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    v y f i I.R.S. ft 13*75 BOOK 73, PAGE 39 GRANT, BARGAIN, SALS DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH* That GERRY MO CLIME and EVA MAE MG CLURE. hi a wife In consideration of I 10.oo. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey to <3T« h* CLARK and IRIS W. CLARK,, husband and wife as tenants in common all' that:' real property Hto&m in W County of Clark... State of Nevada, bounded and described &Mfm!lm9t That portion of the Northwest Quarter (MW£) of the Southeast Quarter (Sl§) of Section 2?, Township 20 South, Range 61 East, M, B* 1* & M., described as follows: COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the East line of North Mein Street (86 feet wide) with the North line of the Southeast Quarter (SE$) of said Section 27; thence South 27°45’ West along the said East line a distance of 103.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 27°45* West along the said East line a distance of 50*00 feet to a point; thence South 62°15* East a distance of 160.00 feet to a point; thence North 2?°45,East a distance of 50*00 feet to a point; thence North 62015* West a distance of 160*00 feet to the true point of beginning. RESERVING, however, the Easterly twenty (20) feet thereof as an alley and for utility purposes. SUBJECT TGI 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1953* 2* Restrictions, reservations, rights of way and conditions of record. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Witness our hand jg, /&/ Geriv McClure gerry McClure this 22nd ,day and October 1953 IvaM&eMoGTure* tel..Gasper .H.....Ela.tner______Their. Attorney........In f act............... by I C& Sper H. EXstner, their Attorney in fact ESCROW NO.) LV 32005-L RECORDER*S ORB® NO. ) INSTRUMENT NO. WHEN RECORDS) MAIL TO? J. H. CLAM. 519 St* Louie .—-—_Z No. 418262 Recorded at the R-quest of PioneerjTltie..Insuranc1 & Trust Co. Date Novi? 1953'At,IQ:30 A.M. in.. Book of Pee^B Clark County, Nevada. Records, Paul <3. O’Malley, Recorder Fee 12.60 Indexed MC Compared . mr... gk Deputy Recorder’s Note Rider Attached 418262