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uac000430. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 14-29 June 12, 19 84 I. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 4:05 II. Roll Call - The roll was called by the Pro Tempore. Present Absent Senator Bellon - arrived at 4:18 Senator Hughes - Unexcused Senator Hawley Senator Ohriner Senator Samuelson Senator Cohen Senator Verona Senator Ashley Senator Nellis Senator Colquitt Senator Doubrava Senator Souris There were 11 senators in attendance. III. Approval of Minutes #2 8 - There having been no corrections the chair declared them approved... IV. Announcements - Senate President Haldeman yielded the floor to Dr. Mary Phelps to discuss New Business Item E. Vice President Fischer reported on the Shuttle Service. James Ohriner discussed ByLaw #2 3; the ByLaws Committee will propose a bill which will absorb previous legislation. The Senate President announced vacancies. V. Reports - There were no reports. VI. Old Business A. President Haldeman nominated Brian'Frehner "for senate seat, There were no nominations for Academic Advisement or Hotel, The nominees for Business and Economics are — August Corrales, Jackie Garcia, Dan Geary, John Fazi, Kim McDermott. (B. and C. no action was taken at this time.) D. Appointment of Bob Briare to Radio Board Chair. Ohriner moved to approve the appointment and it was second by Hawley. Karen Cohen objected to consideration of the question citing possible violation of the open meeting law,(Continued) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES - Page 2 Bob Briare answered questions the vote was taken and approved with 7 in favor,: none^;opposed7.r-Nteilis\ft Bteilon f and Verona abstaining, with Cohen excused from the vote. VIII. New Business A. Colquitt moved to appoint Andy Nichols to fill the vacant Hotel Seat; Samuelson seconded. Andy Nichols answered questions of the Senate; the vote was taken and approved by 10-0-1. B. Verona moved to approved, the appointment of John Fazi to Intramurals Director, Souris seconded. PaulEssayian on behalf of John Fazis. Kai moved to table until next meeting Randy Colquitt seconded the motion, and Senator Cohen objected; the motion was withdrawn. Tne Senate President permitted Julie Wilcox to address the Senators and answer questions. James Ohriner spoke on behalf of John Fazi. Bellon recommended tabling the motion, Fischer concurred with Senator Nellis, and Senator Hawley. Senate President passed the gavel and spoke in favor of John Fazi. Bellon moved to table until next meeting. Karen Cohen seconded,^ the motion was approved. C. Senate President Haldeman to approve a fee waiver for James Ohriner for SSI and fall of "84". The motion was approved, with 10 in favor Doubrava : opposed and Ohriner abstaining. D. Senate President Haldeman moved to postpone compensation" appointees until after July 1, 19 84; Bellon seconded. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to discuss the motion; it was approved with 11 in favor none opposed, Verona abstaining. E. James Ohriner moved that 500.00 be paid to renew membership to the National Student Exchange. The motion was approved by a vote of 11-0-0, Samuelson seconded. IX. Open Discussion Vice President Kai Fischer announced that Budget Requests should be in by Monday. James recommended senators to review proposed bylaw #2 3, Senate President Haldeman discussed vacancies. X. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 5i;55 pm. Senate Secretary TJonnie Robertson CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 14-30 June 19, 19 8 4 MSU Ballroom 4:00 P.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #29 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seat 1. Academic Advisement (3) Frehner 2. Business and Economics (3) Corrales, McDermott, Garcia, Geary, Fazi 3. Hotel (1) B. A motion to-suspend the rules (Item I, Bylaw 15) to consider item C. C. Discussion/Action, a grant not to exceed 350.00, from 900, to the Water Skiing Club. D. Appointment of Intramurals Director - John Fazi, from the table. . VIII. New Business • A. Appointments 1. Appointment of Senators 2. Appointment of Randy Colquitt to Academic Standards 3. Appointment of Randy Colquitt to Curriculum Committee UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS B. Work Waivers 1. Approval of a Work Waiver for President Anderson 2. Approval of a Work Waiver for Vice President Fischer C. Approval of Bylaw #23 (Attached to agenda). Ohriner D. Amendments to Bylaw #22 - Fischer, Verona E. Ad Hoc Con-Rev Committee Report Date - Last Meeting in July IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment A 32 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS BYLAW #23 LEGISLATION Introduced by Senate by President Pro Tempore James Ohriner I. BILL SUBMISSION AND INTRODUCTION. A bill proposed to the Senate shall be submitted in a manner as follows: A. A bill must be submitted to the Senate President. 1. The Senate President shall include introduction of bill as a New Business item on the first agenda posted following submission. 2. The Senate President shall affix a copy of the bill to the aforementioned Agenda. 3. The Senate President shall entertain no motion con-cerning the bill except to discuss, commit, or refer at the meeting in which the bill is introduced. 4. The Senate President shall include approval of the bill as a New Business item on the first Agenda posted following introduction. 5. The Senate President shall number bills consecutively in the order of submission, with the first number of each session being "1" followed by the session number and meeting number. B. A bill shall cite statues into which it shall be classified upon passage and shall cite its effective date. (see IV) C. A change in statutes shall be proposed in the form of a bill, II. EMERGENCY MEASURES. The Senate may, by a two-thirds majority vote, suspend rules and declare an item introduced, farther suspend rules and declare a measure an emergency, and sispense with Section I, Subsection A, Subsections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this By/Law. III. STANDING STATUTES. The Standing Statutes of CSUN shall be as follows: 001.00 - 99.99 Miscellaneous 100.00 - 199.99 Interpretations and Definitions 200.00 - 299.99 - Boards, Committees, Agencies, and Offices 300.00 - 399.99 CSUN Internal Operations 400.00 - 499.99 CSUN External Operations 500.00 - 699.99 Elections, Elected Officers and - UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LASVEGASM5059MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV BYLAW #23 LEGISLATION (continued) page 2 700.00 - 799.99 Mass Media 800.00 - 899.99 Operating Policies 900.00 - 999.99 Appropriations, Expenditures, Revenues and Budgets. IV. EFFECTIVE DATES. Unless otherwise stated within a bill, a bill shall become a statute and become effective forty-eight (48) hours after the meeting in which it was passed. V. ABSORPTION OF PRIOR LEGISLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF STATUTES. All legislation passed prior to the passagexpf this ByLaw shall be absorbed into statute set forth in a bill to be recommended by the By/aws Committee. VI. FORM OF BILLS. A bill shall be submitted in a form similar to the following: Senate Bill No. of the session INTRODUCED BY: S ummary: We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as f o1lows: Amend Statue No. to read as follows: (Additions shall be underlined. Deletions shall be placed in parenthesis'.) VII. BYLAW EFFECTIVE DATE. This By^aw shall become effective . forty-eight (48) hours after the meeting in which it is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.