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D r i lli n g w e ll, Las Vegas bpr l a g s . | . Mr. E. C alvin , V ic e -P re sid e n t, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear S i r : ILI I hand you herewith A. F. ing th© expenditure o f $13,037,00, Los A n geles, August 15, 1 9 2 3 . 'l l m n o h a rge a bl. to C a p ita ! Account, to put down a a n t e s ! ,, • e l l naan the s p rin g , at Las Vegas fo r the to m supply. This is recommended by Dr. Barr i„ his le t t e r to you of July 14th. I v is it e d the sp rin gs la s t seek, accompanied by Messrs. M aguire, Bracken and others and t « Uk!ier8> a a<* this seems to be the beet so lu tio n of the matter. *hat are known a s the -B ig S p rin gs- are . e l l protected. They are confined w ithin a email a re a , are covered but in themselves a re not s u ffic ie n t to supply the town. This supply is augmented by what we c a l l the - L i t t le S p rin ge-. These sever a very con sid erable a re a , and while we are using gvery © ffo r t to keso thpm f * ACI ^ ep them fr e e from contamination, would be impracticable to box them over:> aati llee aa ss tt the *expense would be p ro h ib it iv e . The plan is to d iv e rt th . small sp rin gs to the creek and d r i l l the a rte s ia n w e ll below the upper springe Which we f e e l would give us plenty o f water fo r the town and r a ilr o a d purposes fo r a long time to come. I am having p e rio d ic a l teste made o f ^ h e L a . vBgaa water supply, ana the la s t an aly eie »ae v «r*!g »o ,t. T h g js t a f f djfeS