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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    36. 92 CONTINUED: The mists give way to a flashing of vertical and hori- zontal lines, very much like a television set being turned on. Suddenly, a MAN, dressed in the period of the day, materializes, a broken-down coach behind him. A sign hangs from it which reads: 365. MAN Pray thee, hear this, o noble peasants of the kingdom. This magnificent coach is offered this week-end for less than original cost. And knowest why? Because Royal Coach City is making way for the new 1633 models. (steps nearer coach and sign) The magenta book lists this coach for 365 dragmas, but this week-end Royal Coach City is going to giveth it to you for... (turns sign around, it reads: 167) ... only 167 dragmas... with a team of sturdy steeds thrown ini A pair of sway-back horses is led in. 93 MED. SHOT - THE DUKE He lets out a howl and slumps in the chair. The Baron springs up and darts over to him, slaps the Duke?╟╓s wrist to revive him, as he jerks the tubes out of the Duke?╟╓s ears. BARON KOOK Duke... your grace... oh, dear, oh, dear... now he?╟╓ll be out for hours... 94 SHOT - CURTAIN Mamie pokes her head out now, smiling, pleased as punch. CUT TO: 95 EXT. SECTION OF WOODS (GREEN SET) NIGHT A trap door opens and Lucybird and the Princess emerge. (CONTINUED)