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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Upon motion by Director Coulthard, seconded by Director Cornwall* the follow­ing resolution was unanimously adopted by the six Directors present. RESOLVED, that all of the land, physical assets and water rights of the Whitney Land and Water Company be purchased by the Las Vegas Valley Water District at the agreed price of $20,000, the physical assets to be in accordance with the inventory attached to the escrow instructions. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the escrow instructions as submitted are approved and the President and Secretary authorized to execute the same on behalf of the District, and that payment of the purchase price in the amount of $20,000 into escrow be and is hereby authorized. COMPLAINT - EXCESSIVE WATER PRESSURES Director Rosevear mentioned that he had received several complaints of excessive water pressure in the extreme easterly section of the city and asked the Manager what the situation was. The Manager advised that the area in question, as well as several others in the extreme southeasterly portion of the city were at such an elevation that pressures approaching 100 lbs. have to be maintained in order to provide adequate pressure in the higher parts of the same pressure zones. The division of the city into zones is such that a pressure approaching 100 lbs. at the low points is neces­sary in order to maintain approximately 40 lbs. at the high points. The only way in which this could be corrected would be a further subdivision of the pressure zones, which would require extensive rearrangement of mains. The question of installation of pressure reducing valves on individual services was brought up. The Manager advised that it would be expensive, probably approaching $50 per service and that the installation of such valves on customer*s services were generally not made by water companies. No action was taken by the Board. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, upon motion duly made by Director Miller, seconded by Director Thorn, and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned until 4*00 P. M., Tuesday, November 13, 1956 at the same location. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P. M.