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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 18, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 27 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000879. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 27-02 Monday, November 18,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. ADDRESS BY UNIVERSITY CHIEF OF POLICE HOLLENBECK IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS __ - . TC, A. Director reports — 1. Entertainment and Programming Director Castillo; 2. O.S.I. Director Hamilton; 3. Organizations Board Director Bonghi; """ 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director Valera; cn 5. Student Services Director Tolbert; gp 6. Elections Board Director Reed; B. Senate Committee Reports o~ C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Business Manager Report E. CSUN-Residence Hall Liaison Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Admission Committee; B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Code Committee; C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate General Education Committee; D. Action Item: Nomination/ Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Scholarship Committee; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA NOV Zi 7 S3 ft % CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS * UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA SENATE MEETING Monday, November 25, 1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201, 6:30p.m. VII. NEW BUSINESS S. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV to expend $1,138.50 to purchase a rebuilt electronic transmitter tube for Black Mountain Transmitter; to be encumbered out of the fy96-97 CSUN 2709 (KUNV) account. T. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one representative to the ad hoc Special Course Fee committee. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUMDEEENTTI NSGE N2A7-T0E2 MINUTES Monday, November 18,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jeremy Aguero Terry Moore Steven Amend Margaret Persch Heather Anderson Michelle Lee Briggs Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Alesia Hayes Nicole Lehman cS~ Frank Lideros p-O Kyle Lopez Veronica Perez c n William Price o Michelle Quincy co5 Jonathan Schiff Robert Solomon » Joey Song cn Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo Laura Zurek III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Senate minutes 26-28, 26-33, 26-34 are up for approval. Motion to approve made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. A. ADDRESS BY UNIVERSITY CHIEF OF POLICE HOLLENBECK University Police Chief Hollenbeck addressed the Senate and answered questions regarding the parking situation on campus. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 ( IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE-Picture day for the senators will be next on next Monday from 5:00- 6:30 p.m. Interviews for the Business Manager finalists started today. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming—attending NACA 2. O.S.I.—Congratulated Pro Tempore Perez. Reserved the display case for next semester, would like each Senator to bring something in that they feel represents their college. Would like to have student government sweatshirts made next semester. Would like for some Senators to join her board. 3. Organizations Board—attending NACA. 4. Nevada Student Affairs—not in attendance. 5. Student Services—preparing for finals with the office supplies. Working on career day, it is at the Thomas and Mack this year. Encouraged the Senators to spread the word and ask their constituents for feedback on the location. Looking for logo and slogan ideas for the event. The office computer for student access to e-mail will be up and running next semester some time. 6. Elections Board—Election refund checks are in the office, obtain them from Joyce. B. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR FLEISCHMAN—The campus "Walk in the Light" is Tuesday, November 19, at 6:00 p.m. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports SENATOR ANDERSON-Business College Dean Search-down to seven (7) nominees. SENATOR TRUJILLO—Library met, no quorum, conducted an informal session. SENATOR PRICE-General Education-met and approved new classes. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN-Fine and Performing Arts College Dean Search-committee instructed to recommend a minority and/or female candidate in addition to three (3) male candidates already recommended. D. Business Manager Report STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL provided an expense sheet. The search for the new Business Manager is narrowed to three (3) candidates. Interviews are currently being conducted. E. CSUN—Residence Hall Liaison Report Working on small programs now. Having a Thanksgiving Extravaganza for all the residents that cannot go home for the holiday. This week is Residence Hall Safety Week. The Residence Halls won two (2) national awards. 2 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] No comment from the gallery. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS No unfinished business at this time. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Admission Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR ZUREK made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR SOLOMON. Motion to nominate SENATOR HAYES made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion to nominate SENATOR AMEND made by SENATOR AMEND, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for no more than two minutes to be followed by a limited question and answer, division of the house and roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR ZUREK received 1 vote. SENATOR HAYES received 6 votes. SENATOR AMEND received 10 votes. B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Code Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR FLEISCHMAN made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR SCHIFF, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a vote on the original motion. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN abstained. C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate General Education Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR PRICE made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. 3 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Move into a vote on the original motion. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR PRICE abstained. i D. Action Item: Nomination/ Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Scholarship Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR GONZALES made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. Motion to nominate SENATOR HAYES made by SENATOR HAYES, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to close nominations and allow each candidate to speak for no more than two minutes to be followed by limited questions and answer, division of the house and a roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. SENATOR GONZALES addressed the Senate. SENATOR HAYES addressed the Senate. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR GONZALES received 11 votes. SENATOR HAYES received 7 votes. E. Action Item: Nomination/Election of members to the Senate Ways and Means Committee (5-9 Senators); ; Motion to nominate SENATOR STARK made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Motion to nominate SENATOR ZUREK made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to nominate SENATOR QUINCY made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR STARK. Motion to nominate SENATOR PRICE made by SENATOR STARK, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to nominate SENATOR CAMPBELL made by SENATOR SONG, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR MOORE made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a vote Of approval. Motion passes 20-0-0. F. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Senate Ways and Means Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR MOORE made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. ! Motion to nominate SENATOR ZUREK made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR SONG. SENATOR ZUREK declines the nomination. 4 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR SCHIFF, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to table made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. Move into a vote on tabling. Motion passes 20-0-0. G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of members to the Senate Gampus Safety and Awareness Committee (3-7 members, at least 3 Senators); Motion to nominate SENATORS TRUJILLO, PERSCH, SOLOMON made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Motion to nominate SENATOR FLEISCHMAN made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Motion to nominate SENATOR PRICE made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a vote on approval. Motion passes 20-0-0. H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Senate Campus Safety and Awareness Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR FLEISCHMAN made by SENATOR SCHIFF, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote of approval. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN abstained. I. Action Item: Nomination/Election of members to the Senate Bylaws Committee (4-9 Senators); Motion to nominate SENATORS AGUERO, SOLOMON made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. Motion to nominate SENATOR GONZALES made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Motion to nominate SENATOR SONG made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Motion to nominate SENATOR LOPEZ made by SENATOR SONG, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR MOORE made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. 5 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Motion to nominate SENATOR TRUJILLO made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Motion to nominate SENATOR BRIGGS made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Motion to nominate SENATOR HAYES made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Motion to nominate SENATOR PEREZ made by SENATOR GONZALES, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to limit the committee to six (6) members made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote. Motion ties at 10-10-0. SENATORS TRUJILLO, LIDEROS, CAMPBELL, SONG, LOPEZ, SCHIFF, STARK, PRICE, AMEND, PEREZ opposed . SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE breaks the tie with a yes vote, limiting the committee. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote on closing nominations. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to vote for one with the top six (6) vote getters gaining the seats made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Discussion ensued regarding the motion, and the difficulty in gaining a top six vote getters. Friendly amendment to allow each Senator to vote for six (6) nominees made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, second concurs. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR AGUERO received 15 votes. SENATOR SOLOMON received 12 votes. SENATOR GONZALES received 7 votes. SENATOR SONG received 11 votes. SENATOR LOPEZ received 11 votes. SENATOR MOORE received 9 votes. SENATOR TRUJILLO received 17 votes. SENATOR BRIGGS received 9 votes. SENATOR HAYES received 9 votes. SENATOR PEREZ received 14 votes. J. Action Item: Nomination/Election of chair to the Senate Bylaws Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR AGUERO made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR AGUERO abstained. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR AGUERO abstained. 6 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 K. Action Item: Nomination/Election of members to the Senate Rules and Ethics Committee [6 Senators (2 appointed by the CSUN Executive Board)]; **The two Senators appointed by the Executive Board are SENATORS TRUJILLO and HAYES. Motion to nominate SENATOR SONG made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR MOORE made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion to nominate SENATOR ANDERSON made by SENATOR ZUREK, seconded by SENATOR LIDEROS. Motion to nominate SENATOR GONZALES made by SENATOR LIDEROS, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR LOPEZ made by SENATOR SONG, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR BRIGGS made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR QUINCY. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion for a division of the house and roll call vote, with the top four vote getters obtaining the seats made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Discussion ensued regarding the non use of four votes that Senators can exercise as opposed to voting for only one candidate for an entire committee. SENATOR AGUERO withdraws his second. Failure of another second, the motion dies on the floor. Motion to divide the house and conduct a roll call vote, with Senators voting for four nominees with the top four vote getters obtaining the seats made by SENATOR HAYES, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Move into a vote on proceeding. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR SONG received 11 votes. SENATOR MOORE received 8 votes. SENATOR ANDERSON received 13 votes. SENATOR GONZALES received 13 votes. SENATOR LOPEZ received 16 votes. SENATOR BRIGGS received 14 votes. L. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Senate Rules and Ethics Committee; Motion to nominate SENATOR ANDERSON made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. SENATOR ANDERSON declines the nomination. Motion to nominate SENATOR TRUJILLO made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. 7 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Motion to nominate SENATOR BRIGGS made by SENATOR ZUREK, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to close nominations, to be followed by a division of the house and roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AMEND. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. SENATOR TRUJILLO addressed the Senate. SENATOR BRIGGS withdrew from the running. Move into a vote of approval. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR TRUJILLO abstained. M. Action Item: Discussion/Formation of a Senate constitutional Revision Ad Hoc Committee; Motion to form the committee made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR SOLOMON. Discussion ensued regarding the formation while the Bylaws committee is currently looking into making this a standing committee. Motion to amend the item to read "...Committee, upon revision of committee Bylaw by Bylaws Committee that membership roll over into the new standing committee." made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 20-0-0. N. Action: Nomination/Election of members to the Senate Constitutional Revision Ad Hoc Committee (at least 2 members of Bylaws Committee); Motion to nominate SENATORS SOLOMON, ANDERSON, CAMPBELL made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Motion to nominate SENATOR HAYES made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Motion to nominate SENATOR SONG made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to nominate SENATOR BRIGGS made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to nominate SENATOR AMEND made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Motion to automatically place SENATORS SOLOMON, SONG as members (they are the only two nominated that are currently members of the Bylaws Committee) made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR abstained. SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to limit the committee to five (5) members made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR AMEND received 13 votes. SENATOR BRIGGS received 12 votes. SENATOR ANDERSON received 14 votes. SENATOR CAMPBELL received 13 votes. SENATOR HAYES received 4 votes. O. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Senate Constitutional Revision Ad Hoc Committee: Motion to nominate SENATORS ANDERSON, SOLOMON made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Motion to close nominations mad by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SOLOMON. SENATOR ANDERSON addressed the Senate. SENATOR SOLOMON addressed the Senate. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR ANDERSON received 10 votes. SENATOR SOLOMON received 8 votes. P. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator member to the CSUN Entertainment and Programming Board; Motion to nominate SENATOR LIDEROS made by SENATOR GONZALES, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to nominate SENATOR SCHIFF made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to nominate SENATOR STARK made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to close nominations, allowing each candidate to speak for no more than two minutes to be followed by limited question, division of the house and a roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote on proceeding. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to amend the item to read "...of two (2) Senator members..." made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 20-0-0. SENATOR LIDEROS addressed the Senate and answered questions. SENATOR SCHIFF addressed the Senate. 9 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 SENATOR STARK addressed the Senate. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR LIDEROS received 9 votes. SENATOR SCHIFF received 14 votes. SENATOR STARK received 11 votes. Q. Action Item: Nomination/Election of at least one (1) Senator member to the CSUN Organizations Board; Motion to nominate SENATOR LEHMAN made by SENATOR STARK, seconded by SENATOR SOLOMON. Motion to nominate SENATOR HAYES made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Motion to nominate SENATOR LIDEROS made by SENATOR GONZALES, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Motion to close nominations, allow each candidate to speak to be followed by a limited questions and answer, division of the house and roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Move into a vote on closing. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to amend the motion to allow approval of all three (3) nominees made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. The motion is out of order, the Bylaw states only one. SENATOR LEHMAN withdrew from the running. SENATOR HAYES addressed the Senate. SENATOR LIDEROS addressed the Senate. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR HAYES received 4 votes. SENATOR LIDEROS received 13 votes. Motion for a two (2) minute recess made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called a recess at 8:41 p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the meeting back to order at 8:43 p.m. R. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Michelle Williams and Josh Felsenfeld to the CSUN Organizations Board (see attachments 1,2); Motion to table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-3-1. SENATORS AMEND, TRUJILLO, AGUERO opposed. SENATOR BRIGGS abstained. S. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Gabriel Sanchez to the CSUN Entertainment and Programming Board (see attachment 3); Motion to approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. 10 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-4-2. SENATORS SOLOMON, HAYES, PRICE, AGUERO. opposed. SENATORS abstained. T. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing Senate Secretary Dineen Barkhuffs hourly wage from $6.00 per hour to $7.50 per hour, to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (GenAcct), as submitted by SENATOR BRIGGS; Motion to table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. Move into a vote on tabling. Motion fails. Motion to approve made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Discussion ensued regarding the raise rates for the office help, and the history of employment for the Senate Secretary. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR LOPEZ opposed. U. Action item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $6,410.00 for the first ever UNLV Basketball tailgate, to occur on November 23, 5:30 -7:30 p.m. in the Thomas and Mack parking lot, to be encumbered out of the 96-97 E&P budget (see attachment 4) Motion to approve made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR AMEND. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN abstained. V. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a $400.00 monthly stipend plus a 24-credit fee waiver as compensation from November 4,1996 through June 30 ,1997(end of the 1996-97 fiscal year) for the position of CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore to be encumbered out of the fy 96-97 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct); Motion to approve made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to table per Bylaw 4 made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-1-2. SENATOR BRIGGS opposed. SENATORS AGUERO, TRUJILLO abstained. W. Action Item: Discussion/Override of STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL'S veto of Senate allocation of $900.00 for the Association of Pre-Health Professionals (Senate meeting 26-334, New Business Item C); Motion to override made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the item. SENATOR AGUERO yielded the floor to Dominick Ricciardi, whom addressed the Senate and answered questions throughout the discussion. Discussion continued. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN yielded the floor to Organizations Board Assistant Director Jason Finkelstein, whom addressed the Senate and answered questions. 11 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Discussion continued. SENATOR SCHIFF yielded the floor to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL whom addressed the Senate. Discussion continued. SENATOR PEREZ yielded the floor to former Senator Ryan Marth whom addressed the Senate. Discussion continued. SENATOR SONG yielded the floor to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL whom addressed the Senate. Discussion continued. SENATOR BRIGGS yielded the floor to STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT MILLS whom addressed the Senate. Discussion continued. Jason Sims addressed the Senate regarding the questioned extra two (2) days that the trip includes. SENATOR BEN CAMPBELL yielded the floor to Joe Morian whom addressed the Senate. Discussion continued. Motion to call to question made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Move into a vote on call to question. Motion passes 16-3-1. SENATORS PRICE, PEREZ, BRIGGS opposed. SENATOR SOLOMON abstained. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion fails 6-13-1. SENATORS AGUERO, TRUJILLO, ANDERSON, ZUREK, GONZALES, LOPEZ, SONG, LIDEROS, SCHIFF LEHMAN, STARK, AMEND, HAYES, SOLOMON opposed. SENATOR PRICE abstained. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE 12 SENATE MEETING 27-02 / NOVEMBER 18, 1996 XL ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. OFFICIAL NOTICE: When applicable, any formal Executive Board/Senate approval for all heretofore and hereafter appointed nominee(s) are to be contingent upon necessary receipt of required grade point average verification(s). SENATE SECRETARY 13