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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I Place of Meetings. BY-LAWS LAS YEGAS LANDo fAND WATER COMPANY (As amended effective November 12th, 1933) ARTICLE I. Stockholders Meetings o,„+ion i AH'meetings, annual or special, of the . stockholders of this Company shall be held at the offic, of the Company in Los Angeles, California. Annual . Meetings. Section 3. An a n n u a l . | B g | I S W °sL u “SrSiit at 11 o’clock A.M. on the second Monday of November m each year. Special Meetings. Section 3. A special meeting may be held at any time, therefor filed with rtehcet oSresc,r eotxa ruyp obyn stockholders ° t> o„ft ocrke coofr d thate lCeoam-st tgEgl orlef 1? app!lcati?n therefor, and the business transacted shall be confined to such objects. Notice. Action 4, Notice of all meetings of the stockhold­ers shea°n be g i ven S.t-is m m p 3 S M•mgs tos0hhaallll° ssttaattee rue mas yT hei rfraeigluulraen ttyo m. give notice of an annua ‘_T the"validity of such annual mtehee tniontgi coer, ofs naainly Pn ro0 f^ . * htohelrdeiantg. of Anay sspteoccikahlo lmdeeert-m g without inootticiec, ^i ^ d h stthtei eart tienn pdaenrcseo no fo r abnyy psrtooxcyk#holder at a s p e c i a l meeting, ^het er in p notice there. traSaction of any corporate business therea .