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Chat with Chic, March 5, 1985



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    Chat with Chic A Report from Washington March 5, 1985 By U.S. Senator Chic Hecht I'm pleased to note that a resolution AJR 6, is making its way through the Nevada legislature urging Congress to pursue the so-called "High Frontier" concept for national defense from inter-continental missiles. When hearing was held before the Assembly Committee on Govern-ment Affairs, I submitted a statement in support of the resolution, and I knew 1 was in good company in doing so. One of the other strong proponents of the measure was a man I hold in high esteem ? Lieutenant General Daniel Graham, a former deputy director of the CIA and author of "High Frontier", a strategy for national survival. During the 98th congress, I joined with many of my colleagues in sponsoring Senate Resolution 100. This measure expressed a sense of the Senate that President Reagan should expeditiously recommend to Congress the budgetary steps necessary to build space-based defensive weapons systems capable of destroying ballistic missiles. In his now famous speech of March 23, 1983, President Reagan said he was directing a comprehensive and intensive effort to plan a long term research and development program. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate the threat posed by Soviet strategic nuclear ballistic missiles. The stated objective of this bold new concept is to dramatically decrease reliance on offensive nuclear arms as a means of enhancing global security. In all of the debate to date on the President's proposal, many critics overlook the fact that the Soviet Union is upgrading the world's only operational ABM system. Additionally, the Soviets are Page 2, Chat with Chic t pursuing advanced defensive technologies which include directed energy research for high energy lasers. Moreover, the Soviet Union currently has deployed an anti-satellite which now orbits the earth. Arguments that the President is moving toward the first militarization of space are hollow. Nevadans have a long history of providing strong support for our military and the overall defense readiness of our nation with both our natural and human resources. Those who would suggest that we have done enough for our country and seek to diminish this contribution are being extremely short-sighted. Our nation continues to need our participation and active support. Adoption of AJR 6 by the Nevada legislature, in support of the concepts of "High Frontier" technologies will emphasize that Nevada remains committed to the promotion of world peace. And you can be sure Nevada will play a significant role in this worthwhile project. Proposed research projects such as the SP-100 and the Superconducting Super-collider are only two of the many efforts being planned. The Nevada Test Site is the free world's largest laboratory and can be utilized for much of this testing. The communities of Winnemucca, Elko and Wendover all have expressed sincere interest in locating projects such as these in their areas. I continue to be pleased by Nevada's resolve and willingness to contribute to this national security effort. My only concern is that opponents of the "High Frontier" concept will keep this program at the research stage forever. It is vitally important that we aggressively pursue this new concept that moves us from the archaic Mutually Assured Destruction position to that of Mutually Assured Survival.