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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Febuary 21, 1985






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 15 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000461. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE'MEETING 15-14 February 21,1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 pm. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 15-13 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations 1. -to Elections Board: Kyle Peppers,Cory Archie, Blaise Fossum 2. -to Admission: Bill Haldeman, Sean Kelleher, Kai Fischer 3. -to Appropriations: Jeff Davis 4. -to Financial Aid: Rosanna Bennett 5. -$50.00 stipend to each Elections Board member upon completion of elections at discretion of the Chairman. VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Senate Retreat/Travel not to exceed $1,000.00 B. Approval Senate Bill 15-9 VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. » B. Approval of Contract with Shelley Berkley. C. Approval of Resolution 15-5 D. Approval of Appointments to CRI 1. Michael Ashleman 2. John Fazi E. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment F. Approval of transfer to the 902 account an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 G. Waye Bylaw; 15/ A motion to donate $1,000.00 for the UNLV Cheerleaders. H. Declaration of War against Madison, Wisconsin. I. War Powers Act. IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS COMMITTEE/BOARD REPORT Pub. Board Minutes 2 Sharon De Lair - $100.00 Sports Editor Greg Dorchack - $125.00 Prod Mgr./Cartoonist Cheryl Seward - $50.00 Feature Writer David Hofstede - $100.00 Associate Entertainment Editor Motion made by Thompson and seconded by Dr. Cloud. The motion passed unanimously. VII. Open Discussion Bill McCoy presented a formal proposal to the board which outlined a new publication known as the Cross Examiner. Board decided not to take any action at that time. VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m. :cc: Executive Board Pubications Board members Dr. Cloud Tom Flagg - 2 copies (Thompson) LF:sj d CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 15-14 February 21,1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Senate President Protem Varona. II. Roll Call Present Senator Acker Senator Harrington Senator Larson Senator Adams Senator Hendrick Senator Maestas (late) Senator Chadwell Senator Holm Senator Muir Senator Champagne Senator Kelleher Senator Nellis Senator Davis (late) Senator Kim (late) Senator Nichols Senator DiBenedetto Senator Kowalczyk Senator Sattler III. Approval of Minutes 15-13 Senator Smith (late) Senator Varona The minutes were approved with no corrections. IV. Announcements CSUN President Anderson announced that the Senate was invited to attend the Afro American Services Awards. He also announced the Business College was going to start an AA Counseling Service. A letter of thanks was received from the Graduate College. Vice President Fischer wished all candidates good luck for the elections. Vice President Protem Nichols announced that Hotel Association was sponsoring a debate for the candidates. Senate President Protem Varona announced that Bill Haldeman was in Reno and that ASUN passed the ASUN/CSUN Joint Resolution 15-5 by a vote of 17-0-2. -Senator Smith arrived at the meeting 4:15p.m James Ohriner addressed the Senate, Dr. Masek's mom sent a thank you note to the Senate for the flowers sent. V. Excutive Board Nominations None other than on the agenda. VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports Office of Public Information - James Ohriner addressed the Senate. The OPI section was not printed in the paper, but not because of OPI. OPI will also handle all travel arrangements. Entertainment & Programming - Ric Jimenez addressed the Senate and stated that the Coors Crusher had a good turnout and the bar made a profit. -Senator Maestas arrived at 4:20p.m. -Senator Kim arrived at 4:23 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 S.M./15-14 2 Bylaws Report - No meeting. Elections Board - Jeff Chadwell addressed the Senate, a report will be given at the end of the meeting. Parking and Traffic - Paul Champagne discussed the issues brought up at the meeting. Thomas and Mack Center is talking about student parking fees and closing it off. Intramurals - John Fazi addressed the Senate. 35 Teams are signed up for Basketball,; and Racketball and Bowling will begin soon. VII. Old Business A. Senate Retreat/Travel not to exceed $1,000.00. Vice President Fischer moved to table indefinitely. Senator Nichols seconded. Senator DiBenedetto objected to the consideration. Senator Sattler seconded. The objection was sustained with 13 in favor, 4 opposed (Nichols,Hendrick, Chadwell,Acker) and 2 abstaining (Nellis,Kelleher). -Senator Davis arrived at the meeting 4:45 p.m. Senator Hendrick moved to table the item for 1 week. Senator Nichols seconded. The motion passed with 13 in favor, 6 opposed (Adams,Davis,Harrington,Smith, DiBenedetto,Sattler) and 1 abstaining (Holm). B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 No action at this time. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations 1. -to Elections Board: Kyle Peppers,Cory Archie, Blaise Fossum 2 -to Admission: Bill Haldeman, Sean Kelleher, Kai Fischer 3. -to Appropriations: Jeff Davis 4. -to Financial Aid: Rosanna Bennet 5. -$50.00 stipend to each Elections Board member upon completion of elections at discretion of Chairman. Senator Smith moved to approve 1-4 as a whole. Senator Hendrick seconded. The motion passed unanimously. B. Approval of Contract with Shelley Berkley Senator Hendrick moved to approve. Senator Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. C. Approval of Resolution 15-5 Senator DiBenedeito moved to approve. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of Appointments to CRI. 1. Michael Ashleman 2. John Fazi This item was withdrawn at the request of CRI Chairman, Tony Holm. E. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment No action was taken. S.M./15-14 3 F. Approval of transfer to the 902 account an amount not to exceed $20,000.00. Senator Harrington moved to approve $20,000.00. Senator Holm seconded. Bill Bacon addressed the Senate and explained why the monies were needed. Sam Lieberman addresed the Senate. There was some discussion by the Senate. Senator Nichols offered a friendly amendment to change the amount to $5,000.00. This was withdrawn. Senator Holm offered a friendly amendment to change the amount to $8,000.00. and refer to the Appropriations Board which account to take the monies out of-within 15 working days. The maker of the motion accepted, the second concurred. Senator DiBenedetto moved the previous question. Senator Sattler seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The motion to approve a transfer to the 902 account an amount of $8,000.00 with the Appropriations Board deciding which account to take the monies, within 15 working days passed with 18 in favor, 2 opposed (Larson,Acker) and 0 abstaining. G. Wave Bylaw 15/ A motion to donate $1,000.00 for the UNLV Cheerleaders. Senator Nichols moved to wave bylaw 15. Senator Hendrick seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstaining (Acker,Sattler,Adams, Harrington). Vice President Fischer addressed the Senate, and stated that the money was needed to send the cheerleaders to the PCAA Tournament. Senator Nichols moved to approve $1,000.00. Senator Harrington seconded. Vice President Fischer offered a friendly amendment to have the Appropriations Board decide which account to take the monies. The maker of the motion accepted with the second concurring. Senator Harrington offered a friendly amendment to the amendment to state that the money will only be used for lodging and travel. The amendment was accepted. Senator DiBenedefto moved to table the item for one week. Senator Smith seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 5 opposed (Nichols,Champagne, Larson, Adams',Kim)and 0 abstaining. H. Declaration of War against Madison, Wisconsin. Senate President Protem Varona stated that this item was out of order. I. War Powers Act No action was taken. J. Approval to set up and Ad Hoc Committee to research the bookstore -Resolution 15-6. With Bill DiBenedetto as Chairman and Sean Kelleher, Tristam Harrington,Tony Holm, Scott Nellis, Sam Lieberman and James Ohriner as members. Senator DiBenedetto moved to approve. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 2 opposed (Acker,Hendrick) and 0 abstaining. IX. Open Discussion Senator Sattler asked for some consistency. Senator Nellis-Health Fair. x Senate President Protem Susan Dute', Senate Secretary CSUN SENATE RESOLUTION #15-05 of the fifteenth session A CSUN/ASUN JOINT RESOLUTION Submitted by CSUN Senator Hendrick, Senate President Haldeman, President Anderson, Vice President Fischer, Senators Varona, Holm, DiBenedetto Nellis, Sattler, Harrington, Chadwell, Muir, Kelleher, Kowalczyk, Adams, Davis Larson, Maestas, Acker, Nichols, Champagne, Kim, and Smith. Whereas, adequate compensation is necessary to obtain and maintain high caliber faculty at all levels of education; and Whereas, the last faculty pay increase in 1981 was less than adequate; and Whereas, no faculty increases were passed during the sixty-second legislative session; and .nereas, UNS faculty are ranked as low as forty-fourth in terms of salary out of the 50 states; and Whereas, the current student/faculty ratios are above desirable learning levels; and Whereas, without adequate faculty salaries, the ratios will continue to degenerate; and Whereas, the students of the University of Nevada System recognize and affirm. the concept of academic growth, but acknowledge the economic realities in providing proper remuneration for instructors; and Whereas, the 1985 Governor's Budget, recognizing the necessity of adequate compensation, calls for an eleven percent (11%) salary increase in the first year of the biennium retroactive to January 1, 1985 and a four percent (4%) salary increase in the second year of the biennium; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That we, the students of the University of Nevada System, repre-sented in the Senates of CSUN and ASUN, being committed to the ideal of academic excellence, jointly endorse the faculty salary increases called for in the Governor's 1985-1987 Budget. ~°SUN: vote: 20 yeas, p nays meeting # 15-14 date 2 / 21 /85. .iSUN: vote: YL yeas, nays meeting # date / /85. By these votes, CSUN and ASUN did adopt the Joint Resolution. Approved at Senate Meeting 15-14, on 2/21/85. A JOINT RESOLUTION #15-05 BY THE CONSOLIDATED AND ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA CSUN SPONSORS: Senator Hendrick, Senate President Haldeman, Presi-dent Anderson, Vice President Fischer, Senators Va-rona, Holm, DiBenedetto, Nellis, Sattler, Harrington, Chadwell, Muir, Kelleher, Kowalczyk, Adams, Davis, Larson, Maestas, Acker, Nichols, Champagne, Kim, and Smith. ASUN SPONSORS: President Polimeni, Senator Barsenti, and Huber. Whereas, adequate compensation is necessary to obtain and maintain high caliber faculty at all levels of education; and Whereas, the last faculty pay increase in 19 81 was less than adequate; ar. Whereas, no faculty increases were passed during the sixty-second legis-lative session; and Whereas, UNS faculty are ranked as low as forty-fourth in terms of salary out of the 50 states; and Whereas, the current student/faculty ratios are above desirable learn-ing levels; and Whereas, without adequate faculty salaries, the ratios will continue to degenerate; and Whereas, the students of the University of Nevada System recognize and affirm the concept of academic growth, but acknowledge the economic realities in providing proper remuneration for instructors; and Whereas, the 1985 Governor's Budget, recognizing the necessity of ade-quate compensation, calls for an eleven percent (11%) salary in-crease in the first year of the biennium retroactive to January 1, 1985 and a four percent (4%) salary increase in the second year of the biennium; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the students of the University of Nevada System, re-presented in the Senates of CSUN and ASUN, being committed to the ideal of academic excellence, jointly endorse the faculty salary increases called for in the Governors 1985-1987 Budget. CSUN: Adopted 20 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining on 2/21/85. ASUN: Adopted 17 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining on 2/20/85. A JOINT RESOLUTION BY THE CONSOLIDATED AND ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA CSUN SPONSORS: Senator Hendrick, Senate President Haldeman, Presi-dent Anderson, Vice President Fischer, Senators Va-rona, Holm, DiBenedetto, Nellis, Sattler, Harrington, Chadwell, Muir, Kelleher, Kowalczyk, Adams, Davis, Larson, Maestas, Acker, Nichols, Champagne, Kim, and Smith. ASUN SPONSORS: President Polimeni, Senator Barsenti, and Huber. Whereas, adequate compensation is necessary to obtain and maintain high caliber faculty at all levels of education; and Whereas, the last faculty pay increase in 1981 was less than adequate; and Whereas, no faculty increases were passed during the sixty-second legis-lative session; and Whereas, UNS faculty are ranked as low as forty-fourth in terms of salary out of the 50 states; and Whereas, the current student/faculty ratios are above desirable learn-ing levels; and Whereas, without adequate faculty salaries, the ratios will continue to degenerate; and Whereas, the students of the University of Nevada System recognize and affirm the concept of academic growth, but acknowledge the economic realities in providing proper remuneration for instructors; and Whereas, the 1985 Governor's Budget, recognizing the necessity of ade-quate compensation, calls for an eleven percent (11%) salary in-crease in the first year of the biennium retroactive to January 1, 1985 and a four percent (4%) salary increase in the second year of the biennium; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the students of the University of Nevada System, re-presented in the Senates of CSUN and ASUN, being committed to the ideal of academic excellence, jointly endorse the faculty salary increases called for in the Governors 1985-1987 Budget. CSUN: Adopted 20 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining on 2/21/85. ASUN: Adopted 17 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining on 2/20/85.