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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angelas, Callf* blarCh XT, 1931* Senator W* A* Clark, Iff York City. Boar Sir:- X analose a map showing triangular parcel of land lying east of the present Las Yogas tcwnslte, on whioh nap proposed lots have been laid out - Iff in nnntoer* We hare now sold in the town- site all of the lots whioh are desirably looated, and there still re­mains a considerable demand for residence sites* Hr* Calvin and I have agreed that an additional area should he placed on the market* We have considered the advisability of platting, curbing, installing water service and marketing the iff! lots shown on the map* Against | this scheme we have also considered the advisability of placing the 1 area on the market as acreage under contract which will require the i purchasers to, at their own expense, plat, curb, etc* X find that the cost of laying out the area and installing water connections will amount to approximately $13,000*00. Certain parties at Las Yogas, including Mr* Barks at the Bank, Leo mmmm and William Hawkins are proposing to purchase this area from us at a price equivalent to $50*00 per lot, or #11,300*00, for the entire parcel, and to accept a contract to plat and market the lota at their own expense* |i Considering the value of other property In that neighbor- hood, the frtffl# offsrod us is fair. Wo oonld. of%ourso. should wo /