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    QistUf?U'^c j (pS^4LAJ~fa « ©as Vegas - l&iroh 12 th, 1935* (Confidential} ©tar Farads . ~v’ X •'' M}pg (*‘v‘ | ' .r | | " - | Enclosed is a elip-oing from the ©as Vegas "Evening Reviev*-Journal" and also editorial comment, -1th regard to the City of las Vegaa going Into the water and power business. ? Please note that the news item states *it was not the idea to launch the . City into any program of municipal ownership’, hat the editorial indicates the amendment is f*nteofted to pat the city into the water and power business1. For some months past* there has been a quiet move­ment under way to harass the water company, which came to light about the time w® requested the City Commissioner® to place cer­tain restrictions on the waste of water during the temper ary shortage last July. Swo of those moat active in this Q m m i m are members of ’the City eomaiasion, Messrs, 'Arnett <«& Itwhle, both local, businessmen. Arnett Is; owner of a drug-store and saloon hero, and with the assistance of Mr* Marble^ who is the bookkeeper for the Ford Agency in las Terras, defeated that- por­tion of the local ordinance ^hioh we had requested to prohibit the m i ming of water through a cooler and thence to waste; Hr. Arnett had ties# coolers in his drug-Stcre and saloon. - Incidentally, lie. Cosy-attended this meeting-with ms, and is familiar with- what .transpired -there and-Will possibly ive you his views on same,'as he became so disgusted that he V left before the meeting was over. Because of the City Commission* s failure to cooper­ate with us to prevent the waste of water, we recently had drawn up through' our legal Department a bill which was in possession of on© of our Assemblymen at Carson City to be introduced, amend­ing Section 13 concerning Public utilities, whereby vie vomit be permitted to install meters on business houses and Industries. However, prior to the introduction of this bill; the entire City Commission visited me while in Carson City on-matters pertaining - to the frain limit Bill, and assured me while up there that if this bill were withdrawn they world immediately place in effect such ordinance for sprinkling or other waste of water that there would be no need of metering water to control it. !Z*hey and our assemblyman up there had incited the Washoe delegation to such-ah ext«3t against this bill that it looked as though it would posi­tively be defeated, so I agreed with them to withdraw the bill if they would*-ms promised, pass the city ordinance for the pro­tection of our water supply* 2h!a, I believe, will be done at a very early meeting of the City Commissioners, >