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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 19, 1992






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 22 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000709. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 22-07 Wednesday, February -4+-, 1992 MSU 201 H hK~ 5:00PM I. Call To Order I I . Roll Call I I I . Approval of Senate Minutes 22-06 IV. Announcements V. Board, Director, and Committee Reports VI. Senate Committee Nominations V I I . Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Harry Fagel to the Elections Board B. Approval of Rikki Barlow to the Elections Board C. Approval of Cynthia Salinas to the Elections Board D. Approval of Mamie Howard to the Elections Board E. Approval of Steven Amend to the Elections Board V I I I . Old Business IX. New Business A. Approval of Senate Committee Nominations B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations C. Approval of a $100 stipend for February, and a $300 per month stipend for March and April for the CSUN Elections Board Director from the 900 account X. Open Discussion XI. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT M I N U T E S SENATE MEETING 22-07 W E D N E S D A Y , FEBRUARY 19, 1992 MSU 201 5:00 P.M. I . CALL TO ORDER Senate President Mike Kennedy called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. I I . ROLL CALL P R E S E N T Senator Angell Senator Benneman Senator Fisher Senator Barkhuff Senator Stuhff Senator Ortega Senator Dubowsky Senator Nalder Senator Weber Senator Fischer Senator Romero Senator Young Senator Amend Senator Devine Senator Lagomarsino Senate President Mike Kennedy stated that due to the fact that there was a holiday on M o n d a y , and the agendas were not posted three "working days" prior, no business which needs to be voted on will be discussed at this m e e i t n g . However, B o a r d , Committe, and Director Reports as well as Open Discussion will occur. Senate President Mike Kennedy introduced a special guest speaker, Board of Regent Shelley Berkley, who was invited to speak to the Senate. Regent Berkley spoke about her past with UNLV and Student G o v e r n m e n t , stating that she graduated with the tenth graduating class of UNLV, and that she was Student Body President twenty years ago. She spoke concerning the budget cutbacks at UNLV, as well as her goal to increase quality of education while SENATE m a i n t a i n i n g availability and accessibility to students. She stated that she feels that capping enrollment or limiting the number of teachers would prevent students from graduating in a timely manner, and that she wants to keep up the standards in education. She answered questions by Senators Fischer, F i s h e r , and Stuhff, as well as by Vice President Briggs, and P r e s i d e n t Colebrook concerning the budget, tuition fee increases, the situation between Jerry Tarkanian and Dr. Maxson, the proposed law school, and budgets inequality between UNLV and UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 ABSENT Senator Booth (excused) Senator Huang (excused) SENATE MINUTES 22-07 page three U N R . She added that she did not want to end on a negative note, and that Nevada is better off than most states in this country, and that we (the students) have nine regents committed to doing the right thing. ^"'""""Transcripts of this speech will be provided upon request I I I . APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 22-07 Out of order. I V . ANNOUNCEMENTS VICE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH: Thank you for signing Jerry T a r k a n i a n ' s certificate, especially those that came in early to sign it. VICE PRESIDENT BRIGGS: Director Bunin is home ill, but he asked me to announce that the next Elections Board meeting will be this Friday at 5:30 in the CSUN Conference Room. P R E S I D E N T C0LEBR00K: I just want to say that for all the c a n d i d a t e s who are running in the election, and to all their s u p p o r t e r s , DO NOT come to my house to get stuhff signed, bring it to the office. Another thing is that I am very disappointed in the turnout of the CSUN members to official CSUN Functions. You need to come and support the things that go on. When we spend the money to put on an event, we expect to see you there. At least pop in and ask if there is anything you can do to help. C o m m i t t e e meetings are another problem. If you don't make your c o m m i t t e e meetings, quorum isn't made and business cannot be a p p r o v e d . Another thing, because of election time, we must be sure to maintain the quality of service in the office, and I would like everyone to stop by the office and answer phones or just help out, learn about the office. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN: The retreat is on for F e b r u a r y 29th, on Saturday, and you should meet in the MSU parking lot at 9 a.m. to get a ride, as transportation is p r o v i d e d . You will get a schedule of activities in your boxes next Friday . SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY: No a n n o u c e m e n t s. V . BOARD, C O M M I T T E E , AND DIRECTOR REPORTS CHAIR FISHER, RULES COMMITTEE: There is a meeting one week from tonight in this same room, immediately after the Senate m e e t i n g. There are about fifteen Senators, which, with two speeches (and speech forms) due, the numbers just aren't adding up. It is real easy to give speeches, so just do them, and make sure that I have the documentation to prove they have been done. It's really a simple process. CHAIR ROMERO, BYLAWS COMMITTEE: No report. DIRECTOR STUHFF, NSA: I will be getting together with my c o m m i t t e e to discuss the Voter Registration Drive. He answered q u e s t i o n s by Senators Stuhff, B e n n e m a n , and Nalder. SENATE MINUTES 22-07 page three V . BOARD, D I R E C T O R , AND COMMITTEE REPORTS DIRECTOR COX, APPROPRIATIONS: Well, Roderick covered most of what I was going to say, so I'll let it stand. He answered questions from Senator Benneman. D I R E C T O R WHITE, E&P: I want to thank Heidi, R o d e r i c k , Bud, Joel, S c o t t , and Mike (Kennedy) for their help at the Dance. He answered questions by Senator Stuhff and Dubowsky, and yielded the floor to Senator Nalder to explain the "Tarkanian's Last Game Party" at the Sigma Chi parking lot, off campus. CSUN BUSINESS M A N A G E R , LORI SNYDER: No report. V I . SENATE COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS Out of order. V I I . EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A . Approval of Harry Fagel to the Elections Board. B . Approval of Rikki Barlow to the Elections Board. C . Approval of Cynthia Salinas to the Elections Board . D . Approval of Mamie Howard to the Elections Board. E . Approval of Steven Amend to the Elections Board. Out of order . VIII OLD BUSINESS Out of o r d e r . I X . NEW B U S I N E S S A . A p p r o v a l of Senate Committee N o m i n a t i o n s . Out of order . B . A p p r o v a l of E x e c u t i v e Board N o m i n a t i o n s . Out of o r d e r . C . A p p r o v a l of a $100 stipend for F e b r u a r y , and a $300 stipend for March and April for the CSUN E l e c t i o n s Board Director from the 900 account. Out of order. X . OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR FISHER: First of all, I checked into the MSU rennovation, and informed Dr. Ackerman about the problem. I also spoke to a Physical Plant engineer, who explained that the reason it took so long was that there was 3-4 times the asbestos in the MSU than was originally thought. As well, the little drains in the food areas had rotted, and they had to reconstruct and repair the damage. He was told that ARA lost a heckuva lot more money than we have. The engineer is available if the Senate w a n t s him to come and speak. Secondly, I personally am in violation of the Rules because I am not on two committees. I have been asking Senate President Kennedy to find openings in Committees for a while now. During the last Senate Session, it was extremely popular to bash the paper. I never partook in it. However, about two weeks ago, the Editor (Ched Whitney) SENATE MINUTES 22-07 page three X . OPEN D I S C U S S I O N , CONTINUED asked me if CSUN still feels that it is "Us against Them." I don't think it's as prevalent, but sometimes, I think that you (the paper) bring it on yourselves. It is disturbing to me that the paper puts off all the good things, but give the bad things top priority. An example is Mike Quick, Mike having a few beers is not newsworthy. If he had a few, so what?! What about Career Day itself??? There was nothing in the paper about how successful Career Day was. You are quick to chastize s o m e o n e , but not as quick to give credit where credit is due. That is why sometimes we have an a t t i t u d e , it's because we feel that we don't get a fair sha^te . <LO\/auatsM. <=2<a-0© U-yo SENATOR CRYSTAL: No c o m m e n t s . '3 SENATOR ANGELL: No comments. SENATOR ROMERO: No comments. SENATOR FISCHER: If anyone wants to be on a c o m m i t t e e , try the Student Campus Safety Awareness Committee. SENATOR YOUNG: No comments. SENATOR LAGOMARSINO: I have one thing to say in defense of the paper: DIRT SELLS. SENATOR AMEND: No comments. SENATOR DEVINE: Last week I made some s t a t e m e n t s , and I apologize if Senator Fisher took them to mean him, it was not intentional. SENATOR STUHFF: All Senators in committees, if there are m e e t i n g s , please try to come, last week Appropriations did not make quorum, and it was the second time in two weeks. Senator Booth is unable to attend 5p.m. m e e t i n g s , and if it is possible, the meeting times need to be changed, or we'll lose a good S e n a t o r . I agree with Senator Fisher's comments. SENATOR NALDER: As far as p a p e r - b a s h i n g , I read the "Overheard" section in the paper, and everyone knows I am not a fan of Mike Q u i c k , but I was bothered by it. I felt that it was just gossip. You know, what if someone else said something, and it was r e p e a t e d . It's not right. The excuse that dirt sells, in my o p i n i o n , it is only perpetuating the problem on campus with a p a t h y . In the whole article about the Senate in last weeks' p a p e r , only the last four lines said anything about what we did that was good. Why not do an article on E&P rather than about a concert off campus? If all that the students hear are the bad things, it will just perpetuate itself, and keep students a p a t h e t i c . It would be a good thing to tell E&P what a great job they are doing, because they try really hard, and are in the office more than most of the D i r e c t o r s . What Roderick said is right, we all need to see what we can do to help. I hope everything goes well at the Senate Retreat, it is just a one-day thing, and it is a really great way for us to get together. SENATOR DUBOWSKY: What Senator Fisher said really hit home. N o r m a l l y , I am pretty objective about the paper, and I feel c o m p l i m e n t e d when the paper says the rest of the Senate is doing their job, but this gossip was stupid. The Valentine Dance and the Elections were never in the paper, and school spirit SENATE MINUTES 22-07 page three X . OPEN D I S C U S S I O N , CONTINUED is low, and maybe the paper has something to do with it. I am totally disappointed in the paper. SENATOR WEBER: The last month or so, I have been observing Open D i s c u s s i o n , and am really upset and disappointed with it. Why can't we be more professional among ourselves? Some very p e r s o n a l matters have been brought up. When stuff occurs, e v e r y o n e should speak more politely and professionally. It is very easy to hurt others, and we can't fight among each other. Think before you speak, especially to the new Senators. We really try hard, and if there is a p r o b l e m , pull the new Senators aside and advise them. I heard a few things last night about Senators that I don't appreciate. If you are going to say s o m e t h i n g , be c o n s t r u c t i v e , don't be mean. VICE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH: I want to stress the Retreat, we need to get to know each other better. Also, I'd like to know what happened to the letter to the Brady's. Also, go to the softball practice on Saturday at 2 p.m. Be there. VICE PRESIDENT BRIGGS: Next year, the administration is trying to add a $5.00 per credit hour increase, even though there is a built-in $2.00 increase as it is. This concerns me. I think that this needs to be e x a m i n e d , and the Senate needs to do some r e s e a r c h . There are other areas in which money could be saved, rather than charging students. These areas need to be looked a t . For one thing, in the last two years, certain departments have increased 100% in personnel with no new or improved s e r v i c e s , just charges. I will be sitting in on the next Board of Regents meeting as well. P R E S I D E N T C0LEBR00K: I have put the cutbacks in all the Senators' b o x e s , review it. Not one person has come in to see me about t h e m , and it is a good idea to come and see me. One thing, I really like to hear better comments during Open Discussion, and the comments today were great. You all need to get out and do your speeches. As for the letter to the Brady's, it was not completed. It has aggravated me, and what I wanted-the signing party- is gone. I will be doing up the letter myself and signing it for Student Government as a w h o l e . I am totally e m b a r r a s s e d for the situation, and the letter will be sent out t o d a y . I have tickets to the Saturday game. Take them only if you are going to be there! Thank you for signing the certifi-cate for Jerry Tarkanian. It will be in a frame and we will present it to him. I am very proud of it. VICE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SMITH: The nominations for the Faculty Excellence Awards are due. SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY: I would like to introduce an applicant for the Human Development (formerly Health, Physical Education and Recreation) Senate Seat, Richard Stech, and Cathy Salinas who has applied for the Education Senate Seat. I want the Senate to indicate who wants to be on the Student Campus Safety A w a r e n e s s Committee. Senators Fischer, l a g o m a r s i n o , Nalder, Young, and Weber indicated SENATE MINUTES 22-07 page three X . OPEN D I S C U S S I O N , CONTINUED their interest in the committee. SENATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY: The date of the Senate meetings might possibly be changed and I want input. (There was much input.) A l s o , there was a lot of tension in Open D i s c u s s i o n , and there are a lot of new faces on the Senate. If you are confused, don't hesitate to ask. My suggestion is to stick with the topics at hand. Open Discussion is for issues, not a place to shoot comments at each other. I'm here to chair and advise the Senate, not to c r i t i c i z e , but, boy I got criticized this month. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE BENNEMAN: As far as the Retreat g o e s , we need it. We need to get to know each other. I know it's going to be good. The paper's job is to be our w a t c h d o g s. You are in the public eye, and you will be c r i t i c i z e d , and yes, last year was paper-bashing time. A lot of concerns were brought up to Regent Berkley, for example, Ways and Means cut over $200,000 in the 4% cuts. Senator Weber has some excellent points and we need to think about what he has said. You can't take things personal, and you shouldn't make things personal. We need to talk p o s i t i v l e y , and tryto look at the good. X I . ADJOURNMENT Senate President Mike Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 7:03p.m.