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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    mnmmimiiii Page 3 NAT IOHAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION This Convention has been awarded to Las Vegas for February 11-14, 1963. The anticipated attendance is over 8,000 people. The history of attendance and rooms used will be forwarded to-the hotels. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOBACCO DISTRIBUTORS * , * t This Convention was lost to Chicago because we did not have their preferred dates open. . . .they went to the Pacific Automotive Show. There was considerable discussion regarding the solicitation of their 1964 Convention inasmuch as the Exhibit Hall rental is not paid for by the Association. ??he hotel people present did not come to any agreement as to whether the convention should be solicited under these terms or not. They all admitted that this is a highly desirable piece of business, but they are apprehen- sive about establishing a precident of a non revenue producing Exhibit Hall. This will be brought up for discussion again at the next meeting by the hotel people. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Nelly solicited this Convention last month during their meeting in New Orleans. Prior to this, i-ir. Finley, who was the President of the Association, was most enthus i ast i c about Las Vegas as a future Convention site for NAPC; however, during the New Orleans Board Meeting he seemed to have lost his enthusiasm. They are trying to decide on four cities (Las Vegas not included), for their 1966 or 1967 Convention. They expect a firm decision at their next Board Meeting in Detroit, June 15-17, 1961. NATIONAL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ASSOCIATION Harry Kimbriel, Executive Vice President visited Las Vegas in January and looked over our convention facilities. Las Vegas is being considered for 1964 or 1965* They use approximately 1000 rooms and they usually meet in October or November. Kimbriel was favorably impressed but made no commitment.