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I agree.jflk. 1 Omaha - January 11, 1955 199 Mr. 0. F. Bongardt: , (oc - Mr. W. Reinhardt7^ Mr. W. H. Hulslzer) Herewith, for your record and appropriate disposition, are - (1) executed duplicate originals, together with three extra copies, of supplemental agreement between LA&SL-UPRRCos., LVL&WCo. and Las Vegas Valley Water District amending agreement dated June 1, 19531. covering sale of water production and distribution facilities at Las Vegas, Nevada, to provide for granting to the water District of additional easements over two 15-foot strips of land for construction, maintenance and operation of pipe lines at that point, and subsequent relinquishment by the Water District of similar easement granted it under the original agreement! and (2) executed original, approval copy and three extra copies of grant of easement by L4&SL-tTPRROos. to Water District, conveying easements over two strips of land at Las Vegas, as contemplated by the above supplemental agreement. These documents were submitted with Mr. Reinhardt*s letter to me of December 20, 1954, file 1-7334. It is noted that the official seal of the Water District has not been affixed to the duplicate originals of the supplemental agreement. A. E. STODDARD JAN 14 1955 L* C . G*