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I agree.Ray C. S p a rlin g March 4» 1942# Hr* G, P. Kahler, Electrical Engineer Union Pacific Railway, Omaha, Nebraska. 9 4 3 N O R T H M A IN S T R E E T • C A P IT O L 5 6 0 0 ? L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I Gear Gir t In accordance with our conversation of February 25th, we are pleased to quote on the following metering equipment i One B” Sparling Main-Line Meter, complete with integral cast tube, standard flanged. Hater to be complete with brass throat and 3 straightening wanes welded in place inside the meter. Meter to register within 2$ of the true How of water at all times. Normal flow IDO to 1200 G.P.M. Price $300.00 *- e* # <* * *? - ** * * $285.00 One 10" Soar ling Main-Line Hater as above described. Normal flow 125-1500 G.P.M. Price #350.00 - 5 5 8 - - * * * - ----- #332.50 One 12" Sparling Main-Line Meter as above described. Normal flow 150-2000 G.P.H. Price #400.00 $380.00 the above prices are f.o.b. Los Angeles, California. For four such motors the pries would be In multiples of four « in quantities of twelve, an additional 5$ will be given. Sparling Meters are used throughout the United States on water pumping equipment and many other applications. Sparling Main-Line Meters are guaranteed free from defective workmanship