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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    / ^//<=^3 ^ (/ o - tT ) BOCK 1 EASEMENT STRIP FOUR That certain strip of land Vegas, County of Clark, State NFf of the NEt of Sectlor 20 feet In width In the City oi Nevada, and being portions „ , . , , 33.9 SE-fr SE^ Section 28, the Si and the N//- Section 34, all in T. 20 S„, R. 6 'in, said 20 f l : angles on t Les on the no oo„ wide strip of land lying 5 feet raeas-he southerly side and 15 feet, measured rtherly side of the following described . Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Main Street, distant thereon S, 27® 4-5' w„ i6„2 feet ' westerly prolongation of the center line of Ogden Avenue (formerly Ogden Street) as said streets are shown on map of Clark's Las Vegas Townsite,record-thenSeBN° m62 ® +-?288 ?6Wwo3 7f6i8ft9Q °5 feet; retchoerndcse oSf0 8sa5i° d 55C1o un5t6y"; ^hf=1f f ^ 1 Tfeet% m°re or less* to an intersection with fcfere+t-,6 XmloSrteS o°r° lfeesest, to a ptohienntc e inS„ a 85® 531n ar3>0ai" iQwi ioP8c eastenly a distance of 7 ,5 feet measured°at ofSsaildd nffeeccttiioon£ r3R3R, thsea id™ epsto inlti neb eionf g sdaiisdt aNnEti So f 4t0h e feNEept-thoer e noorrt hl eslsi,n e meofa susraiedd along said parallel line from NEt NEi said Section 33, -f. T*?e sidf lines of the above described 20 foot strin a?e “ dthe9J ? , ^ O H or shortened bo as to t e » S - Mshaoirnte nS«tar«ei etat,- T h es^aa:rdi ^siidXe 8l?i?ne^s sb?ha™l?l abrey plrionle onogfe dw idorened W m M M f e W I P°lntS* so as to terminate at their l, ® EASEMENT STRIP FTVE of Las Vegas^Countv^f 9 l H B W 9 ln width ln the 01ty toifo nt he2 7N, * of the Nwf of SectiinS|t?ea^d “ ' e ^ h e l S ? lows % all in T, rR>o 61 tE-%, , MoD„^B 0& Mrn,§, described aujs. fooelc-- PARCEL 1 ssttrriipn Iis WdesmcriZbedm as lfaonldl o1w5s gfeet ln width, the center line of which 1 A f