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I agree.Telephone: EXbrook 7-2287 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA October 20th, 1965 Mr, Ron Erickson Advertising and Promotion Department Sands Hotel Highway #91 Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Ro n: Just a note to advise you that I attended the Cocktail, party at the St, Francis Hotel on Friday, it really was a big success and I am sorry that you were unable to attend. The film that they showed on Las Vegas was good and I think it will be a big help to us all here is San Francisco, I I would appreciate it if you would send me five pictures which were taken of the Builders Exchange group, Thef group of six with me included is the one I would like to have. Also I would like two prints of the one of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Orr, I have already had several calls on these and would appreciate them as soon as you can send them. Look forward to seeing you soon. Kindest personal regards. TG/Xb Sincerely* TOM GERUN SUITE 304 ?╟≤ 212 STOCKTON STREET ?╟≤ SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94108