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    PRESS ^fli BUREAU 165 Churdi Siteet - New York BOSTON^ MASS. POST Circ. D. 306,383 fS* 247,065 JUNk2 319?║3 Coast to Coast By HY GARDNER Winston Churchill will soon ask for the establishment of an Allied South-East Asia War Council to plan a single defense strategy for Indo-China*, Malaya, Siam and Burma With headquarters in Sing apore. England' General Templer might head the Council?╟÷if .and when. ... Don't look now but the Ritz Bros, and Rita Garbo are next-door neigh- Ibors at the Hampshire House. . . . Ernest Hemingway's |jn town, too?╟÷a ^m_____^ ijhisT Cuban residence advised us {he flew the coop Wednesday. Churchill's 18-year-old grand- Etieice, Sally, has become one of London's most popular fashion Wdels, sans fuss or fanfare. {The Walter Wangers, (Joan Ben- jtiet) are traveling through Europe as Mr. and Mrs., despite jthe fact that they wouldn't admit to Paris reporters that their reconciliation was complete or lafficial. . . . Italy has sent a note poT.the Kremlin asking that all their POWs be returned. The Love the title of Walt Disney's next 3D short, "Toot, Whistle, Pounk and Boom." . . . Red Skef- ton fell for the big loot offered by the Las Vegas hostelries and signed to play two weeks at the Sahara in July. He may make the palace next winter . . . Odd [that two of our most famous comedians, in an era when the word Red is despised, are nicknamed Red?╟÷Skelton and But- Hy Gardner (tons . .. Groucho Marx has dis- 'phone call to I covered Eden Hartford. Her sister Dee jhst married director Howard Hawks . . . Elliot Lawrence spotted this, caution sign near an army base: "Drive carefully. The life you save may be Marilyn Monroe's I" * * * Dick Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein, Joe Schenck, Charley Skouras and other bigwigs will shuffle off to Buffalo this week for a look at Mike Todd's new Todd-AO wide screen process. ; . . The new Leo Durocher man- Wm number still supposedly in!sion j" Beverly Hills will con- soviet hands is 25. . . . It's Mayor |tain 1T rooms and 7 baths-for Impellitteri's private opinion that ?√ß only drowning men cling Jstraw vote.. . JljvfV ?√ß The hero and the goat of the ?║ play-off game that made the Giants,,- ?√ß?·jS^-r,5'L~ NatioBal league pennant hpisters, home-run slug- si! ger Bobby Thomson ahd Dodger ?√ß pitcher Ralph Branca, are papa- is I minded. The Branca daughter just II arrived, the Thomson stork is ex- 1 pected to make a perfect two- J point landing around Christmas ,. | time. . . . After visiting Norman I Rockwell up in Vermont, author 1 Nancy Kutner drove some 40 1 miles to visit her old friend Grand- ! ma Moses. Because of the bitter 1 cold winter, the 93-year-old Rem- Ilbrandt hasn't been outdoors s^nce I November. She's been busy paint's ling tiles, still has that mischiev- flous glint crackling in her eyes Hi and can't understand why such H|a pretty gal as Nancy hasn't re- || married. "I suppose," she chu?·- rrkled, "you want to git a President Ifof the United States." """ '" Advertising" reports . "Inside I that Jim Norris and Art Wirtz, who control most of the nation's sports arenas, are meeting^ hush-hush with major league ballclub own ers in an effort to present a united front to the FCC regarding subscription television of sports events. The Kiwanis invasion swal- loped up almost every available Manhattown hotel room . . . Howard Rushmore retires from the McCarthy mission on July 15. . . . J. B. Mathews, who'll be named co-ordinator of Senator McCarthy's investigating group, umpires he'd like to thumb tol the showers, no doubt. . . . After! alle the" publicity that attended! the death of Evita Peron did youl notice how little space was de-I Voted to the demise of the dicta*| tor's mother a .fortnight . . . Lieutenant General Albert! E. Wedemeyer suppered at his! favorite \ restaurant ThursdayT night?╟÷Luchow's. . . . Ellie Carl-fci son Hyams expects the model infant any three dots. . . . If "At| Home With Ethel Waters" click! at its Sea Cliff (L. I.) Summer! Theatre world premiere June 29|>?╜ it will be expanded into a Broadway revue in the Bea Lilliel manner. . .. . Orson Welles' first! novel, "The Big Shot," due' fon publication in Paris. ... The cosl of giving the Rosenbergs a fail t^ial, Pf?║5 the subsequent appeals, etc., could have bought a $e bomber an4^yj$$3 the salaries, o: the crew-.'fojpi'ore than a year, .... A Vegas waitress h& blackjack: table for $14,000] th& other night and, tip earners generally 'do, tipped the dealersf generously, to the tune of $600. In his new nigMgluh^-aci Robert Merrill is doing an '*~ PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU | 165 Church Street - New York) CHICAGO, ILL. M SUN TIMES Circ.-D. 635,346^,782,176 j JUN 2 $063 KUPS COLUMN KUPCINET THE MILWAUKEE BREW: Baseball fever is running so igh in this new big league outpost (despite the Braves' recent La. *, -ssr**:>** slump) that four to six planeloads of fans plan to follow their team to Brooklyn on July 25-26. Jimmy Fazio, the supper club owner, is conducting the tour, which will include tickets to the Broadway musical, "Hazel Flagg." |>JXHEi HOLLYWOOD PATROL: ?Θ╝lark fjtable'?║ new heartbeat, French- model, ^zanae Dadoile, has made hotel reservations here for lh^%py Which mean's she -plans ,to follow ifllfe fpiffyS U.S. . .. Danny - Kaye, despite fab- il|ws~^ers from all networks, has. turned. Bj^?╟?. <^^^^.|le^n on television for at least ohe GABLf"--., mdi^year. - He prefers making a movie and [nHJoing = vaudeyiflB; ." . | One of Ralph . Edwards' finest lis. Your Life" telecasts will be repealed by popular pwednesrfav-hivht. It's the story of cowboy star.Rby- P^!,Wednesdaf^i??ght. is a former college professor . . Jpression of Pinza tha* sound:. The Motion Picture Academy more like Ezio than Pinza him/j met on Friday to determine j self. -?√ß j ._______i_W**M$3ki Red Skelton' what kind of screen and equip-mm pt Ssfliara in Las Vega: ment should be installed in the MM !$ther day. And., it's Skeiton's, Hae: Academy Theater where +Un ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?╜- KS""mt '""* ^^as^^^s^^^- major previews are staged. fsverybothV has.*HBut^it looks* better^OTrf^girt $32,500 per week engagement is at Nev., not the-^flfld5| as we err'd the aiafpmy is. something Coasf-To-Coasf?╟÷ THE D.C. WIRE: The behind-the-scenes goat in the ill-fated nomination of Tom Lyon as director of the Federal Bureau of Mines is Sherman Adams, according to Washington sources. President Eisenhower reportedly was embittered and embarrassed by the fiasco that Resulted, which lends further credence to the story that Adams' w$j$ in the White House as assistant to the President are pBhibered. r^^^^^i^^^^ I What happened is that Adams failed to keep Mr. Eisenhower informed on the numerous protests against the nomina- aSh of Lyon. For example, two executives of the United Mihe Workers, in the absence from Washington of John L. pwis, wired objections to Lyon as far back as March 25. The telegram was ignored. Lewis, upon his return to Washington, Ken wrote the President a letter, explaining why Lyon would % an unsatisfactory appointment. He received a perfunctory Iply, signed byAdams. This is m keeping with Adams-' boast |at he permits "only one out of every thousand matters iirected to the President's attention to reach Mr. Eisenhower." The President really started to boil, according to intimates, men he learned the full story of Lyon's shortcomings from . ^|S$is ih person. This occurred when Lewis, along with Bernard "'-'ffiich and a handful of other prominent persons, was invited I a White House dinner. There the UMW chief, without Iterference from Adams, had the opportunity. to cite his psbhs for opposing the appointment. Sllllllllp ^ j On "the day President Eisenhower withdrew Lyon's name, I 'Washington newspaper borrowed the title of a best-seller Ir its headline: "A Lyon Is in the Street!" ;THE NEW YORK TICKER: Plain Citizen Harry S. Tru-. 'an, who is spena^K|%few days here, is-telling friends that lie .?√ß/?√ß&$! expects to.^4,^ndidate for politick! febe again b^^^|^-.will be a "sideline illcipant." -At^i^^^aejc President revealed it; he is wl^g^??i^3ongress to adjourn ;s|ore leveling any heavy blows at the Repub- flns. He doesn^t'l^lieve in doing any "seri- Cs criticizing" Of Congress while it still is {session, he explained. The pressure is on Franklin D. Roosevelt . to become a coalition candidate for mayor New York~ on the Democratic and Liberal* irty tickets. The Republican candidate prob- jly ^ill be Rep. Jacob Javifs (R-N.Y:), a jpular figure in New York. Three other, "imp rjmmm fi&dates ate ready to bid for the Democratic and/or Liberal ttty nominations?╟÷Rudy Halley, Judge Sam Leibovitz and iyor Impellitteri. Rather.Jhan split the combined strength j the two parties, leaders are urging young Roosevelt to become b candidate for both the^ Democrats and Liberals. I Roosevelt reportedly is billing to accept the offer, provided 9 two parties will support him for governor in event he bides to make the race two years from now. THE CLEVELAND BEAT: Violators of the building code b under fire in Cleveland, as they are in Chicago?╟÷but with per penalties. A long-time violator here was sentenced It week to 30 days in the workhouse and fined $2,375, plus fcts. The stern sentence, Cleveland authorities report, will f ft long way in deterring other building code violators. THE CHICAGO ROUNDUP: Jimmy Durante, who has ||e personal appearanc^at every conceivable type of charity pSt, will help?·'*i^eU!,^e new Louis A. Weiss Memorial pspital on the North Side in this unique manner: The Schnoz k agreed to.; be,-the hospital's first patient. He'll undergo X-ray examination by Dr. Alfred Strauss Monday afternOon. Les Atlass. of WBBM and Gene McDonald1|of Zenith, irently engaged in a battle for Channel 2, ar^^se friends iftside the television field. They'll be fishih~p|)artners in knada next week. Their fight over Channel 2 is reminiscent [a similar situation some" 26 years ago in radio. At that ggs Atlass and McDonald were at odds over the same favelength. . . . Movie star Jeff Chandler, here' for the opening I "The Great Sioux Uprising" at the Chicago Tneater, revealed p has separated from his wife. It's their second splitup. The Betty Mattson-Ray Grunwald divorce case took on a Mo-comic aspect the other midnight. He visited the Vine PFdens, where his estranged wife is singing, and chased her found the cafe until police were summoned. She reportedly Jittered a number of bruises in the melee. LaMattson since ms had him placed under a peace bond. ?╜ . . The Bill Wachs- ^jSps (he's the architect, she's the former Jill Ricardo) will attle it out in a contested divorce suit. ' THE ORIGINAL I omeikF ?√ß?√ß PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea.3-8860 Cir. (D 5,219) ThisWUpping From FliM DAILY NEW 1??RK, N. Y. JUN-2 2ji5i HOLLVUlOOO-VlfiE VARD By ETHEL ROSEN REAGAN HOLLYWOOD A TTENTION, COMPO. Here's a switch!! Ronald Reagan is hard at work on a lengthy article, "WlpJ'9 Right with Hollywood." . . . -^ June Allyson, once one of Metro's stellar galaxy, returns there to appear in "Executive Suite," which John Houseman will produce. William Holden and Walter Pidgeon have the top male roles. . . . -^ Danny Kaye, now making "Knock on Wood" under the Dena Prods, banner, may star in a second enlisting the writing-directing- producing talents of Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. January start of the second is in prospect. . , . -jr Ruth Roman will co-star with . Jimmy Stewart in U-I's "The Foreign Country," to start in Canada in August. . . . -jf Edward Small's "Camels West," for UA release, starts today with Joanne Dru and Rod Cameron co-starring. * * * ?·1E0RGE CARVER, who was seen in a role on TV's "A Date With Judy," ^"^ has- been set for comedy role of Mephistopheles in "Kiss Me Kate" which George Sidney is directing at M-G-M. . . . -fa jane Wooster was tested by Claude Binyon for a featured role in "A Woman's World," for which Binyon is doing the screen play and which he will direct for 20th. . . . -jc Jessy Lasky flew to San Francisco last week to huddle with Marge and Cower Champion, who open there at the Fairmount Hotel, regarding the leads in his extravaganza, "The Big Brass Band." ... -J{ Rumored that Gene Nelson may be the first to be tested by Magna for the lead in "Oklahoma." . . . -jr Paul Small has returned from New York with the rights for "The Student Prince" which he will present a*-hight clubs and hotels. The streamlined version opens at thj^jUiJ^pLifc^egas, Oct. 1. . . . ^r Alan Ladd's "The Big Jump" will be premiered in* London in Mid- August, with Princess Margaret in attendance at the Charity Affair. And speaking of Ladd ,he stands to make a lot of money this year as he has a half interest in U-I's "The Desert Legion" which is the top foreign grosser of the past 10 years. . . . -jr M-G-M has extended Vic Damone's leave of absence another two months. Vic is booked solid up to next September when he starts rehearsals on "Hit the Deck." ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay ipTl i PRES^LIPPIN?? BUREAU 165 Cfigp-Streef - New York DAILY REPORTER HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. MH ?√ßp. 1955 Guest stars are pinch-hitting for the Bob McLaughlin KLAC deejay show while the latter honeymoons in Hawaii . . . Rudy Vallee and ventriloquist Jimmy Nelson will be surprise guests- on "Blind Date" over KTTV next Sunday . . . KLAC still seeking talent for the St. Jude's Hospital benefit show it's sponsoring at Hollywood Bowl on July 10. Entire proceedings will be headed by Danny Thomas . . . Pat Cooney, former Phoenix advertiser, has joined KHJ-TV as account executive . . . Charles Carrer joins his wife Dell O'Dell on trie KTLA "It's Magic" show this Wednesday. - ?╟≤ Jascha Heifetz has been added to the list of soloists for the New York Philharmonic-Symphony CBS radio series for the 1953-54 season ... Same network is continuing the showing of its "It's Time For Everybody" advertising film in key cities throughout the country . . . "The Bennetts," new daytime radio feature debuts over the NBC radio network on July 6 . . . Geraldine B. j Zorbaugh, member of ABC's legal department-since 1943, has been appointed general counsel of the network by ABC president Robert E. Kintner . . . Edward R. Murrow's new TV series, "Person to Person," debuts over the CBS network on Oct. 2. Composer Dave Raskin guests on the Bill Ballance KNXT midnight ; show tonight. 1*2-, The Ames Brothers, opening at the Mocambo on July 7, will be interviewed I by KFWB deejay Larry Finley at the j"jafl?·JfcJ^?·l?·J_j ^ ypgac tnmnrmw night. I Finley returns to his chores at his MOP here on Thursday night . . . Lynne Carter I and his Four Cartiers will tape an interview with Lynn Castile tomorow for KHJ I programming later this week. Carter's act is currently headlining at Charley I F/py's Supper. Club. ESTABLISHED IMS BArcUy 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU 165 Churcji|g^t - New York LOS ANJSELES, CALIF. MIRROR Circ: D. 215,006 JUN 291953 EDITH GWYNN'S HEDY TO BE TROJAN While Warner Bros/ tap collective toes deciding who'll star in the Hollywood version of "Helen of Troy," Victor Pahlen in Italy (starts same story, same title within weeks. He's picked Hedy Lamarr, in Rome for a TV series, to play Helen. In a blond wig, we presume; Dept. of Culture, Book Division: A tome coming out is called "Forever Young, Forever Healthy ?╟÷ Simplified Yoga for Modern Living." And Armie Archerd asks, "Or how to sit on a tack and like it?" -. . -. Polly Adler autographed her best seller; "A House Is Not a Home," to Mike Connolly. Sagely says, "The difference, between infamy and fame is sue- ^^^^^^^^^ cess." GWYNN Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy, currently charming customers at the Cocoanut Grove, are also tickling ticket buyers with every digit of "The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T," their current cinema. Pete and Mary will next do "Land Sakes Alive" for Hugo Fregonese. if V Greer Garson is back from Texas, where her mate, Buddy Fogelson, is still ogling oil wells. Greer will prep for "Miss Baker's Dozen," tha schoolteacher yarn we toldya about. "Our Miss Brooks" was never like Baker. Greer wears more than 20 ehic costumes as Miss Baker. Believe it or not, 24 hours went by Without one announcement of a movie star doing a turn at Greer Garson and Her Buddy Las Vegas. And then, POW! Right on the Gleason we got the news that John Agar, who sings well, will warble on the night club circuit before summer ends. Just to keep John Q. Public up to date as to how much Las Vegas has become an "annex" of Hollywood the past year, dig this: Filmtown's leading tradepapers, the Hollywood Reporter and Dafly Variety, have added regular columns of Las Vegas news and gossip. So many personalities, caught in studio lulls or anticipating "the pallor of unemployment," are grabbing that resort's fantastic $alarie$ for entertainers. To say nothing of less versatile' filmites who've been week-ending in Las Vegas instead of where they used to go.. '?√ß""' -. '^SH i j|Z i is V ="'?╜ a PARTIAL rundown of famous guys ?√ß -^m&?╟?i.ififtfi witJbiihovies) V3/*w JOAS Aout J (pojosueo) 9 ^ f_?W UNnno mon