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    I Tuesday, February 24, 1953 Las Vegas Review-Journal 5 KJn the Jc own ?╟≤ with olon jarIson- Young Man land A Typewriter The bump and grind dollies at the Hi Ho Club are snapping their G-strings again. . .The, Strip's stripping joint was blacked out last week by D. A. Rod Foley and the county licensing board for operating a girlie girlie show after Hi Ho'er Michelle Marchese had promised tne board he wouldn't produce take it off entertainment. .After having his license lifted for lying, Marchese went to the D. A. and sobbed out a story that his girlie show was the idea of Sheriff Glen Jones (also a board member). . .Marchese sed the sheriff had instigated the show on the theory that the Hi Ho was doomed on the Strip if it didn't come up with a type of entertainment that would tend to outstrip the Strip niteries. . .After waging his favorite war of stripping the strippers, and winning, the D. A. was dropped behind the eight ball when Marchese put the blame on Sheriff Jones . . This business of who, why, when, where and how is getting more confusing every day, but somewhere around the town there's gotta be a fresh deck of cards. 43NM Dave Robels, dance director (of Hollyweird), filling his little black book with choice selections from the chorus ranks for future reference. . .Chandra Kaly mulling over Riverside (Reno) engagement. . .Members of the Opera Association conducting Arturo Casiglia on tour of high school auditorium where the Maestro and the Pacific Coast Opera Company plan to stage "Carmen" in the fall. . .Ruthe Deskin celebrating birthday with "there isn't going to be anymo ?╟÷ I'm just over 29". . .New plans being mapped for activities at the Last Frontier Sportsdrome which will exclude local promoter Dick Russell. . .Hank Henry on the last lost weekend: "The town was crowded, but there was one guy who was so superstitious he wouldn't sleep 13 in a bed." And the teenagers have eome up with "Nervous, man, nervous" as a take off to the be-bopper's expression ''Crazy man, crazy".. . Balladeer Billy Eckstine hosting Police Queen finalists Cam-; ille Roberts, Peggy Bollig, Sharon Marshall, Joyce Austin, Suzie Kypers and Gay Jolly during Saturday nite dinner show at Sands j hotel. . .Friday nite, Mr. B was slated to warble to his^boMy sox fans at the Wildcat Lair, but had to cancel due to a sudden I nip by the cold bug. As the doctor was sticking B with a dose of 1 penicillin the popular crooner stuck me with this line: "Gosh, if hope this stuff doesn't go to my head". . .Gui Bourguignon, Fred Mella and Jean-louis Janbert, three of the nine Les Campagnons de la Chanson, making like megaphone men of the flickers while! grinding off a regular "lights, action, camera" epic which will! show what happens to three Frenchmen who are turned loose on miles and miles of Nevada desert, with three mustangs and a movie camera. . . -*- Joe Stacher not talking to anyone about deportation charges against him. S'funny that although the pudgy puss racketeer,: is residing on the Strip, his name-(or alias) fails to show up on any hotel register. . .Gordon Jenkins whisks into town for a peek at the Thunderbird stage which will house his "Manhattan^ Towers" for a fortnite commencing April 30. . .And over at the Silver Slippery'liowls are being echoed (and I do mean echoed)* by rounders ^fmpsmg the nitely "Tower" satire by the Slipper Funsters. . .Nanette Fabry, star of the recent Broadway musical "High Button Shoes," and Zsa Zsa Gabor will dash from their spotites at the Sands and Flamingo to join panel of judges selecting the pretty lass who will reign as Queen over' the 1953 Policeman's Ball March 6. . .A typical Las Vegas sunburn is; making some accentuation of the greener-than-green gown worn by Janis Paige during her nitely sffision at Last Frontier. ^fj|f| ftttftf^^ Fred Allen GWiliHf^ Rwlh To a Fat FelWfft ????JtV, , By Earl Wilson p Short Snorts . . .. Fred Allen dropped into Toots Shor's and handed Toots| I two sheets of paper. "These are your lines on George*-? [jessel's TV show this week," Fred explained. Toots stared. I Both sheets were blank. ?√ß?√ß?√ß?╟≤,#B*V There's no truth to the rumor that Bob Levitt wantedY to title Christine's story: "At Home Abroad." A '' JOANNE GILBERT, the controversial ' gal singer at Gogi's La Rue, is doing such ibig business, Gogi's talking of going to j Europe to hunt a big act to follow her. MARGARET TRUMAN approved Jack Donahue as director of the hour-a-week TV i show she's planning with Paula Stone . . . Joyce Mathews is back from Miami today to resume with Billy Rose . . . Eleanor Holm's chances for a whopping alimony are increasing daily . . . More initials in the Jelke case: EH, FG, LB, BS. By the way, girl witness tried to get $10,000 from Jelke's pal (MR) before she'd decided which way to testify? * * * ROXANNE and TOM RODDY (who's in finance) plan to marry this year. His new nickname for her: "Foxy Roxy" . . . "A schoolboy's worst possible disaster," says Sam Levenson, "is to do some home work that, he finds later, hasn't' been assigned." GILBERT FOXY ROXY Note to Mickey Jelke's attorneys: Your client's trouble is, he was born on the right side of the tracks. * - * ?√ß?√ß.:. . * BING CROSBY'S finishing up his radio recordings early this year and heading for Eu- | rope with son, Lindsay, Mar. 21. Bing won't be able lo make \ the Friars' dinner for Bob. .Hope here "Friday. His reason is the same as when he couldn't get to Hoj^*s dinner in L.A. and j toldpnim: "The reason I didn't jmne to the dinner was, I j ^wasn't hungry." ft-ll^ GROUCHO MARX and Howard Hughes were at the dice table' at the Sanf-te Hotel in Las Vegas after the Billy Eckstine opening. As Hughes picked up the dice,j Groucho said, "I suppose How- ard'll say, 'Come on now, Baby! needs a new pair of sneakers!'" The Midnight Earl BECAUSE PAT WARD was identified with those Peter P collars, and young girls who wore them were greeted with, "Wey Pat," a manufacturer gave up making them . . . Lady Sylvigi^ksh ley's been cavorting in Nassau with a handsome young beau . . . Sign in a bra shop: "Flats blown up." Today's Bravos: Ann Jeffreys and Bob Sterling, at the Waldorf Empire Room ... Benay Venuta in "Hazel Flagg"... Donald Cook's doubling from "Moon Is Blue" to NBC's "^^^^^^^^ radio show, "My Son Jeep" . . . Ex Come- \^^Z^^^^^^w J dienne Estelle Slater's novel, "The Strong ^^^^^r^^^m^ w Don't Cry." (Mickey Spillaneish.) TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: There's the erap-shooter's son, reports Elliot Lawrence, who wouldn't accept his examination grades ?╟≤?╟÷he let it all ride on the next test. WISH I'D SAID THAT: "Anybody can get a Marilyn Monroe calendar?╟÷but Joe DiMaggio has all the dates."?╟÷Bob Hope. Taffy Tuttle hears that Mario Lanza's gaining weight, and she's volunteered to chase him around until he loses it. The Jack Warners are selling their $175,000 Sutton PL home . .. Jackie Gleason, best' man at the wedding of his producer Jack Hurdle to Jean Polhamus, almost broke it up. As Hurdle's mother was playing the ':m^K^m_\^j^Q_a{ wedding march, Gleason said in a loud aside ^f^/^T^VV^' to Hurdle, "Your mother just hit a terrible clinker." Earl's Pearls Midtown theater owners, are offering a $1,000 V' ntJaiip.?? reward for the latest stench bomb tossers . . . The crumbles Irv CaP-to1 Theater top brass talked to Lionel Hamp- (Little Vienna) *on at30Ut heading a two-a-day show. Jaeger, "gave up E* Morocco twosomes: Diana Lynn with Bill only one thing Dozier, Audrey Hepburn, with her sometime for Lent?╟÷paying fiance, James Hanson . .Mitzi Baker, who played back." a 13-year-old in "Member of the Wedding," is now H&?·->>v.y* 11 a hatcheck girl in Lindy's. "JUST TWO MORE elocution lessons," says Jerome Thor, "and my wife gets her driving license" ... That's earl, brother.