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JUNE, 1920 r/ Docket No. 129.— Canned Fruits, Meats, Vegetables, etc., as described in W. T. L. Circular No. 1-N, E.-B. Boyd’ s 1 C. C. No. A-874. From Present . Proposed ^ Marengo, Wis. Cents per 100 Lbs. Alton.............................................. • • •. .111. 32Jt 29 ?Chicago.................................................. (( 27 25 Danville................................'.............. U 32 29 Easf St. Louis...................................... U 32 29 ?Manitowoc................................. .......... Wis. i m 25 ?Milwaukee........................................... y |g | 27% 25 St. Louis............................................. .M o. 32% 29 ?Also points fating same rates. (See Standing Rate Committee’s report dated June 11, 1920.) Approved recommendation of the Standing Rate Committee, which contemplates establishment of the followingscommodity rates on Canned Goods as described1 in Item 120, W. T. L. Circular 1-0, I. C. C. A-1091, from-Marengo, Wis., to the following points and points taking same rates: Cents per 100 lbs. Manitowoc.;.. ..................................................... 34 Milwaukee.. . . ...... ............................................ 34 Chicago........ .. .jlj.................................................. .. • 34 Danville............•................. i ^ . . . . ^. . ' . . . . 39 East St. Louis........... .......................................... 39 St. L ou is.................................................................... 39 Effective October 25, 1920, as announced in Rate Advice No. 3. Docket No. 131.— Sulphuric Acid, C. L., Benton and Cuba City, Wis., to Carrollville, Milwaukee, Wis., Chicago, 111., etc. Present, 25 cents per 100 lbs.; proposed, Ashburn, St. Louis, East St. Louis, 15 cents; Carrollville, Chicago, Cudahy, Joliet, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, Racine Jet., South Milwaukee, Waukegan, Howe, Depue, 7% cents. (See Standing Rate Committee’s report dated June 4, 1920.) Approved recommendation of the Standing Rate Committee contemplating establishment of the following rates, in cents per 100 lbs., on Sulphuric Acid, carloads, minimum weight 30,000 lbs., in packages, in tank cars, shell capacity of tank at actual weight, but not less than 50,000 lbs., from Benton and Cuba City, Wis., to thejjjpoints named below: Rates in dents per 100 lbs. Ashburn........ ............................... Mo. . 2 0 ^ Joliet................... . . .............................Ill* 10 St. L o u is .............. .................... . . . . M o . 20K v i . East St. L ouis. ............ . . — . . . . . . 111. 20 Howe............................ '....*................. 111. 10 Depue.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 111. 10 Effeptive October 25, 1920, as announced in Rate Advice No. 3. 32