number of committed individuals who continued the long tradition of tzedakah to ensure the strength of the Jewish community. SUSAN SMITH DEE OBER WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT Women's Division had a strong year and increased in great numbers. Women's Division Outreach connected a record break-ing number of new women thanks to the hard work of Outreach co-chairmen Debra Cohen and Janet Kantor. The happenings included an incredible event hosted by Mirage Events with over 130 women in attendance, "What's Cooking" a Jewish cooking demonstration, and the Grand Finale event "Treasures of Rus-sia" which included breakfast at Napa Restaurant in the Rio Hotel with 200 women strong. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends. Our fundraising luncheons this year enabled us to acquire 3 new Lions, 18 new Pomegranates, 46 new Main Eventers and 20 new Genesis women. The luncheon successes began with the Lion of Judah Luncheon co-chaired by Judy Apple-baum, Cari Marshall, Dorit Schwartz, and Marcy Simon, held in the Terraza Restaurant at Caesars Palace with featured guest speaker Nelly Toll. Nelly shared childhood memories of the Holocaust through her childhood paintings. The Pomegranate luncheon, co-chaired by Gail Kessler and Deborah Perlman, was held in the magnificent Drai's Restaurant with featured speaker Rabbi David Wolpe who touched the women with his magical presentation of Jewish spirituality. The Main Event luncheon, co-chaired by Edye Goldberg and Eva Kallick, was a memorable afternoon spent in the ball-room of the Bellagio with over 200 women in attendance. Guest speaker Annie Korzen (The Good Yenta) had the women laugh-ing and crying with her touching stories.The fundraising events ended with a Genesis Brunch, co-chaired by Judy Lowenhar and Bonnie Pomerantz, at the MGM Convention Center featur-ing the women's acapella ensemble group Vocolot. There were many first time givers who enjoyed this delightful morning. We had bang up campaign events this year thanks to the hard work of Carole Pockey and Mona Silverman, Campaign Events co-chairmen. Another highlight of this year was our wonderful Education pro-gram "Cosmetics of a Criminal Kind" featuring author Michael Bar Zohar. This provided a great opportunity for the community to come together due to the strong, talented efforts of co-chairmen Lauren Eisenberg and Rhonda Glyman and their committee. The wom-en were also educated through monthly D'var Torahs presented to the WD Board which were enlightening to all. This year the Women's Division grew to even greater heights and we look forward to another exceptional year to come with the incoming Executive Board and Board of Di-rectors. NANCY ROSTEN THE FOUNDATION The Endowment of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Leave a Legacy " my fathers planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me." ?TALMUD TAANIT 23A The Jewish Community Foundation is the Jewish Federation's endowment program. Its mission is to accumulate enduring assets which will assure the continuity and stability of Jewish life in the greater Las Vegas area. The Foundation accepts gifts during lifetime and testamentary bequests. With these assets, it establishes endowments, trusts and foundations to carry out the charitable wishes of the donors. All gifts are used solely in accordance with the wishes of the donor. The Foundation offers "planned giving" alternatives that allow community members to take maximum advantage of the substantial charitable deductions from federal taxation that are provided by U.S. tax policy. WHAT YOU CAN ? Establish a Designated Endowment?t o support your favorite program, activity or agency; ? I n c r e a s e t h e Community Ttust Fund?the unrestricted endowment that meets emergencies in the Jewish and general ? Create a Donor Advised Fund?f r om which you can manage all of your charitable distributions, to your maximum tax advantage; ? Set Up a C h a r i t a b l e F o u n d a t i o n ? i n your family's name, that will serve as a grantmaking foundation. Make your philanthropy a family affair; ? P e r p e t u a t e Your G i f t ? t o the Federation's Annual Campaign through an Annual Campaign Endowment; ? E s t a b l i s h A C h a r i t a b l e Remainder TVust?to receive guaranteed income for life. PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO CONSIDER HOW YOU OR YOUR FAMILY CAN LEAVE A LEGACY TO JEWISH LIFE. I f l n You are invited to call Nachman Rosenberg, Foundation director, 732-0556, to discuss how the Foundation can help you achieve your philanthropic goals. All conversations will be held in strict confidence. Foundation services are free. Irwin G rman 9 FEDERATION PROGRAMS "We" in this case means Federation, agencies, congregations, grassroots organizations... No test is required to join the team, only a true desire to enrich Jewish life in the greater Las Vegas and surrounding areas, and around the world BRANDEIS SOCIETY Max Spilka, Esq. and Gerald Gordon, Esq. co-chairs The Brandeis Society is a group of legal professionals within the Legal Division of the Federation who are committed to the pursuit of tzedakah-justice, and the teachings of Justice Brandeis. The society had their first event with guest speaker Jonathan Livny, a prominent attorney in Jerusalem. A joint Maimonides, Brandeis, and Real Estate event was held in March 1999, with guest speaker Albert Ratner, chairman of the board of Forest City Enterprises in Cleveland, OH. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Debra Cohen, chair The Business and Professional Division continues to be a valuable networking opportunity as well as a means of demonstrating the Federation's commitment to addressing important social and political issues important to our community. The first event was a luncheon presenting local media representatives including KVBC TV3 Kendall Tenney and Rikki Cheese, KTNVTV13 Ken Hamilton and Mimi Jung & KNUU Radio Frank LaSpina.The topic focused on the upcoming elections, as well as answering additional questions from the audience. The second event was a Happy Hour of hors d'oeuvres with guest speaker, Jeff Silbert, general manager of the Forum Shops at Caesars. The campaign luncheon featured guest speaker Mr. Sheldon Adelson, chairman of the board of The Venetian Resort. The topic focused on "Building a Community." Adelson was presented with the first annual B&P Man of the Year Award for his generosity. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Herschel Auerbach, chair The Community Relations Committee (CRC) is the public affairs and social action arm of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The CRC is responsible for addressing social, cultural, political and humanitarian issues in our community. The CRC works with the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) which consists of public relations representatives from each of the local Jewish organizations, agencies, schools and synagogues. This past year, the CRC has been very active in its efforts to establish better interfaith and interethnic relations in our community. During the general elections in October 1998, 10 questions were presented to the local candidates running for the Democratic and Republican offices for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress and their response was published in the Jewish Reporter. In January 1999, the Jewish Federation's Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) and Congregation NerTamid co-sponsored a Leadership Training event led by Rabbi Wayne Dosick, NerTamid's Scholar in Residence. Rabbi Dosick is an educator, writer, speaker and a Professor at the University of San Diego, as well as an award winning author of six critically acclaimed books. The focus of the evening was Jewish ethics, spirituality, life-transitions and the role of the Jewish institutions in the Las Vegas community. Approximately 50 people attended this excellent evening. Also in January 1999, the COJO & the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) held its first community event at the Las Vegas Desert Demonstration Gardens in celebration ofTu B'Shevat. Over 100 people of all ages turned out. The program began with a guided tour of the Gardens, focusing on the unique environment in which we live and how to plant, grow and maintain a xeriscape garden. The second part of the program was the Tu B'Shevat Seder celebrating the New Year of Trees. A beautiful bounty of fresh and dried fruits, nuts and crackers was set out. Music and singing filled the air as participants celebrated Tu B'Shevat and our special relationship to the earth. In February 1999 COJO held an evening program with guest speaker Mr. Morton A. Klein, the National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Mr. Klein gave an outstanding presen-tation regarding Israeli and Middle Eastern concerns. In April the nine (9) candidates for Mayor of Las Vegas were invited to make a presentation at the COJO meeting. Six mayoral candidates accepted the invitation and spoke to a group of approximately 50 guests regarding the future of Las Vegas. In May 1999, the leadership of the Jewish community was received at Nellis Air Force Base. We visited the Thunderbird Museum and were escorted through the Threat Training Facility where we were the guests of the 547th Intelligence Squadron. GOLDBERG FILM/LECTURE SERIES A collection of three 16mm films co-sponsored by the Goldberg Film/Lecture Series of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, City of Las Vegas, Cultural and Community Affairs Division, Department of Parks and Leisure Activities & Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. Screenings were held at the Charleston Heights Art Center. The content of the films included the creation of the State of Israel and life there shortly after the War of Independence. All were Hebrew with English subtitles. Professor Robert Benedetto, from the UNLV Film Department, and a guest Israeli Shaliach (emissary) moderated a post - screening discussion. HILLEL AT UNLV Robin Greenspun, chair Jewish campus life is flourishing in Las Vegas for all Jewish college students who participate in Hillel, the newest agency of our growing Jewish community. Hillel's Student Board of Directors plans a wide variety of social events, holiday celebrations and more. Hillel also serves as a resource for leadership and networking opportunities, scholarships, travel to Israel and connections with the Jewish community. The talk of the campus is Hillel's annual Limo Scavenger Hunt that kicks off the fall term. It is just the beginning of a great year of programming, fun and friends. To receive the newest calendar, or be added to the listserv, call 736-0887, or email []. HOLOCAUST EDUCATION Edythe Katz Yarchever, chair This year's Holocaust Education Activity, sponsored by the Clark County School District, The Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust and the Holocaust Education Committee of the Las Vegas Jewish Federation, consisted of four student/teacher trips to the Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, CA. Students and teachers had an opportunity to view exhibits on Tolerance and the Holocaust, as well as listen to Holocaust Survivor Speakers. The Gertrude Sperling Library for Holocaust Studies and the Kronberg Family Media Center have continued to expand their collection of books and audio visual materials. We continue our ongoing educational seminars for Clark County Schools at the Gertrude Sperling Library. A delegate from the national Judicial College has been sent to Washington, DC to attend a special judicial seminar on the Holocaust. In cooperation with the Clark County School District, teacher training programs on "Teaching the Lessons of the Holocaust in the Classroom" have been implemented in Las Vegas and Reno, and the new Holocaust Education curriculum is near completion. A grant has been received from the Mack Family for the purpose of creating a Holocaust Library/Resource Center in Reno. Plans for this Center are currently under development. The Holocaust Survivors Group continues to grow, and the Survivors Speaker Bureau continues to provide speakers for Nevada schools. ISRAEL @ 5 1 COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Chris Simon and Rachel Ventura, co-chairs On Sunday, May 2,1999, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada presented Israel's 51 st "Independence Day" community wide celebration at the Sands Expo & Convention Center. Members and organizations of the community participated in presenting cultural offerings in the form of informational booths, vendors, and cultural performances. Extensive children's activities and entertainment also took place. Representatives and members of many local Jewish synagogues and organizations, along with members from the general community, were in attendance. Over one thousand people attended the event. JEAN WEINBERGER MUSEUM OF JEWISH CULTURE The Jean Weinberger Museum of Jewish Culture, created from an endowment in honor of Jean Weinberger, is an innovative cultural institution operated by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The museum had its inaugural dedication exhibit in April 1996 at the Marjorie Barrick Museum located on the UNLV campus. 9 JEWISH REPORTER Beth Miller, chair/Ron Kirsh, chair as of 1/99 The Jewish Reporter is a non-profit bi-monthly tabloid size newspaper. It is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach quality conscious families in the Jewish community and greater Las Vegas valley. Published since March 1976 by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the Reporter has continually covered news and events of the Federation as well as the Jewish community locally and statewide. It keeps readers abreast with national and international Jewish related news. Sections of interest also include arts, sports, and entertainment; health news; business, finance and real estate; a Jewish travel section; and kosher recipes. The Reporter also lists local synagogues and with each publication, features an article from resident rabbis. The Reporter is mailed free of charge to subscribers' homes and delivered to synagogues and various businesses throughout southern Nevada. E-mail the Jewish Reporter at: []. LAS VEGAS HEBREW HIGH Lauren Eisenberg, director Las Vegas Hebrew High is an educational, cultural and social program for Las Vegas Jewish teenagers, from grade 8 through grade 12. The program serves teenagers from many community synagogues, as well as unaffiliated youth, and in fact no synagogue or institutional affiliation is required to join. Classes are held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The younger grades focused this year on contemporary social issues with an emphasis on Jewish insights to the problems. Many community Rabbis contributed to the heated discussions. The older grades focused on life cycle events, comparing and contrasting ceremonies within our Judaic tradition, as well as learning from clergy of other faiths. Additional programming included electives with knowledgeable guest lecturers on topics ranging from Jewish and American law, Israel, prayer, Bible as well as exposure to Jewish and Israeli art, music, food and dance. Appropriate holiday programs were part of the curriculum and an exciting and challenging retreat was held with a rabbi in Red Rock Canyon. MAIMONIDES SOCIETY/HEALTHCARE DIVISION Dr. Marv Perer and Dr. Saul Schreiber co-chairs The Maimonides Society is part of the medical division of the Jewish Federation and is affiliated with the national Maimonides Society organization through the United Jewish Appeal. The first event was held in November 1998 at TPC at the Canyons with guest speaker Mickey Freeman from "Sgt. Bilko" fame. The second event was in February 1999 with guest speaker Ori Nir, who is based in San Francisco, and is the United States West Coast correspondent of the Israeli daily Ha'aretz. Previously, Mr. Nir has covered Palestinian affairs for Ha'aretz, was Ha'aretz's U.S. bureau chief in Washington, DC, and its West Bank correspondent. A joint Mai-monides, Brandeis, and Real Estate event was held in March 1999, with guest speaker Albert Ratner, Chairman of the Board of Forest City Enterprises in Cleveland, Ohio. In April the program featured guest speaker Dr. Warren Greenberg, who came to Washington D.C. in the early '70s as an economist for the Federal Trade Commission. REAL ESTATE DIVISION Ira Epstein, David Ober and Bob Unger, co-chairs In January 1999 we held the first evening affair. Approximately 50 people attended this networking event, which took place at Kiefer's at the top of the Carriage House. The program featured guest speaker Stephen Bottfeld, Senior Analyst & Executive Vice President of Marketing Solutions. A joint Maimonides, Brandeis, and Real Estate event was held in March 1999, with guest speaker Albert Ratner, chairman of the board of Forest City Enterprises in Cleveland, OH. YOM HASHOAH COMMUNITY-WIDE REMEMBRANCE SERVICE The annual Yom HaShoah community-wide Holocaust memorial service was held this year on Tuesday, April 13, at Congregation Ner Tamid, with guest speaker Jerry Molen, producer of the Academy Award-winning film, Schindler's List. The event was co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust, along with local synagogues and organizations: Adat Ari El, Ahavat Torah Synagogue, Chabad of Southern Nevada, Congregation Bet Knesset Bamidbar, Congregation Ner Tamid, Midbar Kodesh Temple, Temple Adat Chavarim, Temple Beth Am, Temple Beth Sholom, Valley Outreach Synagogue, the Holocaust Survivors Group of Southern Nevada, B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, and the Nate Mack Greater Las Vegas B'nai B'rith. 1999-2000 ALLOCATIONS Jewish Federation of Las Vegas/United Jewish Appeal Campaign Less Allowance for Bad Debts TOTAL TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1999 - 2000 ALLOCATIONS UJA/ISRAEL NATIONAL AGENCIES: Anti-Defamation League American Jewish Congress American Society for ALYN Hospital Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies National Hillel CAJE (Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education) Camera CLAL (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) CJF (Council of Jewish Federations) Hebrew Union College Jewish Braille Institute JESNA (Jewish Education Service of North America) JCCA (Jewish Community Center Association) Jewish Theological Seminary of America National Conference on Soviet Jewry National Tay-Sachs NJCRAC (National Jewish Community Relations Committee) Project Star Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Yeshiva University $1,320,000 -52.800 $1,267,200 $217,171 43,000 LOCAL AGENCIES AND SERVICES: Chabad of Southern Nevada Congregation NerTamid Hillel at UNLV Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada Jewish Community Day School Jewish Family Service Agency Jewish Home for the Aging Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy Temple Adat Chavarim Temple Beth Sholom JEWISH FEDERATION PROGRAMS: Business & Professional Division Community Relations Council Holocaust Education Israel Independence Day Jewish Reporter Las Vegas Hebrew High Yom HaShoah Young Leadership Development JEWISH FEDERATION: Administration Fundraising & Collections TOTAL 633,726 123,633 249.670 $1,267,200 Members of the editorial board of the Jewish Reporter at The community joins together at the first COEJL Tu Sheldon Adelson accepts the 1998 Business & Profes-its preview event B'Shevat celebration sional "Man of the Year" award d E L U L ? T I S H R I 5 7 59 S e p t e m b e r 1999 SUNDAY AUGUST S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 ELUL MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 25 ELUL LABOR DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 26 ELUL 1 20 ELUL 8 27 ELUL 21 ELUL 28 ELUL 22 ELUL 10 29 ELUL EREV ROSH HASHANAH 23 ELUL NitzavimA/ayelech SELICHOT 11 1 TISHRI * It ROSH HASHANAH 12 2 TISHRI 13 3 TISHRI 14 4 TISHRI 15 5 TISHRI 16 6 TISHRI 17 7 TISHRI 18 8 TISHRI ROSH HASHANAH FAST OF GEDALIAH Ha'azinu SHABBAT SHUVAH 19 9 TISHRI 20 10 TISHRI 21 11 TISHRI 22 12 TISHRI 23 13 TISHRI 24 14 TISHRI 25 15 TISHRI KOL NIDRE YIZKOR YOM KIPPUR FALL BEGINS EREV SUKKOT SUKKOT 26 16 TISHRI 27 17 TISHRI 28 18 TISHRI 29 19 TISHRI 30 20 TISHRI OCTOBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "a, 25 26 27 28 29 30 SUKKOT INTERMEDIATE DAYS OF SUKKOT Las Vegas Hebrew High s t u d e n t s at t h e i r r o c k - c l i m b i n g r e t r e a t at Red Rock Canyon T H E JEWISH FEDERATION OF L A S VEGAS T I S H R I ? C H E S H V A N 5760 o c t o b e r 1999 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 21 TISHRI HOSHANAH RABAH 22 TISHRI YIZKOR ^ SHEMINI ATZERET 23 TISHRI 24 TISHRI 25 TISHRI 26 TISHRI 27 TISHRI 8 28 TISHRI 29 TISHRI Vezot Habrachah SIMCHATTORAH 9 Bereshit 10 30 TISHRI 11 1 CHESHVAN 12 2 CHESHVAN 13 3 CHESHVAN 14 4 CHESHVAN 15 5 CHESHVAN 16 6 CHESHVAN COLUMBUS DAY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING ROSH CHODESH Noach 17 7 CHESHVAN 18 8 CHESHVAN 19 9 CHESHVAN 20 10 CHESHVAN 21 11 CHESHVAN 22 12 CHESHVAN 23 13 CHESHVAN I Lech Lecha 24 14 CHESHVAN 25 15 CHESHVAN 26 16CHESHVAN 27 17 CHESHVAN 28 18 CHESHVAN 29 19 CHESHVAN 30 20 CHESHVAN 31 21 CHESHVAN r Vayera Women's Division v i s i t s t h e Shoah Foundation on t h e i r annual board retreat T H E JEWISH FEDERATION OF L A S VEGAS \ y * C H E S H V A N ? K I S L E V 5760 n o v e m b e r 1999 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 28 CHESHVAN 1 22 CHESHVAN 8 29 CHESHVAN 23 CHESHVAN ELECTION DAY 30 CHESHVAN 24 CHESHVAN 10 1 KISLEV ROSH CHODESH 25 CHESHVAN 11 2 KISLEV CANADIAN REMEMBRANCE DAY VETERANS DAY FRIDAY 26 CHESHVAN SATURDAY 12 3 KISLEV 27 CHESHVAN V Chaye Sarah 13 4 KISLEV r Toldot 14 5 KISLEV 15 6 KISLEV 16 7 KISLEV 17 8 KISLEV 18 9 KISLEV 19 10 KISLEV 20 11 KISLEV Vayetze 21 12 KISLEV 22 13 KISLEV 23 14 KISLEV 24 15 KISLEV 25 16 KISLEV 26 17 KISLEV 27 18 KISLEV THANKSGIVING V Vayishlach 28 19 KISLEV 29 20 KISLEV 30 21 KISLEV OCTOBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 m3, 25 26 27 28 29 30 Members f r om t h e community of southern Nevada journeyed to Israel for the J e w i s h Federation of Las Vegas' Israel 50 c e l e b r a t i o n mission ^ DECEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 T H E J E W I S H FEDERATION OF L A