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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 2007



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    - 0NGREGAT10N AJER A Special Place To Belong December 2007 \)ol. 21 No. 12 KisleO-Te^et 5768 Annual Chanukah Family Dinner Friday, December 7 Begins at 6:15 pm Irv?s Farewell Details page 5 Menorah Lighting At The District Details page 8 Join usforourFIRST Chanukah dinnerin our new building! We'll light the fourth candle together and then enjoy a delicious traditional Chanukah meal, including brisket and potato latkes, with family and friends. Temple Members $20 Non-Temple Members $25 Children 5-12 $15 Children 5-12 $15 Children 4 & under n/c Children 4 & under n/c World AIDS Day Details page 12 European Trip Information Details page 20 Mensch Pictures Details page 23 0 Check out our NEW Website! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG RSVP by November 30th. Your payment is your reservation. As always, cash, check or credit card is accepted. We'll do our best to accommodate dietary needs, if requested. First Night of Chanukah is Tuesday, December 4! Make Plans To Attend... Congregant of tke Year Service Friday, January 11 @ 7:30 pm Honoring Fern Percheski Watch For More Details!From the Bottom of My Heart, ThankYou!!! Marla Letizia When I began as president of CNT one of the things I used to dislike the most was the writing of the monthly article. But, overtime, throughout the many months, I began to embrace the opportunity to express myself to the congregation and to acknowledge certain people, places and things that contributed to our enormous daily operations and made a difference to either me personally and/or the synagogue as a whole. Yet, it remains a true statement, that the one thing I will not miss when my term ends is writing for the bulletin. However, I will miss EVERYTHING else. At the end of this month my term at CNT as president comes to an end. This experience has without a doubt been one of the most wonderful, rewarding experiences of my life and I have so many people that I would like to thank. On Friday, December 7th, my husband and I are sponsoring the Oneg as a way of honoring all of you for enriching my life so. There are so many I would like to thank who have reached out to make the last 18 months so successful. I want to invite all of our board members, and all of our congregants to join us this night so I may acknowledge all of you for the dedication you have given to CNT and for the many ways you have each touched my life. This night will also serve as a wonderful opportunity for everyone to welcome Harry Sax as your new president of CNT and to honor the hard work that he has already put in as incoming president this year. I look forward to seeing all of you. Hanukkah Service Featuring The Shabbatones Friday. December 7 Following the Hanukkah Dinner Community-Wide Menorah Lighting at The District Sunday, December 9 Details on page 8 2007-08 Temple Board President - Marla Letizia VP Administration - Harry Sax A ^ VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon ghsolomon@ghscl Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Barry Lewisohn Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus Lewis Daryl Alterwitz lllisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Brett Primack Jacky Rosen Amy Christensen Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. DavidWasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollij^^ Hon. Michael Che!^^ Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGBringing Light to the Darkness. Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein The winter not only brings on a physical darkness, but also sometimes reminds us of the etaphorical darkness in which we may live. It is during this physical darkness of the winter months That we celebrate Chanukah, our Festival of Lights. This year Chanukah begins at sundown on Tuesday, December4th. For each of Chanukah's eight nights, we can focus on how shedding light on the world's difficulties can end the metaphorical darkness in our world. To further this goal, this year, we will be sending out Chanukah kavannot ("intentions") each day to be read as you light your menorah ... please take a few extra minutes to discuss the issues raised in them with your family in order to shine a little light on the darkness in today's world... and consider the poem below as we search for meaning in our lives during our Festival of Lights. The Light to Ignite the World ... by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein The spark of divinity exists within each of us. The secret is to find that spark, that flash, that burning ember, and nurture it so that it becomes a flame. As a community, we need to feed each ember with knowledge and passion and wisdom and desire and love and caring and kindness and an a The difficulty is in figuring out what the fuel for the fire in each of us is... What keeps the flame burning when the days are long and when the days are hard and when the days start to drift into one another and when the days and weeks are marked without fanfare and without change and without motivation and without... But perhaps... is the search itself the fuel for the fire hidden deep within us? Does the search itself become the fuel for that spark of divinity, that spark which can become an ember than can ignite our entire world? Remember, a candle's flame is not diminished when it lights another candle. How are you feeding your spark? How are you igniting the world? December 2007 3 Just a Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist I want to thank everyone who was at the sold-out Cantorial Concert that was here^^ , CNT on November 11. Over 850 of you were in attendance! It was a wonderful event and fffijl A\J) I want to thank all of those who worked so hard to make this happen; our wonderful office ' Ml HfiliMV; staff, Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Nate Lam and the AJR staff and students. I'd like to recognize our own wonderful Lillian Kollar for her outstanding accompaniment. You are the best! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed hosting and singing in the concert. I look forward to next year. You can find pictures from the concert on page 23 of this bulletin. On Saturday, December 1st, we are hosting "World AIDS Day"candlelight vigil. Our Adult Choir and I will sing, along with choirs and singers from other faiths. It starts at 7:00 p.m. in our Sanctuary. Friday, December 7th we'll have our Shabbatone Hanukkah service. Our youth choir will sing Hanukkah songs and the Shabbatones will leave you with the glow of Hanukkah. One of the best known symbols of Chanukah is the Dreidel. A dreidel is a four sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side. The four letters are shin, hey, gimel and nun. These letters stand for "A Great Miracle Happened There". In Israel, the dreidel is a bit different in that the letters mean "A Great Miracle Happened Here". B'shalom, Philip 4 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Quick Notes From Nancy Nancy Weinberger dditional ways that you can support CNT financially: 1. King David Memorial Garden: We have opened and dedicated our King David Memorial Garden. We have opportunities for you to recognize and remember your loved ones with either a Row of Remembrance or individual Memorial spaces. | 2. Our Board of Trustees will be voting on and approving our 2008 Annual Budget. Look for your 2008 Statement in the middle of December in the mail regarding your Annual Commitment and Building Fund Assessment. 3. We have come up with a new Annual Commitment schedule for our wonderful and generous Menorah Level Donors who allow us to continue our policy of "not allowing financial situations for anyone to stop them from joining and belonging to CNT". Detailed list on page 13. 4. For those who want to take advantage of tax benefits, you may want to consider making your 2008 payment in 2007 (see your tax advisor for specific benefits). 5. If you are 70 Vi or older, you may want to consider making a donation to CNT from your IRA account, with no tax penalty - again, see you tax advisor for specific benefits. 6. Please consider having Congregation NerTamid as part of your long-term financial planning. There are wonderful tax-saving opportunities to have CNT in your will that would benefit yourself, your family and the temple. 7. We still have some Naming Opportunities left for those who would like to make a donation to our New Campus Campaign and have a building, room, area, bench or other opportunity named after you or your family. 8. As always, we have other opportunities for congregants or friends of CNT to make donations to specific funds (campership, Religious School, Pre-school, Family Promise, Social Action, Ritual, Membership, Operations, Rabbi or Cantorial Soloist Discretionary Funds, just to name a few) to make a difference in another family's life who might not be able to afford the activities they would like to be able to participate in for themselves or their children. 9. For our newest members, we want you to know that in January, we will be mailing out Donor Statements which will reflect all of your payments made in 2007 to CNT. These statements can be used by your tax advisor for your 2007 taxes. Contact Nancy Weinberger at 733-6292 ext. 201 for additional information or details. Dear Congregants & Friends, I have been with the Congregation for almost 6 years now, starting in March 2002. During that time we, as a team, have gone through several moves and major transitions together. We have moved from Emerson into temporary offices for 15 months, and then built and moved into our beautiful new facility here in Henderson. We have grown our membership from a low point of565 members to our current membership number of over 680family units and are continuing to grow, a wonderful accomplishment for all of us, for it truly is a team effort - it does ?take an entire village While it is with many mixed feelings, I now find that it is time for me to move on to new challenges and opportunities. To that point, I have resigned as Executive Director at Congregation NerTamid, which was effective November 15,2007. I will continue to be of service any way the temple can utilize my skills and expertise while I begin my new journey. I want to thank everyone for your constant encouragement and support. I have no doubt that CNT will continue to grow and provide the programs and activities that our community needs, as well as demands, and I know that CNT is the temple to do this successfully. I wish everyone much Health, Happiness and Success, and I look forward to seeing you around at Congregation NerTamid, for you have Jrecome my family. Best to you all, and as always, to be continued... IrvDuchowny December 2 0 0 7 5 Dir. of Early Childhood Education Lonnie Kritzler It is hard to believe that it is December already! The first three months of our new preschojj program have flown by. The children are growing by leaps and bounds physically, emotional? and educationally. Everyday there is something brand new to observe and kvell about. November was filled with Pilgrims, Native Americans, and turkeys. OurThanksgiving unit culminated with an all-school feast where each class prepared a Thanksgiving dish to share with the other classes. Not only was food shared, but also thoughts of thankfulness. Now the children are preparing for their most favorite holiday, Chanukah. The school is decorated appropriately, exciting children for these fun-filled 8 days. Along with learning the Chanukah story, the children are making chcmukiyot, playing the dreidel game, preparing latkes and sufganiyot, and making special gifts to give to their parents. We are also planning a special Tot Shabbat on Friday, December 7 for all families with preschool aged children. We would love for you to join us at 6:00 p.m. for this hands-on evening celebrating Chanukah and Shabbat. For more information, just give me a call at 632-2250 or e-mail me at Holiday Education for Parents/Grandparents of Pre-schoolers Thursday, January 10 - Shabbat Lonnie Kritzler will be offering a course focusing on fun and creative ways to celebrate Shabbat in your home. Classes are appropriate for Jewish/Non-Jewish parents & grandparents and will focus on practical and innovative ways to do ?hands-on? Judaism and create meaningful Jewish memories for even the littlest Jews! Don?t Miss It! NTTY HANNUKAH PARTY! Come CHILL with NTTY for our FIRST ANNUAL HANNUKAH PARTY Special Chanukah Service & Craft December 7 6:00 pm in the Beit Tefillah NOTE: Earlier Time WHEN? December 15th - 6:30-8:30pm WHERE? THE NTTY YOUTH LOUNGE BRING? A $10 gift for exchange AND your favorite festive treat! Open to toddlers ages 2 to 5 yrs old RSVP BY December 10th Stephanie Watman at PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND or Led by Lonnie Kritzler, Craig Rosen, Ellen Cropp & Heather Linefsky Sponsored by Sisterhood Jolie Brislin at Joliebrislin@yahoo.con| Hope to see you there! 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Allie Hanlon December 8,2007 My name is Allie Hanlon. I am in the seventh grade at Sig Rogich Middle School. I am a level 6 gymnast and compete for Desert Gymcats. I also enjoy playing the piano, dance, listening to music and most of all hanging out with my friends. I am looking forward to celebrating my Bat-Mitzvah with my family and friends. YOUTH GROUPS NTTY (9-12th grade) Led by Jolie Brislin Dec 15 - NTTY Hanukkah Party TNT (6-8th grade) Led by Pam Poster Dec 9 - Mini Golf Event ITTY BTTY NTTY (3-5th grade) Led by Becca Phillips and llene Scharf. ^Dec 1 - IBN Parents Night Out & Food Drive For additional information on our Youth Programs please see the Temple website or contact one of our youth advisors. Time To Schedule 2009 B'nai Mitzvahs! We will be beginning to schedule Bar/Bat Mitzvahs for the calendar year 2009. Letters will be mailed toward the end of December. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah in 2009, and have not received a packet by the end of December, PLEASE call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292, ext ^08. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates, please e-mail Rabbi Akselrad at Director of Lifelong Learning Craig Rosen In the darkest time of the year, we look to our "brightest" holiday for some new learning. The word Hanukkah actually means dedication. It was named when we re-dedicated the Temple after its desecration. Under the Syrian King Antiochus in 167 BCE, Jews were forced to accept the Greek culture and were not allowed to practice Judaism. Greek statues were erected in theTemple and Antiochus claimed victory for he thought he defeated the Jewish God. It so happened that in a small town called Modi'in near Jerusalem the Syrian army came in and began to publicly make the Jews demonstrate their loyalty to Antiochus. A man named Mattathias and his 5 sons refused to bow to the Syrian army and a 3 year war began. After Mattathias died in battle, his son Judah Maccabee rose to take his place. This small group of men held of the Syrian army and eventually defeated them reclaiming Jerusalem and re-dedicating the Temple. When we regained our Temple, the Jews lit the "ner tamid" the eternal light and although there was only enough oil left for one night, miraculously it lasted for 8 nights. Like the Macabees there are many here in ourTemple who dedicate themselves to making our Synagogue shine. I'm talking about those who volunteer and give of their time. The list is endless as to how many people contribute their precious time to our vast amount of programming here. One of our brightest lights in the School building is Lorelei Wojnicz. She is the Shamas of our Hanukkiah for she is there daily to make sure that the school is supported and she sheds a bright light to all who she meets. She has truly dedicated herself to making our schools run smoothly and for that I give much thanks! I encourage you to use your light and rededicate yourself to our school and our synagogue. There are always ways that you can volunteer and make a big difference! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER (a printable R/S Calendar is available on the Website) Dec 2 6th Grade Family Ed Day - V'Ahavta Dec 4 Teen Tuesday/Pre-Confirmation/Gesher/Hanukkah Dec 9 5th Grade Family Ed Day - Bar/Bat Mitzvah Dec 11 Hebrew school is in session! Dec 11 No Teen Tuesday Dec 18 TeenTuesday/Pre-Confirmation/Gesher Dec 23-Jan 6 Winter Break - No school December 2 0 0 7 7 Hometown Heroes! In October, our Pre-school had a visit from the Henderson Fire Dept. The firefighters were wonderful with the children & the children were ecstatic! YOU Can Make A Difference Volunteer Opportunities Do you have a special skill? Do you have some extra time on you schedule? Put your life experience to work with CNT. Whether you like ongoing committee work, prefer to work on short projects or in the office, we have a place for you! Call Temple Office 733-6292 x212 Sponsored in Part by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage of Green Valley Joshua Oleesky (702M23-5933 Join the Henderson Jewish Community for CUav%ukaU / Jv \V\\W?vs L* ? for /'MMgyyy-* g at Green Valley Ranch Hotel Sunday, f \ December 9,2007 1V \Mr. JL\J (6th night of Chanukah) I f, ~ JL J 4:00 pm BE WITNESS TO A SPECTACULAR CHANUKAH EVENT AS WE ONCE AGAIN KINDLE THE MENORAH IN THE DISTRICT AT GREEN VALLEY RANCH ? Delectable jelkj donut* ? Music and much more For more information please call 617-0770 Sponsored by Chabad of Green Valley, Congregation NerTamid and Midbar Kodesh Temple Chavurot Now Forming! CNT invites you to join a chavurah where you can share wonderful Jewish experiences and connect with other members who have children, are empty nesters or have similar interests to yours. Join a chavurah today and get ready to meet your Temple "family"! Chavurah membership is open to all CNT members. We have a number of Chavurot already in existence, and our Chavurah Coordinators would be delighted to match you with one or create a new group for you to join. Registration forms available at www.lvnertamid.o? Questions? Contact Temple Office 733-6292 - x212 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Adult Education 'Ity Friday Afternoon "Beginning Talmud" Study ^Eriday, December 7 W2 noon -1:15pm Bring a brown bag lunch and study Talmud with Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein. Have you ever wondered if you could study Talmud? We will begin at the beginning, so no prior Talmud study or Hebrew knowledge are required. Please RSVP, but if you forget, come anyway! "Afternoon Tea and Modern Hebrew Poetry" Saturday, Dec. 8 - 2:00 - 3:30 pm Each Saturday afternoon of this series, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein, will lead the class in looking at different Israeli poets and their works, learning about their backgrounds to see what inspired them. This session will be discussing Yona Wallach and Yehuda Amichai. All necessary handouts will be provided for each session. This course is free and open to everyone. Tasty goodies and Kosher Israeli tea provided. No Hebrew reading or poetry expertise is required... just a willingness to open your mind to these creative works! Please RSVP for any or all sessions so we are prepared. The Jewish Bible in Less Than 90 Minutes Sunday, December 9 ~ 9:30 am Jewish education, the Jewish Scriptures are comprised of three sections: Torah, Nevi'im (the Prophets), and Ketuvim (the Writings). If you are not familiar with our people's sacred story, this is the perfect class to help you understand the textual basis for our religion (and how it differs from other religious traditions)... in less than 90 minutes! This class is free and open to everyone. Taught by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein. RSVP to the Temple office no later than December 6 to ensure that we have enough materials. Second Mondays Are BACK! Monday, December 10 - 7:00-9:00 pm The first hour, led by Fred Peters, will focus on different aspects and time periods of Jewish history in a series called, "A Year-Long Course in Jewish Civilizations." This month, the first hour will discuss First Commonwealth: 1,200 to 586 BCE (before common era). The second hour, led by Al Esbin, will be a continuation of The Educated Jew, discussing great Jewish figures, theology and philosophy. This course is FREE and open to everyone. Please RSVP to temple office so we are prepared. Jewish Views on Death & Dying Saturday, January 26 ~ 12:30 pm ^Lhat happens to us when we die? What happens to our souls? How do we treat the bodies of our loved ^ffies? Why do we say the prayers we say when someone dies? Join Rabbi Akselrad for an enlightening Shabbat afternoon program discussing Jewish rituals and beliefs regarding our time beyond this life on earth. RSVP by Wednesday, January 23 so we have enough materials. This class is FREE and open to everyone. December 2007 9 Day Spa For The Soul Saturday, January 12 ~ 2:00 pm Join us for an afternoon of reflection and creativity designed to relax the mind, bod)^ and spirit. Learn about Jewish meditation; study Jewish texts on the subject of healing and spirituality; experience the gentle movement of Tai Chi; express your creative side by creating a healing square for the healing quilts used during healing services; mini?workshop on identifying and caring for one?s spiritual needs. Program ends with a beautiful Havdallah ceremony. One-Stop Shopping For All Your Holiday Needs! morahs - Candles - Decorations RSVP by Wednesday, January 9 so we can prepare materials for you. Free and open to both men and women. Led by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein, Chesed Committee Chair Fern Percheski and Sheryl Chenin-Webb. CNT Sisterhood iaic Shop Israel & Dreidels Store Hours Sunday?s - XO:OOam to 12:30pm (During Religious School) Tuesday?s - 6:00pm to 8:00pm Friday?s - 6:30pm to 7:15pm - Other Days By Appointment - Contact Sandy Stoiberg at 228-6863 SHARE AHANUKKAH f TRADITION AT SCHOOL Our Jewish students in public school often feel left out during the winter holidays because there is so much focus on Christmas. If you would like help planning a classroom presentation on Hanukkah please let Craig Rosen know. We also have a limited number of free dreidels that you can request for your child's public school Hanukkah celebrations. Send an email request with your name, child's name and how many dreidels you need to crosen@lvnertamid.ora. If you would like to invite him into your child's public school classroom for a Hanukkah presentation (with the teacher & school principal's approval), please contact Craig so he can s some time aside. The first night Hanukkah is Tuesday December 4! I 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Save The Date Scholar-ln-Residence Weekend FEBRUARY 8-10 Rabbi Karyn Kedar Made possible by a gift from Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Foundation Watch For Details! You Had Me At Shalom Singles OVER 45 Study Group Saturday, December 8 - 8:00-9:00 pm This 'Saturday night alternative' is sure to offer an interesting opportunity to explore the topic of Meeting at the JDate Well... Jewish Views on Meeting Your Beshert. Join us for Havdallah, Kosher wine, cheese and tasty desserts with your peers. This event is free and open to everyone over age 45. We ask that all participants be respectful of the age limitation for this event, so all participants feel comfortable. You must RSVP to temple office so we are prepared. Just For Seniors: Sunday Afternoon at the Jewish Movies ^unday, January 13 - 2:00-5:00 pm Just for Seniors, the next movie in this series is Gentleman's Agreement, winner of three Oscars. In this film, a reporter (Gregory Peck) pretends to be Jewish in order to cover a story on anti-Semitism, and personally discovers the true depths of bigotry and hatred. CNT will have popcorn and lemonade so please RSVP by January 8. Free and open to all seniors in the community. Think Spring! Think Passover! Barton?s Is Coming! Help Support the Religious School! Watch For Passover Candy Sale! COMING IN JANUARY! In anticipation of occupying our new home, the Board of Trustees instituted an annual maintenance fee of $200 per family or $100 for singles. It will be phased in over several years and only those members who have completed their building assessment will see this charge on their 2008 billing statement. If you have any questions or concerns with this additional fee please contact Nancy Weinberger. December 2 0 0 7 11 In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King\ "I Have A Dream" From a Jewish Perspective Saturday, January 19 at 1 pm Jews have always felt a connection for those who were persecuted or treated unfairly. We have shown this connection by marching with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28,1963, the day of his famous"! Have a Dream" speech, as well as many other times in support of the rights of the underprivileged. Using Talmudic-style study, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein will examine the common themes between the dream MLK, Jr. wished for and the world we as Reform Jews seek to create here on earth. Join us for this fascinating discussion which will connect Jewish texts to those of other faith traditions. This program is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP no later than January 17. 7\m To Onmn Kcw M*K?0 NGC*R?S Sisterhood will once again be taking orders for Mahjong cards. Small Card - $6.50 Large Card - $7.50 Mail checks, payable to CNTSisterhood, to Sandy Stolberg, 1904 Plantea Ct., Las Vegas, 89117. Deadline for orders is February 7,2008. 1 9th Annual World Aids Day ^ Inter-Faith Candlelight Vigil Saturday, December 1ST at 7:00 pm CNT is proud to host this years World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil and Service, sponsored by the AIDS Interfaith Ministries. There'll be drama, five choirs (including our own Adult Choir), speakers of all faiths, singers and musical groups of all faiths, and a new AIDS Litany. There will also be panels from the AIDS Living Quilt on display. Most people know someone who has been touched by AIDS, whether directly or indirectly. Join us as we honor those who have died and those who are living with it. Come show your support. Everyone is welcome and refreshments to follow. For0l further information contact the temple at 733-6292, or 369-8700 x240, or 245-5252 . 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG PLATINUM MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $7,500 WILL RECEIVE: RESERVED HIGH HOLIDAY SEATING HIGH HOLIDAY RESERVED PARKING FOUR EXTRA HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS ANNUAL APPRECIATION RECEPTION 4 TICKETS ON REQUEST FOR ALL TEMPLE EVENTS RECOGNITION IN TEMPLE BULLETIN COMMEMORATIVE MENORAH WITH ADDITIONAL CANDLE FOR EACH YEAR OF CONTINUED PARTICIPATION NO FEES FOR ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS NO FEES FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, BAR/BAT MITZVAH OR CONFIRMATION 18 TRIBUTES PER YEAR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST KEEPER OF THE FLAME MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $5,500 WILL RECEIVE: HIGH HOLIDAY RESERVED PARKING FOUR EXTRA HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS ANNUAL APPRECIATION RECEPTION 2 TICKETS ON REQUEST FOR ALL TEMPLE EVENTS RECOGNITION IN TEMPLE BULLETIN COMMEMORATIVE MENORAH WITH ADDITIONAL CANDLE FOR EACH YEAR OF CONTINUED PARTICIPATION NO FEES FOR ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS NO FEES FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 12 TRIBUTES PER YEAR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST GOLDEN MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $4,000 WILL RECEIVE: TWO EXTRA HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS ANNUAL APPRECIATION RECEPTION 2 TICKETS ON REQUEST FOR ALL TEMPLE EVENTS RECOGNITION IN TEMPLE BULLETIN COMMEMORATIVE MENORAH WITH ADDITIONAL CANDLE FOR EACH YEAR OF CONTINUED PARTICIPATION NO FEES FOR ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS NO FEES FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 12 TRIBUTES PER YEAR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST SILVER MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $2,800 WILL RECEIVE: TWO EXTRA HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS ANNUAL APPRECIATION RECEPTION RECOGNITION IN TEMPLE BULLETIN COMMEMORATIVE MENORAH WITH ADDITIONAL CANDLE FOR EACH YEAR OF CONTINUED PARTICIPATION NO FEES FOR ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS 12 TRIBUTES PER YEAR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST SUSTAINING MEMBERS SENIORS OVER THE AGE OF 70 MAKING ANNUAL PLEDGES OVER $766 (SINGLE SENIORS, OVER $551) RECOGNITION IN TEMPLE BULLETIN COMMEMORATIVE CONGREGATION NERTAMID PIN FOR PARTICIPATION December 2007 13 Mazel Tov to Stephanie & Paul Finkelstein on the marriage of their son, Justin to Lan Ming on October 6. The happy couple met in Queens, NY where they live. Mazel Tov to Arlene & Allan Kagan on the engagement of their daughter Adine to Jim Morman. They are all so happy! Mazel Tov to Erika & Gregg Solomon on the birth of their first child, Sarah Rosalie, born October 18. Sarah weighed 7 pounds and was 19 V2 inches long. Mazel Tov to Corina Torchin for being invited to join student leaders from across the nation in Washington, D.C. for the AIPAC Schusterman High School Summit's top-level political activism training. The 3-day Summit culminates with a day on Capitol Hill, where participants lobby their members of Congress. Congratulations, Corina! Mazel Tov to Lori Frankl who became engaged on November 9 to Scott Greenspan. Happy parents are Fernande Chenin and Ellen & Frank Greenspan. UPCOMING PROGRAMS - SAVE THE DATE Sunday, January 13 In honor of Israel's 60th Birthday, our community will be participating in a JNF sponsored event at the Springs Preserve. The Walk for Water campaign will be a family day celebrated around the holiday of Tu B'Shevat (The new year for the trees). Various organizations will participate by planting a tree at their facility and then later in the afternoon join together for a special fund-raising walk. More information is to follow, but please save the date for this community wide event. Sunday, January 27 The Las Vegas community is pleased to welcome the Israeli Girls Gymnastics Team to our city. They will be visiting us for 11 days and will be performing at various gymnastics clubs around the city. We're fortunate to welcome them to our synagogue for a special performance. Please check next month's bulletin and the Temple website for the exact time. We're still looking for host families. If you are able to host a few of the girls (or their coaches) please contact Craig Rosen. Sunday, January 27 Camp Fair 2008 - plan on coming to meet some of the camp Directors from our resident Jewish summer camps. We welcome representatives from Camp Newman, Wilshire Blvd.Temple Camps, Camp JCA Shalom, Camp Pearlstein, Camp Mountain Chai, and our local Jewish day camps. Watch the bulletin next month for exact times for the camp fair. Sunday, January 27 Annual Jewish Film Festival - Location and Time to be announced - Watch for more details! Hot Topics with Rabbi Akselrad a Big Success! The next Hot Topic discussion will be on December 3rd at Noon, at the Temple, i Bring a bag lunch and be prepared for an hour of lively discussion and Jewish learning on a timely but controversial topic of today. 14 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG December 2007 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am IBN Parent's Night Out 5:00 pm World Aids Day Service 7:00 pm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R/S 9:15 am 6th Gr. Family Ed Day Jr. Choir 12:20 pm Hot Topics w/Rabbi Noon Beg. Hebrew 6:30 pm Conversion 6:30pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher 6:15 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm J?1 Gamblers Anon 10:00 am J?2 AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6 pm Torah Trope 7:30pm A Beg. Talmud Study Noon Tot Shabbat 6 pm Hanukkah Dinner 6:15pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30pm A Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Adult Ed 2 pm Hanlon B/M 10am Fiddler On the Roof Singles Over 45 8pm A n rr 9 70 77 72 73 74 75 R/S 9:15 am fekth Gr. Family Ed Day Adult Ed 9:30 am Jr. Choir 12:20 pm TNT Chanukah 1pm Menorah Lighting @ District 4 pm YAC 5pm Conversion 6:30pm Second Mondays 7:00 pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm R/S East 4:30 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm Temple Board Meeting 7:15pm Gamblers Anon 10: